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17.4 I SAAC N EWTON Brittany West & Jasmine Medina.

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1 17.4 I SAAC N EWTON Brittany West & Jasmine Medina

2 S OME F ACTS A BOUT I SAAC N EWTON Isaac Newton (1642-1724) Newton discovered the Theory of Universal Gravitation at the age of 24 Didn’t publish the theory until he was 45 in 1687 Isaac had similar methods as the ancient Greek, Democritus. Newton.jpg

3 A BOUT T HE A RTICLE This article obtains some of Isaac Newton’s theories of scientific relevance. For example it mentions his theory of universal gravitation( the law that states any two bodies attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them )'s%20law%20of%20gravitation's%20law%20of%20gravitation

4 A BOUT THE A RTICLE Other theories mentioned are: God’s creation of matter( Go d in the beginning formed matter in solid, massy, hard, impenetentrable, movable particles, of such size and figures, and with such other properties, and in such proportion to space, as most conducted to the end for which he formed them; ) Isaac Newton, Optics, or Treatise of the Reflections, Inflictions and colours of Light, 4 th ed. (London, 1730). [Capitalization and spelling have been modernized-Ed.] ( Believed God created animals with bodies shaped alike on both sides and this was only something God could create ) Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy( rules on next slide ) Planets orbit in an orderly matter because of inconsiderable irregularies from mutual actions of comets and planets

5 D ESCRIBE N EWTON ’ S METHOD. H OW DOES HE ARRIVE AT HIS CONCLUSION ? Sir Isaac Newton created a method to prove a hypothesis correct. In his method (“The Rules of Reasoning in Philosophy”) there are four rules: Rule 1: Questioning a “natural thing” Rule 2: Find What Causes This “natural thing” Rule 3: Experiment to Prove your Question Rule 4: Attempt to recreate this “phenomena”

6 A CCORDING TO R ULE 4, WHAT CAN WE IMPLY ABOUT SCIENTIFIC CONCLUSIONS ? A RE THEY DEFINITE ? W HY OR WHY NOT ? According to rule 4 a scientific conclusion is not always correct. Scientist believed that the discovery made had to be represented again to show it was truly a discovery. These scientific conclusions are not definite because they have to be repeated in nature to be proven a scientific discovery. If this phenomena occurs again then it is a definite discovery.

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