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STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 1© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. T24 STEP-Manufacturing Meeting Boeing Renton – May 14 Mitutoyo Kirkland – May 15 SC4 Parksville.

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Presentation on theme: "STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 1© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. T24 STEP-Manufacturing Meeting Boeing Renton – May 14 Mitutoyo Kirkland – May 15 SC4 Parksville."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 1© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. T24 STEP-Manufacturing Meeting Boeing Renton – May 14 Mitutoyo Kirkland – May 15 SC4 Parksville – May 18, 19, 20 Machining demonstrations at Renton Touch Probe and Laser Scan measurements at Kirkland Technical Meetings at SC4

2 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 2© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Attendees Martin Hardwick STEP Tools Inc David Odendahl Boeing Company Mikael Hedlind KTH Magnus Lundgren KTH Frederick Proctor National Institute of Standards and Technology Sid Venkatesh Boeing Company Rich Morihara Boeing Company Brian Kindilein CCAT Eric Tingle Mitutoyo Barry Saylor Micro Encoder Dahai Yu Micro Encoder Gary Olson Micro Encoder Michael Nahum Micro Encoder Ben Jones Micro Encoder Dave Lawrence Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Lynn Frei Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Ben Baca Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Rick Woods Helilical Solutions LLC Jim Alfred Application Specialties Inc. Leon Xu Boeing Company Aydin Nissehi University of Bath Long Xiang GE Fanuc

3 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 3© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Meeting goals Have multiple sites machine the same part from the same AP-238 data –Find the issues –Fix the problems Show AP-238 can be used for molds –Large program files –Short moves –High surface finish

4 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 4© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Summary of accomplishments Fanuc implementation of AP-238 STEP-NC AP-203 e2 annotation tolerances read from Catia Measured at Mitutoyo using laser scanner and touch probe Moldy parts made from AP-238 data –Boeing, USA –NIST, USA –CCAT, USA –Al’s Rod shop, USA –KTH, Sweden –Scania, Sweden –U. Bath, UK

5 OrganizationOriginal Data SourceTweaks/IssuesMachine Configuration NISTMastercam 9Periphery not finished. Poor surface finish DMG 70 3-axis mode CCATBoeing Catia – 5 axisHand edits for tool changes. Optimized feed and speeds for Helical tooling DMG e70 5-axis mode Helical tooling Al’s Rod ShopBoeing Catia – Simplified roughing process Hand edits to remove (0, 0 1) vectors and adjust feeds and speeds Tormach Machine Tool ($8,000) Fred’s Controller ScaniaBoeing CatiaHand edit speeds and feeds to run slower and codes for tool changing. Hardinge 3-axis Coromant tools KTHBoeing CatiaDivided program into sections. Hand edit to remove Traori commands and adjust speeds and feeds to run faster. Tricept PKM 5-axis Coromant tools U.BathBoeing Catia metricNot finishedSiemens 840D 3-axis Vertical Bridgeport 8000R Boeing 3-axisBoeing Catia – 3 axisRun as writtenOkuma 3-axis Boeing 5-axisBoeing Catia – 5 axisRun as writtenNorthwood Gantry Fanuc Mixed Mode Control

6 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 6© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Results CCATAl rodKTHScaniaU.BathNISTBoeing 3Boeing 5 CCATX Al rodYesX KTHYes X ScaniaYes X U. Bath NISTPass X Boeing 3-axis Yes X Boeing 5-axis Yes PassYesX

7 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 7© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Next steps Lessons learned –We need to use chip load to drive speed and feed Feed Speed CAM AP-238 Actual Machine Max Feed and Speed Feed Speed Programmed Machine Max Feed and Speed Programmed No. Flutes Actual No. Flutes

8 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 8© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Next steps Lessons learned –We need to change tool dimensions –More data about the tools »Stick–out (holder_base – tool_tip) – LUX in ISO 13399 »Minimum allowable flute length – max_depth_of_cut »Tool holder dimensions –Need more / clearer set-up information »Origin, material »As part of rawpiece definition? –Variable elements that are realistic to change »Utility to extract tool dimensions

9 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 9© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Goals for next demonstration What –Enable/Show round trip –Mastercam ->AP-238-> Catia ->AP-238 -> FeatureCAM –Multiple set-ups Use Moldy again –Improve documentation so more can participate »Setup information – annotate origin »Tool stick-out, #flutes, flute length »Max feed and speed »Operation cycles for drilling –Participation Rules »Must be from single STEP-NC data source »Must meet tolerances defined for the part Develop new part – Boxy –Test/Prove-out multiple setup –Accuracy, documentation, canned cycles

10 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 10© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Moldy in Bath Faster machining by changing step over Metric – 3 axis Improve portability –Feed speed approximation using spindle power –Eliminate ¾ inch zero radius cutter –Single hole size »Describe most accurate process »Describe required tolerances »Describe process parameters such as peck cycles »One hole size = 0.25 inch aka 6.35 mm »Tell users they can reduce the process if they maintain the tolerances

11 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 11© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Moldy Deadlines CAD/CAM deadline - May 29 th Development Partners* commit – June 1 st First machining – June 15 th Machining Partners** commit – July 1 st Machining deadline - August 1 st Touch Probe results - September 4 th *Development partners are organizations with STEP-NC Experience **Machining partners are new to STEP-NC

12 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 12© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Boxy in Bath Use multiple CAM systems to make data –Mastercam for setup 1 and 4 –Catia for setup 2 –FeatureCAM for setup 3 Practice multiple setups –Communicate origin to operators –Metric part and tooling –Tolerances on each part for each set-up –Different CAM for each setup –Four setups –No tool larger than 12mm

13 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 13© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Boxy Deadlines CAD deadline - June 15 th –Setup 1 CAD model – KTH Mastercam –Setup 2 CAD model – Boeing Catia –Setup 3 CAD model – U.Bath FeatureCAM –Setup 4 CAD model – KTH Mastercam Development partners commit – June 15 th CAM deadline – July 1 st Assembled data deadline – July 15 th Machining partners commit – August 1 st Machining – September 15 th

14 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 14© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Anticipated Participants NIST Boeing CCAT KTH Scania U.Bath Al’s Rod shop Naval shipyards Sandvik Coromant GE Fanuc Mitutoyo Helical

15 STEP Tools, Inc. Slide 15© Copyright 2009 — STEP Tools, Inc. Targeted Participants Rolls Royce – Aydin Siemens - Stephen U.Manchester - Stephen Airbus – Martin French Universities Paul Sabitier (via Alain), U.Metz (Aydin), U.Bordeaux (via Alain) Spirit (formerly Boeing Wichita) – David O German Universities (Aachen, Stuttgart) - Stephen Okuma – David O Fatronik (machine tool company) - Aydin MCM (controller company) - Aydin Volvo - Magnus Saab aerostructures - Mikael Swiss Universities (EPFL) – Stephen Korea Universities (Postech) – Stephen Mitsibushi – David O.

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