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Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills January 22-25, 2013 Week 21 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills January 22-25, 2013 Week 21 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills January 22-25, 2013 Week 21 1

2 Language Arts Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Target Learning: I can complete the Quarter 2 Common Assessment. Word of the Day: Context Clues Sentence: 2

3 Language Arts Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Writing Prompt: On this day in 1984, the Apple Macintosh was introduced. Since 1984 computers have evolved a great deal. What do you think computers may look like in the next 20 years? Be sure to include a sketch with your writing. Writing Prompts created by: © 2011 Photo: flickr 3

4 Language Arts Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Week 21 Proofreading Sentences: a. william gibson is the playright who’s work were studying b. whose Patty Duke, anyways 4

5 Language Arts Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Week 21 Proofreading Sentences Check: a. W illiam G ibson is the playwright whose work we ’ re studying. b. Who’s Patty Duke, anyway? 5

6 Language Arts Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Target Learning Instruction: I can identify theme in poetry and support my opinion with evidence from the poem. 1) Warm-Ups (pass out to tables): Writing prompt, Poetry & Prose portfolio table of contents, and proofreading sentences. May complete after common assessment. 2) 2 nd Quarter Common Assessment. 3) Reading logs due today! 6

7 Poetry & Prose Portfolio Table of Contents 1.Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 2.The Just US club: Unfair Treatment 3.Sneetches Word Maps 4.Sneetches Response to Literature/Reading Guide 5.Sneetches: Poetic Alliances 6.Sneetches: Comprehension Test 7.Winter Wardrobe: Tercet Poem 7

8 Social Studies Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Target Learning: I can explain how the Egyptian pharaohs, the different roles of Egyptian society, and Egyptian trades influenced. The Old Kingdom, pp. 93-100. Return Cornell Notes from Friday. Guided reading and taking notes, pp. 93-100. Cornell Notes Questions: 1. If you were there…p. 93 2. Main idea one, p. 93 (turn into question). Read & take notes, pp. 93-95, 3. Analyzing visuals question, p. 94. 4. Reading check question, p. 94. 5. Main idea two, p. 93 (turn into question). Read & take notes, pp. 95-97. 8

9 Social Studies, p. 2 Tuesday, January 22, 2013 6. Analyzing visuals question, p. 97. 7. Reading check question, p. 97. 8. Main idea three, p. 93 (turn into question). Read and take notes, pp. 98-100. 9, Analyzing visuals question, p. 99. 10. Reading check question, p. 100. 11. Assessment Questions, p. 100. 9

10 Study Skills Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Target Learning: I can complete HOLES pre-reading activities. Pass-out PURPLE work folders from book shelf. Use HOLES Glossary Pages to complete Word Maps over words 7-12 (finish words #1-6 first if not complete). Complete KWHL chart for HOLES chapters 1-3. Pass out HOLES books (in classroom cart). Independently Read Chapter 1-3 in HOLES. 10

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