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How to Get Abs If you have a desire for that tight stomach. This presentation will get you on to the right track. With a proper diet and hydration, these.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Get Abs If you have a desire for that tight stomach. This presentation will get you on to the right track. With a proper diet and hydration, these."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Get Abs If you have a desire for that tight stomach. This presentation will get you on to the right track. With a proper diet and hydration, these steps will provide you with the abs you’ve been looking for. How quickly you start to see results is all up to the work, effort and dedication you give this process. Photo credit to

2 Step One Photo credit to Gather supplies. You will need the following:  Stop watch- (cell phone will work)  A yoga mat or soft surface- (carpet or rug will work but either is desired) *Find an open space* The space needs to be wide enough to extend both arms horizontally. The space needs to be long enough to be able to extend your arms past your head all the way to the tips of your toes.

3 Step Two Photo Credit to Photo credit to Lay the mat down on the ground and proceed to lay on top. Set the stopwatch off to the side so it is out of the way, but still visible Start the stopwatch and begin doing Ab Workout number one. Interpret the exercises as you wish (any combination of ab exercises will do) AB WORKOUT ONE

4 Step Three Photo Credit to deposit photo Do each exercise for 45 seconds  Do not rest in between exercises.  Do the exercise for the entire 45 seconds. (Don’t cheat your self)

5 Step four Photo credit to Once you have completed the 6 exercises, hydrate immediately.  It is important to hydrate immediately to start repairing the muscles you worked during the exercises. *You may experience soreness if you do not do exercises that work the abdomen often.

6 Step Five Photo Credit to You will need to complete steps 1-4 every other day until you start to see results.  Use a variety of exercises each day  Have 3 different workout routines you rotate through

7 Here are some ab routines to choose from:

8 The workouts aren’t the only thing you’ll need Photo credit to Without a proper diet, you will not see the results you’re looking for. Sticking to these healthy foods will help aid in results.

9 How to Get Abs Photo credit to Defined abs are always nice to have. With this how to, you will get on the track for defined abs everyone will be jealous of. Your new defined abs will not show up over night. You may start to see results after a week, but the major changes happens after weeks of following this routine. Without a good diet, you may do the exercises and not see any results. A poor diet off sets all the hard work you put into the exercises. With a proper diet and hydration, these steps will help you get the abs you’ve been looking for.

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