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Tessera ® Think out of the square Flotex ® Engineered for Life Chocflex ® Hi-performance resilient flooring Coral ® & Nuway ® Powerfull clean-off systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Tessera ® Think out of the square Flotex ® Engineered for Life Chocflex ® Hi-performance resilient flooring Coral ® & Nuway ® Powerfull clean-off systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tessera ® Think out of the square Flotex ® Engineered for Life Chocflex ® Hi-performance resilient flooring Coral ® & Nuway ® Powerfull clean-off systems BREEAM

2 “Not all chemicals are bad. e.g. Without hydrogen & oxygen there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer” Dave Barry

3 Tessera ® Think out of the square Flotex ® Engineered for Life Chocflex ® Hi-performance resilient flooring Coral ® & Nuway ® Powerfull clean-off systems AGENDA 1. Who Are BRE / What is BREEAM 2. Rating Calculation Method 3. Building 4. Our Scores 5. BREEAM2 6. New Products 7. BREEAM & LEED 8. Questions

4 Who Are BRE Established 80 years ago Dedicated to all aspects of the built environment Growing focus on improving environmental performance of buildings Building Research Establishment A private enterprise, sponsored by gov’t, in business to make profit through fees

5 Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method What is BREEAM

6 What Is An Environmental Profile? Measurement of the environmental performance of a material, product or system over a set time period (60 years) – Extraction of raw materials & transport (“cradle to grave”) – Production (“gate to gate”) – Transport, installation & end of life (“gate to grave”) Achieved using Life Cycle Assessment Method (LCA) Outcome is 3 rd party Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

7 Simple Example of LCA Thinking Extraction Creation Maintenance Disposal

8 True Or False? “In a typical building the floor covering can have a greater environmental impact than any other material”

9 Tessera ® Think out of the square Flotex ® Engineered for Life Chocflex ® Hi-performance resilient flooring Coral ® & Nuway ® Powerfull clean-off systems How Is The Rating Calculated

10 Derivation of Ecopoints Impacts Weighting Normalised Data ECOPOINTSECOPOINTS

11 Rating – Soft Floor Coverings Ecopoints per m2 0 1.44 2.85 4.25 BREEAM Ratings – Today For the Product

12 Rating – Soft Floor Coverings Ecopoints per m2 0 1.4 2.85 4.25 BREEAM Ratings – Today For the Product A rating versus B A = 1.4 B = 1.5 Difference = 0.1 ecopoints Equates to: 6.5 miles by articulated truck 30 miles urban driving

13 Tessera ® Think out of the square Flotex ® Engineered for Life Chocflex ® Hi-performance resilient flooring Coral ® & Nuway ® Powerfull clean-off systems The Building

14 “Construction materials relate to 10% of the total score available within BREEAM 98 for offices”. BREEAM Building Standards

15 If the Architect is building to BREEAM standards, what Building Rating are they trying to achieve? Pass Good Very Good Excellent BREEAM Building Standards All Schools must be rated as a minimum – Very Good

16 Building Grades – Matrix of Floorcovering Impact GradeSchools Offices – Design Offices Mgmt / Operation Retail Pre- Assessment Retail –Fit Out Retail – Mgmt / Operation Pass25 20354535 Good40 35505550 Very Good 55 50606560 Excellent70 65 7065 Floors0.056 – 50% A 1.152 – 80% A 1 – Cleaning Method- ology 0.830 – Only talks about upper floors 2 – A rated floor finishes 0 – Only talks about upper floors

17 Tessera ® Think out of the square Flotex ® Engineered for Life Chocflex ® Hi-performance resilient flooring Coral ® & Nuway ® Powerfull clean-off systems Our Scores

18 Bonar Ratings Teviot ‘A’ Rated Apex “A” Rated Silica ‘A’ Rated We are currently awaiting results for Tuftiguard. Coral is being audited w/c 11 th August.

19 Bonar Ratings

20 Tessera ® Think out of the square Flotex ® Engineered for Life Chocflex ® Hi-performance resilient flooring Coral ® & Nuway ® Powerfull clean-off systems Changes To BREEAM

21 BREEAM Ratings - June 2008 Ratings – Soft Floorcoverings (June 2008) A+ A B C D E The new scheme will employ the same approach but it will create a larger number of subdivisions The conversion of existing ABC ratings to the new Categories is currently under discussion

22 Be Aware… The BREEAM scheme benchmarks us against our competitors. If they improve & we don’t, our rating will decrease This means we have to adopt continuous improvement

23 Tessera ® Think out of the square Flotex ® Engineered for Life Chocflex ® Hi-performance resilient flooring Coral ® & Nuway ® Powerfull clean-off systems New Products

24 A product must be in production 12 months before it can be assessed by BRE (it is possible to be assessed in a 6 month time frame but the result will not be as accurate) An “aged” product is then assessed in the same way as any other product. This can cause a “chicken and egg situation” – you can’t sell your products until you get a rating and you can’t get a rating until you have at least 12 months worth of production. To date we are still pressing BRE to provide a solution for the industry How Are New Products Assessed

25 Tessera ® Think out of the square Flotex ® Engineered for Life Chocflex ® Hi-performance resilient flooring Coral ® & Nuway ® Powerfull clean-off systems BRE & LEED

26 BREEAM has been viewed as being a UK scheme. They now refer to themselves as BRE Global – which is aimed at attracting a wider market. It is gaining a foothold in Europe. LEED is the USA version of BREEAM. It is expanding from its North American base and is growing in popularity in the Far East. As our awareness increases and the need to make positive grows, schemes such as BREEAM and LEED, will find increasing favour. However from a manufacturers perspective it is important that the number of schems is kept to a minimum

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