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Program Delivery Update GACTE 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Program Delivery Update GACTE 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Program Delivery Update GACTE 2011
Dwayne Hobbs Interim Program Manager - CTAE Delivery Work-Based Learning Specialist 3/28/2017

2 Meet the Program Delivery Team

3 ACCT Architecture, Construction Communications, & Transportation
Sonny Cannon Program Specialist

4 GA State Director SkillsUSA
Gayle Silvey GA State Director SkillsUSA 73 Price Quarters Road #129 McDonough, GA 30253 fax

5 BCS Business Education & Computer Science
Sarah Heath Program Specialist

6 Executive Director GA FBLA
Monty Rhodes Executive Director GA FBLA 3316-A South Cobb Drive, Suite #229, Smyrna, GA 30080 P: (678)

7 Tammy Caudell Program Specialist 404-656-3042
Special Populations Tammy Caudell Program Specialist

8 CTI Executive Director
Mary Donahue CTI Executive Director 3 Central Plaza Suite 245 Rome, GA ph fax

9 Engineering & Technology
Ron Barker Program Specialist

10 Executive Director – GA TSA
Ms. Ashley Hopkins Executive Director – GA TSA cell phone

11 FACS, Culinary & Education
Laura Ergle Program Specialist

12 Georgia FCCLA
Vickie Rundbaken Executive Director Georgia FCCLA ph fax

13 Health Care Sciences Cosmetology & Public Safety
Phyllis Johnson Program Specialist

14 Allen Seigler Executive Director 220 Smithsonia Road
Winterville, GA (866) (706) 364=1112 (fax)

15 Marketing Sales, and Services
Linda Smith Program Specialist

16 Executive Director - DECA
Shannon Aaron Executive Director - DECA PO Box 189 Oxford, GA

17 Policy and Legislative Initiatives
Facilitate implementation of the strategic plan Goal 1: Increase high school graduation rate, decrease high school dropout rate, and increase post-secondary enrollment rate. Goal 2: Strengthen teacher quality, recruitment and retention. Goal 3: Improve workforce readiness. Goal 5: Improve the SAT, ACT, and achievement scores of Georgia students. Facilitate implementation of the Bridge Bill Industry Certification Articulation Work-Based Learning Supporting at risk students Industry recognized student credentials School chairs for Perkins compliance reviews

18 Instructional Support Initiatives
End of pathway assessments Implement the blueprint for End of Pathway Assessments Assist in identifying certifying agencies Instructional resources development Organize teams to develop instructional units and resources to implement the GPS Assist teachers in locating and utilizing resources available Curriculum re-organization to match the 16 Federal Career Clusters Support students from special populations to develop employability skills in their CTAE classes and facilitate their school-to-career transition Coordinated Career and Academic Education (CCAE) Career Technical Instruction (CTI) Project Success

19 Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Initiatives
The CTAE department works with eight Career and Technical Student Organizations to enrich the curriculum in the CTAE Pathways. The activities of each CTSO are a co-curricular component of the Career Technical and Agricultural Education curriculum. The CTSO organizations are non-profit entities that maintain an affiliation with their corresponding national organization CTSO Leadership development activities Operations of a local chapter - Program of Work State officer training Local officer training conferences Fall Conferences Spring Conferences National Conferences Regional Events

20 Teacher Support Initiatives
Professional learning Create a professional learning plan Submit proposals for the Career Technical and Agricultural Education Resource Network (CTAERN) Collaborate with CTAERN on approved workshops and course offerings Collaboration with PCS on certification/endorsement issues Collaborate with keeping the Professional Standards Commission’s CAPS system up to date Assist the Professional Standards Commission in determining acceptable certification routes Collaborate with PSC approved providers Extended Day Coordinate annual updates to the Program of Work

21 Business and Industry Collaboration
Coordinate industry certification of programs 116 programs undergoing certification in FY11 Collaborate with certifying agencies Serve on review teams Manage program support contracts with business/industry Collaborate with business and industry organizations to support instructional programs Provide consultation Teacher workshops Site visits Preliminary reviews Engaging business and industry in standards development Conduct advisory committee meetings Coordinate business and industry members serving on curriculum review teams Verify the efficacy of business/industry involvement in instructional programs

22 New Teacher Workshop CTAE Teachers with less than 3 years experience
September 12 – 13, 2011 Macon State College Register on CTAERN beginning August 1 New teachers will need their profile created in order to register Contact: Phyllis Johnson 3/28/2017

23 Regional Teacher Drive-In Meetings
All CTAE teachers, except Agriculture 9 Locations but not yet confirmed Tentative Dates: August 22 August 24 August 30 August 31 September 1 September 7 September 19 September 20 September 21 General Session: 5:00 – 5:30 Breakout Sessions: 5:45 – 7:15 Register on CTAERN 3/28/2017

24 CRE Manual Updates Annual color coded updates 2011 Updates - Pink
Most up to date version is always the website 3/28/2017

25 State Board Rule Revision Work-Based Learning -160-4-3-.14
Adopted by State Board of Education June 9, 2011 Item (c) Manageable workload not to exceed the CTAE class size for lab weight funding Item (d) Coordinator may not be otherwise encumbered for periods students are enrolled in WBL Item (e) Annual WBL Data Report Item (f) Up to date records in C-NET Item (g) Conduct program in accordance with Standards in the CRE Manual

26 State Board Rule Revision Work-Based Learning -160-4-3-.14
Item (h) Coordinator shall meet one of the following requirements: 1. Hold a certificate in any CTAE field and has attended training in the last five years. 2. Hold the WBL (formerly DCT) endorsement and has attended training in the last five years. 3. YAP Coordinator only (no other WBL enrollments) only has to attend the training every five years.

27 Ga DOE Website WWW.

28 Training Request for New Coordinators
A minimum of 12 participants needed to consider a training during the school year If you have a new coordinator that needs training send to: 3/28/2017

29 Interim Program Manager - CTAE Delivery Work-Based Learning Specialist
Dwayne Hobbs Interim Program Manager - CTAE Delivery Work-Based Learning Specialist 3/28/2017

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