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1 1 UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal The implementation of the UN CRPD by the EU: Assessing the impact of the UN Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal The implementation of the UN CRPD by the EU: Assessing the impact of the UN Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal The implementation of the UN CRPD by the EU: Assessing the impact of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities' concluding observations – The way forward 10 th September

2 2 The rights of persons with disability are in risk (not respected) The austerity measures, have been having a negative impact in the work of Social services, personal support from the society The Crisis in Portugal UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal

3 3 For people in need of high levels of support these cuts mean a zero support to habilitation, No access to a job and to education, no access health, zero access for rehabilitation Since 2008 Finance cuts in supporting social programs and services for persons with disability (less Support to jobs, health, education and social assistance) The Crisis in Portugal UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal

4 4 After suffering a traumatic brain injured I received hospital treatment and a new definition: I was a disable person But it was 2007, I had the right to a rehabilitation program I could get help to get back to walking and to learn again how to read and get help to looke for a new job for my different skills. 6 months in a rehabilitation center and the rehabilitation was cut. No more money from the social ministery. I am still with a lot to recover and some of my health needs intensive treatment. With no rights I had to return to my parents’ house, they pay my food, they are my transport, I am totally dependent of 2 old persons that should depend on me. Rita UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal

5 5 More “waiting list” More people with no support More persons depending of friends and family The Crisis in Portugal UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal Since 2008 Finance cuts in supporting social programs and services for persons with disability (less Support to jobs, health, education and social assistance)

6 6 Laws and projects suspended: The right to access some arquitectoral barriers The right to have easy-to-read signs The right of having a personal assistant The Crisis in Portugal UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal The progress to achieve the full rights for independent living is delay

7 7 The families and friends have been pressured to take the responsibility of creating the most independent conditions for the person The person more dependent then ever The situation is financially complicated The social and love relation is not free The Crisis in Portugal UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal The progress to achieve the full rights for independent living are delay

8 8 Laws and projects suspended: The right to access some arquitectoral barriers The right to have easy to read signs the definition of the personal assistant The Crisis in Portugal UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal The progress to achieve the full rights for independent living are delay The rights of persons with high level of support are being denied Their life’s have not been delayed so they are trying to live some life without the right to be independent The rights of persons with high level of support are being denied Their life’s have not been delayed so they are trying to live some life without the right to be independent

9 9 Frequent changes in in professional caregivers services “In our Ong we live in confusion, insecure professional environment, its impossible to make plans for the future or create new solutions without knowing what will be the new legislation to surprise us” The Crisis in Portugal UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal Legislation

10 10 The main goal is to help: -The “new poor” -families and persons isolated from society - families that used to depend of social security The new situation in Portugal UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal New organizations with non governmental financial support

11 11 The new situation in Portugal UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal My neighbour used to have a very good professional and financially situation. 3 kids, 2 BMW and he used to travel a lot in vacation with the all family In 2010 he lost his job. More recently his wife is also unemployed. First I notice their kids chanced school, they are now in a public school. they continue to wear the expensive clothes they had, but with the signs of use and holes. The car never lives out of the garage.And my my daughter found q they barely had enough to eat. I invited them tohave frequently dinner at our house. They were ashamed to receive our help. So we created a secret federation with all neighbours in our building and send someone else to help them with food, medicines and school books. After 1 year receiving this help he is now going to restart working in a less important job – soon he will reorganize his home and will no longer need our help. The federation is now helping 36 families in the our region.

12 12 The Social Social entrepreneurship - business techniques to find solutions to social problems UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal New pop up of organizations of great economic groups and universities created platforms to healp ONG re-recreat thenselfs to help others independently from the ministery of social security The new situation in Portugal

13 13 Big boom to access the calls from Europe Objectif: recreate sustainable services and achieve the rights to independent living. There is a working group creating the definition of p.a. There are some experimental projects – to prove that living independently with a p.a. has less costs for society then having someone in a social house UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal The new situation in Portugal

14 14 Paralell report having notice of all these and other failures in the implementation of human rights UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal The new situation in Portugal Some New political projects are explicitly considering the human rights for the disable persons

15 15 UN CRPD implementation and the economic crisis in Europe : Portugal Are we just creating a new hope? Or a new reality? The new situation in Portugal

16 16 Vera Bonvalot EDF, European Disability Forum BIF Brain Injured Federation Europe Novamente Portugal (The national Brain Injured Association) + 351 919437335 The future will say the answer

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