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Honors Lit. 11 1 st Quarter Essay Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath Due Tues. (6 th ) 50 possible pts.

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1 Honors Lit. 11 1 st Quarter Essay Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath Due Tues. (6 th ) 50 possible pts.

2  Steinbeck writes in Chapter 3 about nothing more than a turtle crossing a highway—a turtle that later reappears in the novel. Why does Steinbeck devote such an elaborate account to such a mundane event? What does the turtle symbolize, represent, or foreshadow overall?  Violence, either real or threatened, is a part of everyday life for the Joads. Are they violent among themselves? Is their violence premeditated? Does it achieve its goal? Find examples of where their violence is justified or unjustified. Prompt – choose 1

3  3-4 pages typed / double-spaced  Times New Roman 12 pt. font  MLA Format (handout)  At least 3 quotes from the novel must be included to support your answer. Cite quotes according to MLA format.  Steinbeck reveals his feelings toward business owners through Ma’s comment, “…………….” (4).  “…………” (Steinbeck 4).  Organization  Intro with a clear thesis statement  Body paragraphs with clear main ideas that support thesis  Concluding paragraph with a restatement of thesis and key points to conclude your essay Format Requirements

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