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ECOTOURISM - Sustainable Tourism? Rural Tourism Village Tourism Nature Tourism Cultural Tourism Local products, materials and labour HOW?

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Presentation on theme: "ECOTOURISM - Sustainable Tourism? Rural Tourism Village Tourism Nature Tourism Cultural Tourism Local products, materials and labour HOW?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECOTOURISM - Sustainable Tourism? Rural Tourism Village Tourism Nature Tourism Cultural Tourism Local products, materials and labour HOW?

2 The Finnish Educational System  University Upper Secondary School Comprehensive School  Polytechnic 4 years Vocational School 3 – 4 years Age 6/7 - 16

3 Ministry of Education Finnish National Board of Education Rovaniemi Municipal Federation of Education Lapland Vocational College Nature and Environment

4 Lapland Vocational College Nature and Environment Metsäruusuntie 18 96400 Rovaniemi Finland

5 Education and Environment Vocational Qualifications in Finland  Basic Vocational Level (2 – 3 years) Study Programme in * Agriculture Rural Entrepreneur * Landscape Industries Gardener * Forestry Forest Machine Operator Forest Ecosystem Worker

6 Education and Environment Vocational Qualifications in Finland  Basic Vocational Level ( 2 – 3 years ) Study Programme in * Environmental Operative * Entrepreneur in Nature- based Services * Reindeer Farming Entrepreneur

7 Education and Environment Vocational Qualifications in Finland  Further Qualifications ( 1 year) in * Nature-based Production * Hiking and Nature Guide Services * Rural Tourism

8 Education and Environment Vocational Qualifications in Finland  Specialist Qualifications (1 year) in * Rural Development * Game Management for* Nature Surveyors in Nature-based Produktion!!

9 Study Programme in Entrepreneur in Nature-based Services  Nature Guiding and Tourism 20 study weeks Guiding in foreign language Recreation services Culture and local knowlegde Wilderness tours Learning by doing 8 study weeks with enterpreneurs

10 Entrepreneur in Nature- based Services Wilderness quiding 10 study weeks Hiking in winter Fishing in winter Canoen Climping Orienteering Group dynamics

11 Entrepreneur in Nature- based Services  Special skills in nature guiding 10 study weeks nature trails, guiding for special groups (children, the disabled )

12 Entrepreneur in Nature- based Services  Taking care of cultural environments 10 study weeks Environment programmes Traditional landscapes

13 Wilderness Guide ( 10 months )  Nature- and Wilderness Guide`s Professional Examination Wilderness skills, security, nature and tourism, entrepreneurship, marketing skills, customer service, knowledge of culture and evironment, language studies, a special topic Skill tests

14 Evaluation  Selfevaluation  Enterpreneurs are evaluators  Professional skills and how you work = a new method to evaluate  National criterions and standards

15 Evaluation with  Commercial and industrial life  Enterpreneurship  Representative of education

16 And what else?  Snow mobile guide  Mountain guide  Experience guide  Swamp guide  Boat guide  Extreme conditions  Guiding with animals, horses, dogs, birds…

17 Nature, Environment and Inhabitants  Sustainability of ecotourism from the environmental, economic and socio-cultural points of view  Empowerment of local communities and people in the ecotourism development process, in management and monitoring of ecotourism activities, and in the sharing of benefits resulting from it.

18 The Future is Birght We are well-known with International Power

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