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NTHMP MES Action Item Update January 27, 2010 Jenifer Rhoades Tamra Biasco Tom LeBlanc.

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Presentation on theme: "NTHMP MES Action Item Update January 27, 2010 Jenifer Rhoades Tamra Biasco Tom LeBlanc."— Presentation transcript:

1 NTHMP MES Action Item Update January 27, 2010 Jenifer Rhoades Tamra Biasco Tom LeBlanc

2 Overview of Terms of Reference Authority –Considered the primary mechanism for NTHMP partner input to the mitigation and education component of the NTHMP. –The subcommittee’s actions and recommendations will be achieved by consensus, and considered to represent the collective will of those partners.

3 Overview of Terms of Reference Chairpersons –Approved by a majority of the NTHMP Coordinating Committee Tamra Biasco (FEMA) Tom LeBlanc (Texas) Jenifer Rhoades (NOAA) Communications –Meetings of MES held during routine Annual NTHMP Meeting –Meetings of the MES-EC are held once or twice per year as necessary –Additional coordination achieved via email and tele- conferences

4 MES 2009 Action Items from the NTHMP Strategic Plan ActionLeadStatus 1: Establish NTHMP definitions of “mitigation” and “preparedness” RhoadesComplete 2: Define the term “critical facilities”Jonietz- Trissler Complete - Accepted by NTHMP-CC 3: Inventory each NTHMP State and Federal partner mitigation activities (includes non-NTHMP funded activities) RhoadesComplete - Accepted at MES Workshop; Expanded Inventory to be developed in 2010 4: Complete TR program review using external reviewers and provide recommendations MaierComplete - Final MES-EC Review to be conducted by March 2010. 5: Determine number of communities to target nationally for TsunamiReady recognition MaierComplete

5 MES 2009 Action Items (cont.) from the NTHMP Strategic Plan ActionLeadStatus 6: Complete Phase II of Vertical Evacuation Design User’s Guide MahoneyComplete - Posted at NTHMP and FEMA Websites 7: Develop a list of member expertise – Need Bios of Members loaded on NTHMP MES Website (Council only) Will consider other MES Members TurnerComplete 8 Increase the Number of State Tsunami Media Tool KitsMES-ECComplete 1 exists today for the State of Washington, and three are under development for AK, OR, and PR 9: Develop an NTHMP Education PlanMES Co- Chairs Not Complete. Determined in 2009 that this would not be completed without contractual support with Educational System expertise. MES plans to complete this task in 2010. 9: Complete 90% of 2009 MES Strategic Plan Action ItemsMES Co- Chairs 88% of the MES 2009 Strategic Plan Milestones completed.

6 Additional 2009 MES Achievements ActionLeadStatus 1. Develop a survey to address collecting data to establish baselines for % of tsunami-threatened communities which include tsunami response in their hazard mitigation plan, baseline percentages of tsunami-threatened communities which include tsunami in their community planning, zoning and building code deliberations, baseline for existing tsunami evacuation maps GoltzComplete 2: Determine the applicability of economic and loss estimation tools MES-ECComplete Yes. HAZUS applicable; however work needs to be done to develop tsunami-focused module. 3: Integrate tsunami building standards into the International Building Code MahoneyComplete - Draft Code Changes submitted to ICBC 4: Assess TsuInfo (recommendations to improve/usefulnessSchellingComplete - Final Report briefed at MES Meeting yesterday. 5: Determine if Vertical Evacuation structures should be funded by the NTHMP MES-ECComplete: No, they should not be funded. Structures are cost prohibitive and can result in liability issues. MES Recommends this be discussed further by the NTHMP- CC and will brief this out to the NTHMP-CC at the 2010 Annual Meeting.

7 MES 2010 Action Items from the NTHMP Strategic Plan ActionLeadStatus 1. Conduct survey to address collecting data to establish baselines for % of tsunami-threatened communities which include tsunami response in their hazard mitigation plan, baseline percentages of tsunami-threatened communities which include tsunami in their community planning, zoning and building code deliberations, baseline for existing tsunami evacuation maps. Brief results to NTHMP-CC at 2011 NTHMP Annual Meeting MES-ECOpen 2: Publish a "National Tsunami Media Tool-Kit"RhoadesOpen - Will coordinate with NWS PA to coordinate rollout with 5-year or National Awareness Week 2010 3: Increase the Number of Media Tool-KitsMES-ECOpen 4: Complete Phase II of TR Program Improvement PlanMaierOpen 5: Complete an annual review of the TR Target Community List that was established in 2009 with NTHMP Members (1) determine if Military installations should be included and 2) collect population numbers for existing target communities). MaierOpen

