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A MAP to Engagement & Interaction Moodle Action Plan Stanley Weiblinger.

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Presentation on theme: "A MAP to Engagement & Interaction Moodle Action Plan Stanley Weiblinger."— Presentation transcript:

1 A MAP to Engagement & Interaction Moodle Action Plan Stanley Weiblinger

2 Select a topic below. Table of Contents

3 *Inner City *Excellence for All *Computer Science Magnet Background: Brashear

4 *Skill variety *Absenteeism *Wired Background: Students

5 *Choice *Quizzes *Wiki Moodle *Assignment *Journal *Glossary *Forum

6 Integration *Assignment *Journal *Glossary *Forum

7 Integration Period 1: 72.2% Keep Moodle Period 4: 77.3% Keep Moodle Period 5: 73.3% Keep Moodle Period 9: 88.5% Keep Moodle

8 ISTE NETS for Students *Creativity & Innovation *Communication & Collaboration *Digital Citizenship *Technology Operations & Concepts Moodle Effect

9 UDL *Sight adaptations *Communication (Hearing Impaired) *Writing *On Screen Keyboard Moodle Effect

10 *Personalized Learning *Continuous Improvement Moodle Effect

11 *Experimentation *Quizzes *Choice *Wiki *Web Quest *Revision Next Steps

12 Questions? Keep Moving Forward

13 "AQIP Seeks Improvement, Accountability and Accreditation When Assessing Student Learning." e- Inside. Kent State University, 22Jan2007. Web. 5 May 2010.. Chavan, Abhijeet, and Shireen Pavri. "Open-Source Learning Management with Moodle." Linux Journal. Linux Journal, 01Dec2004. Web. 5 May 2010.. McHugh, Josh. "Connecting to the 21st-Century Student." edutopia. edutopia, oct 2005. Web. 5 May 2010.. "Nets for students 2007." iste. International Society for Technology in Education, 2007. Web. 5 May 2010.. Rice, William, and Susan Nash. Moodle 1.9 Teaching Techniques. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing, 2010. 18-21. Print. Resources

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