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March 3, 2011 Computer Science Mr. Verlin Web Design: Tables (1 of 6)

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1 March 3, 2011 Computer Science Mr. Verlin Web Design: Tables (1 of 6)

2  Pre-class (10 classwork pts.): define the following terms with one sentence each: ◦ Row ◦ Column ◦ Cell Preliminaries: Tables

3  Objectives ◦ Be able to explain how tables can enhnace the structure of a web page. ◦ Be able to create a layout table in Expression Web and populate it with information about future career plans. Focus Lesson: Working with Tables

4  Activity (30 classwork pts.) ◦ Launch Expression Web. ◦ Open your own website. If there’s one already open, close the site. ◦ Bring up the Layout Tables task pane through the Task Panes menu. ◦ Click the “Header, Footer and 3-Columns” button in the Template and Table layouts area of the task pane. ◦ Populate each region of the table with the following:  Header: “{Your Name} Home Page”  Left column: your name, address, city, state and zip (use fake info. If you wish).  Middle column: at least 5 sentences about your future career plans  Right column: at least 3 sentences justifying the presence of your website on the internet  Footer: leave it blank for now. Focus Lesson: Working with Tables

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