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UNITED NATIONS Population Unit ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Road Maps for Mainstreaming Ageing  Fiona Willis-Núñez.

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Presentation on theme: "UNITED NATIONS Population Unit ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Road Maps for Mainstreaming Ageing  Fiona Willis-Núñez."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNITED NATIONS Population Unit ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Road Maps for Mainstreaming Ageing  Fiona Willis-Núñez Sub-Regional Capacity Development Workshop on Evidence-Based Policy Formulation on Ageing, Chisinau, 27-29 October 2010

2 UNECE 2 Outline 1 Rationale behind the Road Maps Development of UNECE’s mandate for capacity-building in the area of mainstreaming ageing How Road Maps contribute to fulfilling this mandate 2 Overview of the Road Map development process Country selection & involvement Researching & formulating the Road Map Implementation & evaluation.

3 UNECE 3 Road Maps for Mainstreaming Ageing

4 UNECE 4 Outline 1 Rationale behind the Road Maps Development of UNECE’s mandate for capacity-building in the area of mainstreaming ageing How Road Maps contribute to fulfilling this mandate 2 Overview of the Road Map development process Country selection & involvement Researching & formulating the Road Map Implementation & evaluation.


6 6 Second World Assembly on Ageing (April 2002)  MIPAA (Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing)

7 UNECE 7 UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing (September 2002)  RIS Regional Implementation Strategy for the UNECE Region

8 UNECE 8 10 Commitments of the RIS: 1.Mainstream ageing in all policy fields 2.Ensure integration and participation of older persons in society 3.Promote equitable and sustainable economic growth 4.Adjust social protection systems 5.Enable labour markets to respond to population ageing 6.Promote life-long learning 7.Ensure quality of life at all ages and maintain independent living 8.Mainstream a gender approach 9.Support carers and promote intergenerational and intra- generational solidarity 10.Promote implementation & follow-up of the RIS through regional co-operation.

9 UNECE 9 UNECE Working Group on Ageing –First Cycle of the review and appraisal of the Madrid Plan of Action on Ageing (2007-2008) –Working Group of Ageing (WGA) convened December 2008 –Forms basis of current Programme of Work for UNECE Population Unit  Mandate from the WGA to develop national capacity- building activities to assist member states in implementation of MIPAA/RIS. –Principal capacity-building activity= Road Maps for Mainstreaming Ageing

10 UNECE 10 Programme of Work 2009-2010

11 UNECE 11 Commitment 1 of the Regional Implementation Strategy (RIS): “To mainstream ageing in all policy fields with the aim of bringing societies and economies into harmony with demographic change to achieve a society for all ages.”

12 UNECE 12 What is ‘Mainstreaming Ageing?’ “a strategy and a process leading to a greater social integration of older persons and to the inclusion of ageing into all aspects of social, political, economic and cultural life.” Requires that ageing be considered in all policy areas on all levels, not just as a separate stand-alone policy area Should involve all stakeholders, so that the needs of all age groups are considered Participatory approach: should integrate not only governments but also target groups and other stakeholders into policy-making Policy-making should be evidence-based.

13 UNECE 13 Outline 1 Rationale behind the Road Maps Development of UNECE’s mandate for capacity-building in the area of mainstreaming ageing How Road Maps contribute to fulfilling this mandate 2 Overview of the Road Map development process Country selection & involvement Researching & formulating the Road Map Implementation & evaluation.

14 UNECE 14 Road Maps for Mainstreaming Ageing Objectives of the Road Maps: 1.Mainstream Ageing 2.Improve ageing-related policies and programmes 3.Integrate internationally-agreed commitments into national policy framework 4.Capitalise on experience of successful policy examples in other countries 5.Raise awareness of authorities and public.

15 UNECE 15 Road Maps for Mainstreaming Ageing –Specific goals, targets and actions –Feasible within constraints of each country’s economic, political and social circumstances –Taking into account the existing capacities in each country and areas where those capacities may need to be enhanced. Recommen dations § Laws & Programmes § Translate internationally agreed MIPAA/RIS commitments into actions that consider the circumstances of the country

16 UNECE 16 Road Map Road Map: policy areas Integration and participation of older persons Social protection Health Housing and independent living Education Labour market Gender Monitoring and evaluation Involvement of stakeholders Outreach and public awareness-raising Research and data collection Integration into international processes

17 UNECE 17 Road Maps – the approach Break down abstract policy frameworks such as MIPAA/RIS to individual needs of a country Translate internationally-agreed MIPAA/RIS commitments into actions that consider the circumstances of the country Provide a plan of concrete steps  recommendations on policy directions  timetable for action Involve international experts, local consultants, UNECE secretariat.

18 UNECE 18 Outline 1 Rationale behind the Road Maps Development of UNECE’s mandate for capacity-building in the area of mainstreaming ageing How Road Maps contribute to fulfilling this mandate 2 Overview of the Road Map development process Country selection & involvement Researching & formulating the Road Map Implementation & evaluation.

19 UNECE 19 Road Map – criteria for country involvement Countries should be committed to implementing MIPAA/RIS: –Focal point on ageing in place as contact point –National policy framework as reference document –Recognition of need for local capacity building Countries support the preparation of the Road Map: –Appoint a national co-ordinator for the road map –Facilitate access to relevant documents and data in advance –Establish contacts to relevant governmental and non-governmental stakeholders –Provide for translation into local language –Assist in launching the document and dissemination of results Implementing the recommendations made –Willingness to undergo evaluation of implementation after one year.

20 UNECE 20 Outline 1 Rationale behind the Road Maps Development of UNECE’s mandate for capacity-building in the area of mainstreaming ageing How Road Maps contribute to fulfilling this mandate 2 Overview of the Road Map development process Country selection & involvement Researching & formulating the Road Map Implementation & evaluation.

21 UNECE 21 Road Maps – preparation Desk Study: analyse the country’s ageing situation based on available publications, documents and data Field Study: verify the findings of the desk study and identify additional factors; interviews with government officials and other stakeholders Road Map: document drafted by UNECE and additional experts, providing guidance for future steps; review by local experts and a discussion in the UNECE Working Group on Ageing; launch and press release.

22 UNECE 22 Outline 1 Rationale behind the Road Maps Development of UNECE’s mandate for capacity-building in the area of mainstreaming ageing How Road Maps contribute to fulfilling this mandate 2 Overview of the Road Map development process Country selection & involvement Researching & formulating the Road Map Implementation & evaluation.

23 UNECE 23 Road Maps – Implementation & Evaluation Implementation: government is requested to adjust policy framework and to take necessary steps in response to the recommendations of the Road Map. Involvement throughout drafting process ensures ownership and commitment Evaluation: Efforts made and outcomes achieved in implementing the Road Map are evaluated one year after its launch, based on information provided by the country and information collected during a follow-up mission by international experts.

24 UNECE 24 Flyers (English or Russian)

25 UNECE 25 Thank you! Спасибо! Vă mulţumim! Thank you! Спасибо! Vă mulţumim!

26 UNECE 26 UNECE Population Unit links Population Unit homepage: Policy briefs on ageing: Mainstreaming ageing Gender, equality, work and old age Older persons as consumers Integration and participation of older persons in society Lifelong learning Health promotion and disease prevention Towards community long-term care Advancing intergenerational solidarity.

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