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Post 16 Learning Pathways Presentation to pupils Monday March 2nd 2015.

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2 Post 16 Learning Pathways Presentation to pupils Monday March 2nd 2015

3 What Comes After Year 11? Leaving School into Employment or Modern Apprenticeships. Leaving School for Further Education e.g. Bridgend College. Returning to the Sixth Form at Brynteg. What Next ? The Learning Pathway Ahead

4 Brynteg Learning Pathways ‘booklet’ and grid. Details of all courses including non Brynteg Collaboration (College, Porthcawl, Heronsbridge) courses on website - Tuesday. Heads of Department of “new” subjects give short presentations in assembly time (details already given.) Starts Wednesday. Careers interview in Year 11. Y11-12 evening Tuesday 10th March 6pm Information Available To You.

5 Entry Requirements

6 Must have good record of positive attitude to school. Good behaviour Good attendance BCBC Compact certificate Academic entry Entry Requirements

7 Our admissions policy is that 6th formers are role models and that they CHOOSE to return to school. Entry Requirements

8 The Do’s and Don’ts Choosing Subjects

9 Think about the following Follow interests and strengths Know their weaknesses Take advice from teachers Take advice from family. Talk to Year 12 and 13 students Look at the results Take advice from Careers Wales How To Choose - The Do`s ?

10 Take TWO to maximise choice Maths and Further Maths English Sciences Languages – classical/modern “Hard” and “soft” School website For more information on choosing subjects Russell Group 'Informed Choices' Russell Group Advice And `Facilitating` Subjects

11 Don’t choose a subject if … You like your teacher Your friends have chosen it You have heard it is easy It is new and sounds interesting You haven’t found out lots of information about it. How To Choose – The Don`ts

12 Levels 2 & 3 Your Pathways

13 Dependent upon GCSE results. Level 3 courses for most. Equivalent to “A” levels. Level 2 courses for some. Equivalent to GCSE grades A* - C Possible Pathways

14 There are Three Level 3 Pathways 5 or more A*-C in Full GCSEs or equivalent; 4 AS followed by 3 A2 or equivalent. “Just” 5 A*-C in Full GCSEs or equivalent; 3 AS followed by 3 A2 or equivalent. Less than 5 A*- C; An “individualised” Pathway. Possible Level 3 Pathways

15 A HUGE choice of 34 Level 3 courses in Brynteg. A further 16 level 3 courses through collaboration. A number of level 2 courses. Some in school day and some through Twilight sessions. Some subjects will only be offered elsewhere. Some subjects taught here offered to other schools. ‘Wish list’ Bridgend 14 – 19 Network. Widening opportunities

16 Level 3 qualifications A levels Y12 AS Grades A – E Y13 A2 Grades A* -E 3 modules each year Coursework/practical Exams Year 12 May/June Year 13 June BTEC Certificates & Diplomas Y12 Unit accreditation Y13 Pass, merit, distinction. distinction* 6/12 units over 2 years Assessed through portfolio

17 9 hours a fortnight (per column) for subjects delivered in Brynteg 18 hours for BTECs (Sport and Engineering L3) delivered in Brynteg Subjects taught in collaboration generally 8 hours per fortnight. Courses will only run if there is sufficient demand. May only be run in one column or be withdrawn. Level 3 courses

18 Studied at Bridgend College on two evenings from 4.30 until 6.30 p.m. AS and A2 Law, Film Studies, AS and A2 Psychology and Sociology BTEC Certificates in Dance, Music Technology and Engineering Accounting. Time released will be study time in the library. “Twilight” subjects

19 5 or more Full Course GCSE A* -C with minimum C grade (if studied at GCSE) in subjects chosen. Some higher! Some will require a C grade in English and/or Mathematics or a specified grade if you have studied it at GCSE. Some subjects will not require GCSE. Entry requirements for Level 3 courses

20 Less than 5 A* - C at GCSE. Probably D/E in several GCSEs. Evidence of good attitude, behaviour and attendance in Y11. Advice: Put it down if you realistically might not get 5 or more but still want to stay in school. Level 2 Pathways

21 One BTEC First Diploma in Brynteg. Available in Travel and Tourism only. = to 4 GCSEs at grade C or above. Two level 2 courses at Bridgend College. Each = 2 GCSEs at grade C or above. 4 days in college and 1 in school These are one year courses which could lead to AS/BTEC the following year. Possible Level 2 Pathways

22 Level 1/2 Hospitality Level 2 Children’s Care, Learning and Development Equivalent to 4 GCSEs grade A* - C. 3 days per week off site. 2 days in school supported by Learning Coaches (when you complete assignments and attend Enrichment lessons.) Two year vocational courses at Heronsbridge

23 Study skills. Team building. Learning to drive. UCAS preparation. Managing money. Preparing for an interview. Resits in English and Maths Enrichment Studies

24 Opportunities & Values

25 Brynteg Sixth Form offers opportunities and traditional values

26 Mature rapport with staff. Time management. Build a platform for entry into Higher Education or employment Free periods, registration Use of Library and Common Room Responsibility

27 Pastoral support Attendance Positive Ethos Monitoring system UCAS Mentoring Appropriate subject choices Structure

28 Role Models Uniform Remaining on premises Prefects Head Boy/Girl Rankin Award, Armistice Traditional Values

29 Social Sporting Charity Work Young Enterprise Engineering competitions Duke of Edinburgh Award Music and Drama productions Eisteddfodau. International educational visits Opportunities

30 So why Brynteg? `A tradition of excellence` Excellent record of examination performances. Excellent completion rates. Demanding, caring and supportive pastoral structure. Staff who know the pupils well. Varied extra curricular experiences. High expectations and work ethic. Individual guidance for university entrance and career choices. An environment of coaching and tutoring that supports and encourages pupils to achieve their potential

31 What The Inspectors Said “The quality of teaching is good with outstanding features exceeding WG targets for 2010 Working relationships between teachers and students are strong, based on mutual respect and make a very positive contribution to students` learning Very good subject knowledge helps teachers to explain complex concepts with exceptional clarity “The comprehensive mentoring programme effectively identifies those at risk of underperformance and provides good guidance to all students Students have outstanding standards in their personal, social and learning skills. Their attitude to learning is positive. Communication and expectations are at a high level

32 What The Inspectors Said They are very good role models for younger pupils and for each other…support younger pupils experiencing difficulties, socially or academically Standards of students` social and moral skills are outstanding They demonstrate responsible behaviour and respect towards one another The ability to work outstandingly with one another contributes significantly to the development of their problem solving skills..prepared them well for Higher education They accept responsibility and have a very strong social conscience raising money for charity Students gain much from their sixth form experience, in their academic, personal, social, moral and wider development

33 You must return your completed Options/Learning Pathways form to your form tutor by Monday 23rd March. After GCSE results you may change your choices. You must attend the INDUCTION DAY in September when you will finalise their choice. No subject changes after 4 weeks in September 2015. And Finally !

34 Y11- 12 evening Tuesday 10th March 6pm Upper School Hall There will be FOUR subject talks on a “round robin” basis Feel free to attend any Four talks Representatives from Careers Wales and Bridgend College etc Evaluation sheets for you and your parents/carers to fill in on the night Y11-12 Parents’ Evening

35 Any Questions?

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