8 MES 2010 Action Items (cont.) from the NTHMP Strategic Plan ActionLeadStatus 6: Develop an NTHMP Education Implementation/Strategic PlanBiascoOpen 7: Establish National Tsunami Awareness Week March 22-28, 2010 RhoadesOpen 8: Develop educational guidelinesBiascoOpen - Recommend combining with Action #6 9: Determine baseline percentages of tsunami-threatened critical facilities and communities which include tsunami response in their emergency response plan See Action #1 10: Determine baseline percentages of tsunami-threatened communities which include tsunami response in their hazard mitigation plan See Action #1

9 MES 2010 Action Items (cont.) from the NTHMP Strategic Plan ActionLeadStatus 11: Determine baseline percentages of tsunami-threatened communities which include tsunami in their community planning, zoning and building code deliberations See Action #1 12: Establish guidelines for evacuation mapsTurnerOpen 13: Establish baseline for existing tsunami evacuation mapsSee Action #1 14: Develop an instructor training program and conduct a pilot training program TBDOpen - Recommend combining with Action #6 15: Support the development of an economic and loss estimation tool BiascoOpen - Establish what needs to be included in a loss- estimation tool for tsunami; determine how to leverage multi-agency/state support. Coordinate with MMS

10 MES 2010 Action Items (cont.) from the NTHMP Strategic Pl an ActionLeadStatus 16: Determine next type(s) of structures to pursue building code changes for MahoneyOpen 17: Expand inventory of NTHMP Activities to include additional data points (type of activity, funding source, etc). RhoadesOpen 18: Complete 90% of 2010 MES Strategic Plan Action ItemsMES Co- Chairs In progress

11 Additional 2010 MES Plans ActionSub-TaskLeadStatus 1: Develop and Implement Action Items to Improve TsuInfo Assessment 1.1 MES-EC to Review and Make Recommendations to Improve Report SchellingOpen 2: Draft new mitigation and preparedness definitions for re-authorization of P.L. 109- 424 2.1 Draft new mitigation and preparedness definitions for re- authorization of P.L. 109-424 MES-ECOpen - Recommending this action be pushed up to the NTHMP-CC and the Annual NTHMP Meeting 3.: Integrate tsunami building standards into the International Building Code (Due 2015) 33.2 Coordinate review of Draft Code Change with NTHMP MMS and MES; Encourage NTHMP-CC to speak to their state or local buidling code authorities about this proposed change (Mike will be the POC for questions). Note to the NTHMP-CC: We can comment on the proposed change, but we can not whole new section. However, exemptions can be added. MahoneyOpen (12/22/09) - Distributed to the NTHMP-CC for Review and Comment. Comments to Mahoney by February 5, 2010. 33.3 Submit NTHMP Draft Code Change Comments MahoneyOpen

12 MES 2010 Funding Request Task (Activity) NameNTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Complete MES National Survey; Analyze results and deliver findings in a report 1)Determine baseline percentages of tsunami threatened critical and communities facilities include tsunami response in their emergency response plan (2010) 2)Determine baseline percentages of tsunami-threatened communities that include tsunamis in their hazard mitigation plan (2010) 3)Establish a baseline of existing tsunami evacuation maps (2010) 4)Conduct evaluations to determine the effectiveness of tsunami education products and programs in 10 selected communities (2010) 5)Establish baseline of states and local community conducted educational tsunami events (2010) $100,000.00

13 MES 2010 Funding Request Task (Activity) NameNTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Develop NTHMP Education Plan 1)Develop an NTHMP Education Plan (2010) 2)Develop educational guidelines (2010) 3)Integrate tsunami information into K-12 education through at least one state pilot project (2011) 4)Education tool kits and curricula for educators electronically accessible (2012) 5)Conduct evaluations to determine the effectiveness of tsunami education products and programs in 10 selected communities (2010) 6)Establish baseline of states and local community conducted educational tsunami events (2010) $150,000.00

14 MES 2010 Funding Request Task (Activity) NameNTHMP Performance Metric(s) (from Strategic Plan) Supported Amount of Requested Funds Hold a series of Regional Workshops with NWS WCMs and State Partners to discuss and obtain feedback on the proposed TsunamiReady Guidelines 1) Increase number of recognized TsunamiReady communities from 57 to 105 (2013) $117,000.00 MES Annual Workshop(s)Outcome: Support successful execution of NTHMP tsunami mapping, modeling, and education efforts $45,000

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