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Classical Period Vocal Music Opera, Mass, Requiem, Oratorio.

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Presentation on theme: "Classical Period Vocal Music Opera, Mass, Requiem, Oratorio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classical Period Vocal Music Opera, Mass, Requiem, Oratorio

2 Classical Period Opera Haydn wrote none Beethoven wrote only one – not really very good Mozart was the master Wrote Italian serious opera Wrote Italian comic opera Wrote German serious opera Wrote German comic opera

3 Mozart Operas Famous Italian operas: Le Nozze de Figaro / “The Marriage of Figaro” Don Giovanni / “Don Juan” Cosi fan tutte

4 Mozart Operas Famous German Operas: Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail / “The Abduction from the Serail Die Zauberflote / “The Magic Flute”

5 Opera Overture Opening orchestral introduction – this is not new Extracted and performed as concert piece – this is new

6 Mozart’s contributions to Opera Refined use of recitative and aria Enhanced role of bass and baritone voice Made comic opera as artistic as dramatic opera Concert overture Ensemble finale

7 Classical Period Mass Concert pieces – totally separated from any liturgical function Haydn – 14; 12 for birthdays of princess Mozart – 18; many Missa Brevis Beethoven – 1 Same elements: soloists, chorus, orchestra Same movements: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei

8 Requiem Mass for the dead “Trying to sing the person into a better state” Several movements from the traditional mass are replaced Gloria Credo

9 Mozart Requiem Last work he wrote Commission – intended to be represented as the work of another Died while he was writing it Pupil, Sussmayr, finished it “Dies Irae” “Rex tremendae” “Confutatis”

10 Classical Period Oratorio Haydn “The Creation” “The Heavens are Telling” “The Seasons” Product of his London years & greatly impacted by Handel’s work

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