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Giving a Presentation Middletown Public SchoolsRobert N. Polselli, Jr. Ph.D.

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2 Giving a Presentation Middletown Public SchoolsRobert N. Polselli, Jr. Ph.D.

3 The Parts of a Presentation Research Writing (Outlining) Graphics Animation Verbal Presentation

4 Research Encyclopedia Books Interviews Television Magazines Any Others?

5 Organize Your Research Choose specific area of interest (focus) Order Length Exclude some info Enough info

6 Outlining No paragraphs/sentences Use bullets or I, a. Brief statements Organize your thoughts

7 Computers I. Uses a. School b. Business c. Home II. Cost a. Cheap b. Expensive III. Types a. Intel b. Cyrix c. AMD IV. Accessories a. Joysticks b. Printer V. Components a. RAM b. Hard Drive VI. Job availability a. Business b. Education

8 Writing Your Presentation Not all upper or all lower case typing Organized in outline or “bulleted form” Not in paragraph or sentence form Should not be all there is to the presentation

9 Choosing and Using Graphics Used to enhance the appearance of your presentation. Related to the topic you are presenting. Clip-art file, Internet, or Encarta encyclopedias available on CD-ROM. DO NOT overuse graphics!

10 This is NOT an Appropriate Graphic (for this presentation)!

11 This might be an appropriate graphic for a presentation on Presentations

12 Animation Refers to movement not a picture. You can aminmate pictures or words. The animation should not be so slow that it distracts from the presentation and it should not be so loud that it frequently causes the presenter to stop talking. This is a POOR example of animation…it is too loud and much too long…the audience will become distracted and you will weaken your argument.

13 Oral Presentation Don’t be nervous Look at people not at the screen NEVER read your presentation right from the screen Be prepared to answer questions that are not addressed on the screen. Speak slowly and clearly. DON’T MUMBLE)

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