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Win32 Programming Lesson 20: Advanced DLL Techniques.

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1 Win32 Programming Lesson 20: Advanced DLL Techniques

2 Where are we?  We’ve looked at DLLs from a build/link/execute perspective  But there are many different tricks you can use to get more “bang for your buck”

3 Explicit DLL Loading  To use a DLL, a process must load it  We’ve looked at doing this implicitly via load and runtime and building in the calls  Can be done when the application is running too  The beauty of this technique is that you don’t need to know too much about the DLL at compile time

4 Explicit Loading  Simple to accomplish via LoadLibrary: HINSTANCE LoadLibrary(PCTSTR pszDLLPat hName); HINSTANCE LoadLibraryEx( PCTSTR pszDLLPathName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags); HINSTANCE is a pointer to the virtual memory where the DLL is mapped

5 Parameters  hFile: Reserved for future use – must be NULL  dwFlags: combination of DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE, and LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_ PATH

6 Implications  DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES Don’t execute DllMain or automatically load other DLLs needed by this one  LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE Useful if you want to load an.exe file without executing it  LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_ PATH Changes the order in which directories are searched in order to load the DLL

7 Explicitly unloading the DLL  BOOL FreeLibrary(HINSTANCE hInstanceDLL);  And also: VOID FreeLibraryAndExitThread( HINSTANCE hinstDll, DWORD dwExitCode); Why? And of course, this is all predicated on usage counts…

8 Other Explicit calls  Can check to see if a DLL is already loaded via: HINSTANCE GetModuleHandle(PCTSTR pszModuleNa me);  Would use like this: HINSTANCE hinstDll = GetModuleHandle("MyLib"); // DLL extension assumed if (hinstDll == NULL) { hinstDll = LoadLibrary("MyLib"); // DLL extension assumed }

9 You can also…  Get the full path of a loaded DLL  DWORD GetModuleFileName( HINSTANCE hinstModule, PTSTR pszPathName, DWORD cchPath);

10 Second  Once a DLL has been explicitly loaded you need to get the address of the functions you want  FARPROC GetProcAddress( HINSTANCE hinstDll, PCSTR pszSymbolName);  Where pszSymbolName is either: The name e.g. “MyFunc” The resource number MAKEINTRESOURCE(2)

11 Warning!  If you use the name, it can be slow, as you must search through the names of all exported things  If you use the second function, GetProcAddress can return a non NULL value even though it has failed…

12 DLLs (startup)  A DLL can have a DllMain function which is called upon startup  This routine isn’t required – you implement it if you need it  Note the name is case sensitive. If you use DLLMain you’re not going to get called

13 Code Example BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDll, DWORD fdwReason, PVOID fImpLoad ) { switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // The DLL is being mapped into the process's address space. break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: // A thread is being created. break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: // A thread is exiting cleanly. break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: // The DLL is being unmapped from the process's address space. break; } return(TRUE); // Used only for DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH }

14 hInst  hInstance passed in is where the DLL got loaded – usually stored for later use in a Global  Remember though that when your DllMain is running, other DLLs may not have initialized. Thus, don’t call other DLLs within your DllMain

15 Delay-loading a DLL  You can opt to delay load an implicitly-linked DLL  Beneficial because: Faster startup – you can save time initializing DLLs later when you need them Backward compatibility – you can avoid calling missing functions and handle the error yourself

16 Function Forwarding  You can forward an exported function from one DLL to another  // Function forwarders to functions in DllWor k #pragma comment(linker, "/export:SomeFunc =DllWork.SomeOtherFunc")  Pretty simple eh?

17 Known DLLs  Life isn’t fair… some DLLs get special treatment  Look at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentC ontrolSet\Control\Session Manager\KnownDLLs These DLLs always load from the same place

18 Version Independence  We are all familiar with DLL Versioning problems  Can fix using.local files. If a file called calc.exe.local exists, for example, in the directory in which calc.exe resides, DLLs are loaded from that directory first  For new systems think about Side-by-Side assemblies (see here)here

19 Rebasing DLLs  When a module loads, it has a preferred base address it would like to load at  However, that address is not always going to be available  If a module is relocated, internal structures have to be “fixed up” to deal with this new location (why?)  This is slow

20 Instead  You can use the rebasing tool to modify the DLLs so that this relocation is done on disk, and not on the fly  Don’t ever ever *ever* rebase system DLLs

21 Binding a DLL  Similar in some senses to Rebasing  Improves performance  Saves the system having to fix up the module import section

22 What can we do with it?  This

23 Assignment  Not due until April 26 th – that’s over two weeks  NO MERCY on people who say on the 19 th “I’m stuck!”  This is somewhat tricky  I suggest you start work on it immediately…  We will look at your code in a week in SVN and assign some points for what you’ve done

24 Calls…  I want you to be able to intercept the following Winsock system calls: connect send recv closesocket  You should be able to launch an arbitrary monitored process (specified on the Command line)  You should be able to display the calls to connect, send, recv and closesocket along with their parameters  Have fun  I strongly suggest you read Ch 22.

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