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United Nations Reform III System-wide coherence process New York, 19 November 2010 UNITAR Training Course Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support.

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Presentation on theme: "United Nations Reform III System-wide coherence process New York, 19 November 2010 UNITAR Training Course Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Nations Reform III System-wide coherence process New York, 19 November 2010 UNITAR Training Course Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

2 System-wide coherence process A.Key milestones B.Major decisions of GA 64/289 C.Next steps D.Lessons learned Presentation outline Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

3  GA 60 th legislative session  World Summit Outcome invites SG to “launch work to further strengthen the management and coordination of UN operational activities” (Sep.’05)  Kofi Annan appoints High-level Panel on UN system-wide coherence (Feb.’06) A.Key milestones Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

4  GA 61s legislative session  HLP delivers report to SG (Nov.’06)  Ban Ki-moon responds to HLP findings (Apr.’07)  Ambassador Christopher F. Hackett of Barbados and Ambassador Jean-Marc Hoscheit of Luxembourg appointed as co-chairs of informal consultations on SWC - series of informal consultations/briefings (May.-Aug.’07)  GA adopts oral decision to continue SWC consultations in 62 nd session of Assembly (Sep.’07) A.Key milestones Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

5  GA 62 nd legislative session  Ambassador Augustine Mahiga of Tanzania and Ambassador Paul Kavanagh of Ireland appointed as co-chairs of second round of consultations (Jan.’08)  Series of informal consultations/briefings (Feb.- Jun.’08)  Deputy Secretary-General submits paper “Institutional options to strengthen UN work on gender equality and empowerment of women” (Jul.’08) A.Key milestones Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

6  GA 62 nd legislative session (cont.)  GA adopts resolution 62/277 deciding that subsequent SWC consultations will focus on five areas (Sep.’08):  Harmonization of business practices  Funding  Governance  Gender equality and empowerment of women (Focus on composite gender entity)  DaO at country & regional levels A.Key milestones Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

7  GA 63rd legislative session  Ambassador Kaire Munionganda of Namibia and Ambassador Juan Antonio Yanez- Barnuevo of Spain appointed as co-chairs of third round of consultations (Feb.’09)  Series of informal consultations/briefings - Secretariat submits background documents on composite gender entity, governance and funding (Mar.-May’09) A.Key milestones Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

8  GA 63rd legislative session (cont.)  Co-chairs issue summaries of state of consultations in three key areas: (a) composite gender entity, (b) governance and (c) funding (Jun.’09)  Co-chairs conduct informal consultations with regional groups and Member States (Jun.- Sep.’09)  GA adopts resolution 63/311 proposed by co- chairs following informal consultations (Sep.’09) A.Key milestones Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

9  GA 63 rd legislative session (cont.) GA resolution 63/311 provides framework for final round of consultations in 64 th session of GA Important additions - SG requested to:  Propose modalities for establishment of independent system-wide evaluation mechanism  Create central repository of information on operational activities for development building on annual funding report of SG  Make urgent arrangements for independent evaluation of “delivering-as-one” pilots A.Key milestones Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

10  GA 64 th legislative session  Ambassador Tiina Intelmann of Estonia and Ambassador Ghazi Jomaa of Tunisia appointed as co-chairs of fourth round of consultations (Nov.’09)  SG submits two reports: (a) composite gender entity and (b) all other areas (informal note on funding followed in March) (Dec.’09- Jan.’10)  SWC consultations resume in five clusters (Feb.’10) A.Key milestones Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

11  GA 64 th legislative session (cont.)  Intensive substantive dialogue through informal interactive sessions and WGs on governance and funding (Feb.-Apr.’10)  Co-chairs circulate draft elements for resolution to facilitate formal negotiations (Apr.’10)  Intensive intergovernmental negotiations on draft resolution (Apr.-Jun.’10)  GA adopts SWC resolution (2 July 2010) A.Key milestones Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

12  Establish UN-Women Merging DAW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM  Launch process in EBs of funds and programmes to define “critical mass” of core funding  Establish coordination meetings of bureaus President and bureau of ECOSOC to convene informal coordination meetings with bureaus of funds and programmes B.Major decisions of GA 64/289 Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

13  Conduct independent evaluation of lessons learned from “delivering-as-one” pilots SG to proceed with evaluation and independent Evaluation Management Group to submit report to GA at its 66 th session  Establish Joint Meeting of Boards as forum for informal discussion on common country programmes B.Major decisions of GA 64/289 Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

14  Conduct “client satisfaction surveys” SG to conduct periodic surveys of programme country governments on effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of UN support to national development efforts  Funds & programmes to report annually to EBs on progress in harmonization of business practices  Commission review of institutional framework for system-wide evaluation SG, in consultation with UNEG and JIU, to commission a comprehensive review and submit a report with recommendations to GA at its 66 th session B.Major decisions of GA 64/289 Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

15  Strengthen voice of national policy-makers from developing countries in governing bodies ECOSOC and governing bodies of funds, programmes and agencies to consider measures to strengthen participation of national policy-makers in programme countries in their meetings  Improve governance of non-core funding flows EBs of funds and programmes to include in annual reports assessment of how programme and project- specific funding is aligned with strategic plans B.Major decisions of GA 64/289 Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

16  Governing bodies  Executive boards of funds and programmes to launch dialogue on how to define “critical mass” of core funding  ECOSOC and governing bodies of funds, programmes and agencies to discuss how to strengthen participation of national policy-makers in programme countries in their meetings  ECOSOC bureau to launch informal coordination meetings with bureaus of funds and programmes C.Next steps Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

17  Secretary-General  To make UN-Women fully operational as of 1 Jan.’11  To conduct comprehensive review of institutional framework for system-wide evaluation  To proceed with independent evaluation of DaO C.Next steps Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

18  Other UN entities  UNDESA, funds, programmes and agencies  To improve reporting in areas of governance and funding  UNITAR  To conduct training of delegates on functioning of UN operational activities for development C.Next steps Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

19  Other UN entities (cont.)  CEB Secretariat  With ECOSOC President, to organize periodic briefings on work of CEB to Member States  To regularly brief ECOSOC on progress in harmonization of business practices  Provide update on establishment of central repository of information to ECOSOC at its 2011 substantive session  Publish inter-agency agreements and decisions on CEB website C.Next steps Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

20  Importance of political leadership  Co-chairs conducted final round of negotiations in a highly strategic, professional, transparent and politically-sensitive manner  Strategic workplanning makes a difference  Co-chairs presented at outset a transparent workplan for the consultations with clear timelines and deliverables for a process that was fast-paced but allowed for ample opportunities for interaction on technical issues D.Lessons learned Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

21  Quality of process consultations is critical  Interactive approach adopted leveled playing field among Member States and helped dispel misconceptions on important substantive issues that otherwise might jeopardize the formal negotiation process at a later stage  Secretariat can play a catalytic role  Through impartial and effective support in areas such as strategic planning, background documentation, legislative drafting and high degree of responsiveness to requests submitted by Member States during the consultative process D.Lessons learned Kristinn Sv. Helgason, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, UNDESA

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