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WORLD ISSUES: Development in Africa How Many Countries Can You Name? Unit One.

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1 WORLD ISSUES: Development in Africa How Many Countries Can You Name? Unit One

2 This is the African Continent

3 You will use your map to annotate information onto it for each country e.g. Malawi less than 60% of teachers have undergone teacher training

4 African Countries Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina FasoBurkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African RepCentral African Rep Chad Congo São Tomé and PrincipeSão Tomé and Principe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zanzibar Zimbabwe Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Reunion Rwanda Dem. Rep. Congo (Zaire)Dem. Rep. Congo (Zaire) Djibouti Egypt Equatorial GuineaEquatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea BissauGuinea Bissau Guinea Ivory Coast

5 FACTFILE Africa is a continent – not a country! 1.1 billion people in 56 countries – both main land & islands 20% world’s land mass but only 15% of world’s population The continent is rich in natural resources HOWEVER 70% of Africa’s population live on less than $2 a day!!! This Is One Of The Focuses Of This Unit: What causes the lack of development in Africa?

6 Natural Resources

7 Agricultural Products Problem is that not all these resources are distributed evenly.

8 Poverty & Debt Africa has $300 billion of debt which limits its development – Why do you think this is a problem? This is the focus in the essay, reasons hindering development They spend $14 billion a year trying to repay this debt in interest ONLY Money cannot therefore be spent on vital services for the people. This Is One Of The Other Focuses Of This Unit: How Is Africa Affected By This Lack Of Development?

9 Reliance On Agriculture Agriculture accounts for a large proportion of the GDP (gross domestic product) of many countries 30% are reliant on agriculture for their livelihood (rises to 90% in some) – Why could this be a problem? Only 1% of the land is irrigated – Why could this be a problem? Countries reliant on agriculture are vulnerable to changes in the world market and adverse weather


11 “Race For Africa” Virtually All Of Africa Was Colonised By Europe In The 19 th Century

12 BelgiumBritainFrance Zaire (1960) Rwanda (1962) Burundi (1962) Gambia (1965) Sierre Leone (1961) Ghana (1957) Nigeria (1960) Sudan (1956) Botswana (1966) Rhodesia (declares UDI 1965, became Zimbabwe 1980) Uganda (1962) Tanzania (1961) Zambia (1964) Kenya (1963) Malawi (1964) Guinea (1958) Mali (1960) Burkina (1984) Togo (1960) Benin (1975) Cameroon (1960-1) Gabon (1968) Morocco (1956) Mauritania (1960) Senegal (1960) Ivory Coast (1961) Algeria (1962) Tunisia (1956) Niger (1960) Chad (1960) Congo (1960) Central African Republic (1960) Djibouti (1977) Madagascar (1960) ItalyPortugalSpain Libya (1951) Ethiopia (1941) Somalia (1960) Angola (1975) Mozambique (1975) Guinea-Bissau (1974) Western Sahara (1978) Equatorial Guinea (1968) By The 1960s Many Independent Movements Gained Momentum However The Post Colonial Years Were Marked By Poverty, Corrupt Governments With Economic Instability

13 Course Elements Essay 1: Causes of the issue (Factors affecting development including: Poor Health & Education; Lack Of Food & Water; Poor Governance; Conflict; Debt; Trade OR Unfair Trade Terms) Evaluate the extent to which a world issue you have studied has been caused only by political problems 12 marks Essay 2: Consequences of the issue (for African people) To what extent has a World Issue you have studied had an impact in different countries? 20 marks Essay 3: Role & Effectiveness of international organisations in attempts to resolve the issue (African Union, the European Union, NGOs, the United Kingdom and the United Nations) International organisations have been successful in resolving a significant world issue. Discuss with reference to a World Issue you have studied. 20 marks

14 HOMEWORK You have 3 weeks to create a handout This handout will focus on 1 country in Africa – your choice You will feedback to the class or a small group what you have learned This is important as can be used as examples in essays Make sure there is a map and label where it is

15 HOMEWORK It will include statistics in the country (referenced obviously) such as: 1.Background to the country 2.Any major health problems 3.What heath services are available 4.Availability of food and water 5.Educational facilities 6.Any conflicts/wars 7.Debts 8.Main trading product 9.Type of government e.g. Leader & party 10. Any other problems it faces

16 Ghana Uganda Kenya Zimbabwe Zambia Botswana Liberia Gambia Guinea Countries To Choose From Chad Malawi Ethiopia Somalia Mali Niger Mozambique Sudan Nigeria Angola

17 Past Papers - Old Higher 2015 – ????? 2014 – Trade is more important than foreign aid in promoting development in Africa. Discuss 2013 – Conflict is the main reason for a lack of development in African countries. Discuss. 2012 – Assess the effectiveness of foreign aid in promoting development 2011 – Education and health care are the most important factors in achieving successful development in Africa. Discuss 2010 – The United Nations Organisation (UNO) has been effective in promoting development. Discuss. 2009 – Assess the influence of Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) on development. 2008 – Assess the importance of education and health care to successful development 2007 – Foreign aid alone is no guarantee of development.

18 CfE practice papers International organisations have been successful in resolving a significant world issue. Discuss with reference to a world issue you have studied (20) To what extent had a world issue you have studied been solved by international organisations? (20) Analyse the actions taken by international organisations to resolve a world issue you have studied (12) Evaluate the success of international organisations in resolving a world issue you have studied (12) To what extent has a world issue you have studied had an impact in different counties? (20) An international issue can be caused by a range of political, social and economic factors. Discuss with reference to a world issue you have studied (20) Analyse the consequences of a world issue you have studied on those affected (12) Evaluate the extent to which a world issue you have studied has been caused only by political problems (12)

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