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LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT August 27, 2015 British Literature.

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1 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT August 27, 2015 British Literature

2 WARM UP FOR 8/27  In your journals, answer this question in paragraph form. Is texting ruining language? Why or why not?

3 BELL (Latin meaning “war”) Bellona was the Roman goddess of war and her husband Mars was the god of war. 1.Antebellum: (noun) Period before a war (before + war) 2.Bellicose: (adj) Warlike, aggressive 3.Belligerence: (noun) Aggressiveness 4.Rebellion: (noun) Defiance and opposition THESAURUS THURSDAY

4 PAC/PEAS (Latin related to “agree” and “peace”) The Pacific Ocean was named so because to Magellan is seemed to be peaceful. 1.Pacify: (verb) To sooth anger/aggression 2.Pacifist: (noun) A person opposed to violence or war 3.Pact: (noun) A treaty or agreement 4.Appease: (verb) To make peaceful and calm THESAURUS THURSDAY

5 1.Th e Senate Republicans, outraged by their treatment, were. 2.To the younger managers, the company will double their bonuses this year. 3.The cease-fire that had been reached with such effort was shattered by the news of the slaughter. 4.The world watched in amazement as the gentle Gandhi won India its independence with almost no bloodshed. 5.Her soft lullabies could always the unhappy infant. THESAURUS THURSDAY

6 STANDARD AMERICAN ENGLISH (SAE) CHALLENGE SAE: The variety of the English language that is generally used in professional communication in the United States and taught in American schools.  In your groups, you will have 15 minutes to form a list of rules to compose “Standard American English.” Your rulebook should protect against any misconceptions and mistakes in the English language. Your rules should be exhaustive to protect the English language. You will present your rules to the class.


8 IS TEXTING RUINING LANGUAGE?  We are going to watch the TED Talk by famous linguist John McWhorter:  As you watch, you may follow along with the article and annotate as you go.

9 ESSAY PROMPTS The Development of the English Language

10 HOMEWORK  Read and annotate Johnson’s “Language Anxieties” for Friday’s class.

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