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Learning and Teaching Conference: Oral and Poster Presentation Guidance.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning and Teaching Conference: Oral and Poster Presentation Guidance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning and Teaching Conference: Oral and Poster Presentation Guidance

2 Action to be taken before the Conference (oral presentations) Please ensure you submit your presentation to EDU no later than 2.00pm on Wednesday 17 th June (c/o Vicky Martin This will enable us to load all presentations on to the desk tops in the presentation rooms Some PCs are ‘slow’ and loading your presentation just before you begin might significantly eat in to your allotted time!!!

3 Action to be taken (Posters) Bring your poster to the Reception area in the Conference Centre between 8.30-9.30 on the 18 th June All posters are being displayed during lunch in the Pear Tree (Students’ Union) Student ambassadors will take care of the display and will return your poster to the Conference Centre where it can be collected at the end of the day – if you are unable to collect it, it will be returned to the EDU admin office (WB117)

4 1- Oral Presentations What are you trying to achieve? Leave your audience better informed than it was before you started to speak. Remember - The purpose is not to entertain, but it is to ‘bring your project to life’. Ideally by the time you finish the audience will want to know more!!!

5 Timings on the day Each presentation is allocated 15 minutes in total Presenters are given a maximum of 13 minutes to deliver their material Your remaining time will be communicated to you by the chair of the symposium The remaining 2 minutes will be devoted to questions

6 Timings (continued) Clearly this is not a great deal of time, so please put your contact details on you’re your final slide and suggest making yourself available for further discussion during lunch/coffee breaks Out of courtesy for the other presenters/delegates and the Chairs - please ensure you stick to the guidelines for timing Thank you!!!!!

7 Questions to ask yourselves? How will you start? What is the purpose of your project? What are the main ideas you want to communicate? How are you going to develop these? How will you summarise/conclude?

8 Opening remarks Gain the audience’s attention (striking fact or finding?) Clarify or define your topic Outline any benefits to the audience

9 Rationale and Justification This could be the heading for a slide, essentially a ‘purpose of the project’ Consider relationship between what the audience sees and what it hears NB Little point in reading yourself what the audience sees itself. Can you find a picture which captures the attention of the audience, but still needs an explanation from you???

10 The Slides Good slides will only enhance your message They help retain interest and attention They also: Need to relate to your commentary Help you make your point

11 Key Points Make use of ‘oral signposts’ For example: “Now that I’ve discussed……………, I want to move on to…………………..” “The last point I want to make involves……………..”

12 Effective delivery Essentially depends on 3 things: 1.Non-verbal communication 2.Speaking voice 3.How you answer any questions

13 Non-verbal communication Make eye contact with as many of the audience as you can and smile!!! Show belief and enthusiasm from the start Maintain the energy throughout

14 Speaking voice Your voice will almost certainly betray nerves – this could mean to talk too quickly, too softly, too loudly or fail to give right emphasis and meaning to the words Be articulate and enunciate Finish sentences and try to avoid letting your voice fade… Consider writing a commentary!!! Helps ensure you stay to time, cover all the main points, you’re never lost for words!!!

15 Rehearsing/Practising Very important to rehearse and practise your presentation If possible ask friends/colleagues to act as the audience – could play a vital role in helping you predict questions Essential that you are familiar with the content Helps you check for timing, fluency and flow

16 Handling Questions Arguably the hardest part because you don’t know what they are going to say However you will almost certainly be in a symposium and there will be a chair to maintain order. If the question confuses you, don’t panic, ask for a repeat. But don’t worry if you can’t answer it. Thank the person for the question, say let’s discuss at the end and move on to next question

17 2 - Poster Presentations Posters are displayed during the lunch break in the Pear Tree The setting is informal and generally not constrained by time Delegates will browse, some will read your poster and move on, others will pause and ask you questions If you sense you sense a queue building, you might tactfully suggest picking up the conversation at a later date

18 Size and Structure of your Poster We suggest posters be of the following size/dimensions: 841 x 1189mm, 33.1 x 46.8 in (A0) While there is no prescribed structure for displaying your poster at this conference, you might find it useful to follow the structure of an independent study or dissertation (example on the next slide): Title Introduction Aim(s) Method Results Discussion Conclusion References


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