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FRIDAY MARCH 13 TH. Senior Project Presentation Ellen Steigman 13 March 2015.

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2 Senior Project Presentation Ellen Steigman 13 March 2015

3  Your presentation will last between 5-8 minutes, but that doesn’t mean that you can get up there and wing it!  The better you know your material, the easier your presentation will be.  Suggestion: Use your outline (the original, or one that accurately reflects the finished paper) to prepare your presentation.

4  Dress professionally, as if for an interview. If there is a particular outfit that goes with your topic, you could wear it. Otherwise, dress neatly, professionally, and cleanly. This is not the time for your four inch high stiletto heels, nor do you need to wear a tux.

5  This is where you introduce your topic. You will tell your panel why you chose your topic, why it was interesting, how you conducted your research, and whether you learned what you expected to learn. You might include your thesis sentence or research question on this slide or an additional slide.

6  This might still be an introduction to your topic, perhaps with the most interesting things that you learned doing your research.  Keep in mind that the following slides are just suggestions – you will use information from your research in the best way possible. You may need more or less room than I need for my information.

7  Introduce your subtopic and tell what areas you will be discussing.  Remember: the point of this presentation - whether you use Powerpoint, Prezi or Photostory - is to support your oral presentation about your research. If you are just reading directly from your slides, you won’t get the high grade you want!

8  Depending on how much support you want/need for this subtopic, you will use another slide. Don’t forget to use engaging graphics!

9  Transition, then introduce your next subtopic  Repeat the process you did with your first subtopic. You may need an additional slide.

10  Transition, then introduce your next subtopic  Repeat the process you did with your first subtopic.  This may be an additional two slides.

11  Here’s where you:  Restate your research question to remind your audience why you did this in the first place  State what you learned overall  Say a sentence or two about the experience of completing senior project

12  You should cite any direct quotes and paraphrasing as well as any images. You do not need to use information from the works cited page of your paper.

13  Thank you for your time, and/or…  The End, or…  Something clever having to do with your topic (for instance, if you studied French cooking for your senior project, you might write “Merci, et bon appétit.” Or if you studied different religious views on the afterlife, “The End…or is it?”

14  I encourage you to use transitions, graphics, and color in your presentation. Try to wow your audience!  Always remember that you are using this as a support to the information you are presenting verbally. This is not in place of sharing your information verbally.  You will have some time in class to work on your presentation but will also need to work on it independently.

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