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Communicating Your Faith in a Style That Fits You!

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating Your Faith in a Style That Fits You!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating Your Faith in a Style That Fits You!

2 Session 5 Helping Friends Cross the Line of Faith

3 Our Premise “God isn’t afraid of honest doubt from those who are trying to discover the truth about Him. In fact, He warmly invites any and all who have sincere questions to come, to seek, and to ask, because He wants to help them clear up the haze.” 3 Common Barriers to Belief

4 1.Misperceptions “ If you commit your life to following Jesus Christ, you can take your freedom, your individuality, your sense of adventure, and any hopes you have for fulfillment in this life, and kiss them all goodbye.” 3 Common Barriers to Belief

5 1. Misperceptions a. poor examples b. bad teaching c. natural fears 3 Common Barriers to Belief

6 2. Intellectual Roadblocks “If we fail to come through with a rational response, we risk becoming just another excuse for that person to disbelieve.” Walter Martin 3 Common Barriers to Belief I Peter 3:15 But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.

7 2. Intellectual Roadblocks a. The historical accuracy of the Bible b. The rationality of our faith c. The problem of evil d. Christianity vs. Science 3 Common Barriers to Belief

8 3. Moral Misgivings Until a person is willing to admit his sin and let God change that area of his life, he will keep finding every excuse in the book to write off Christianity. 3 Common Barriers to Belief

9 Breaking the Barriers A Prayer Mark 9:24 A Promise Jeremiah 29:13

10 Recommended Reading Chapters 13–15

11 Session 1 - Review 3 Stories – 3 Lessons The story of the lost sheep; the lost coin and the prodigal son. 1. Something of great value was missing. 2. That which was missing was important enough to warrant an all-out search. 3. Retrieval results in rejoicing.

12 Session 1 - Review The Benefits Adventure Purpose Fulfillment Spiritual Growth Spiritual Confidence Enduring Investment The Honor of Being God’s Agent The Costs Time and Energy Reading and Study Money Risk of embarassment or rejection It complicates your life!

13 Session 2 - Review God’s Formula for Impacting the World “HP + CP + CC = MI”

14 Session 2 - Review God’s Formula for Impacting the World High Potency (Salt) Close Proximity (Salt) + Clear Communication (Light) Maximum Impact

15 Session 2 - Review The Call to Authenticity The Call to Compassion The Call to Sacrifice

16 Session 3 - Review 4 Barriers to Relationships 1.Biblical Issues 2.Spiritual Danger 3.Risk of Reputation 4.Personal Discomfort (These are common to any activity!)

17 Session 3 - Review Six Styles of Evangelism 1.Peter’s Direct Approach 2.Paul’s Intellectual Approach 3.The Blind Man’s Testimonial Approach 4.Matthew’s Interpersonal Approach 5.The Samaritan Woman’s Invitational Approach 6.Tabitha’s Service Approach

18 Session 4 - Review Four Points to Ponder 1.God – He is loving, holy and just. 2.Us – We blew it; sin brings death and separation from God. 3.Christ – He died as our substitute and offers forgiveness as a gift. 4.YOU – A decision is required. We must personally accept Him as Savior and Lord.

19 Session 4 - Review Four Illustrations 1.The Bridge Illustration 2.The Spiritual Equation 3.The Airplane Illustration 4.The DO or DONE Illustration

20 Communicating Your Faith in a Style That Fits You!

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