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Warm Up 1 List three innovations (inventions or an invention that is has been modified) that have completely changed the way that people live and do things.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up 1 List three innovations (inventions or an invention that is has been modified) that have completely changed the way that people live and do things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up 1 List three innovations (inventions or an invention that is has been modified) that have completely changed the way that people live and do things. Justify your answer. (Example, the printing press.) A.B.C.


3 What is a revolution? This word has three meanings. complete circular turn: one complete circular movement made by something round or cylindrical, e.g. a wheel, around a fixed point complete circular turn: one complete circular movement made by something round or cylindrical, e.g. a wheel, around a fixed point What other objects revolve?

4 overthrow of government: the overthrow of a ruler or political system overthrow of government: the overthrow of a ruler or political system

5 major change: a dramatic change in ideas or practice major change: a dramatic change in ideas or practice (This is the meaning we will be using in this unit.)

6 What was the Scientific Revolution? Beginning of modern science Beginning of modern science Scientific method: Depends upon logic, observation, and reason rather than faith Scientific method: Depends upon logic, observation, and reason rather than faith Created the technologies and techniques that built the modern world Created the technologies and techniques that built the modern world Created paradigm of our solar system Created paradigm of our solar system Started by scholars Started by scholars publishing new theories on Astronomy.

7 PAVING THE WAY Renaissance – classical Greece and Roman manuscripts Age of Exploration – astronomy & mathematics

8 NEW WAY OF THINKING Based upon careful observation and a willingness to question accepted beliefs. What group is going to have a hard time with people’s willingness to question accepted beliefs? What group is going to have a hard time with people’s willingness to question accepted beliefs?

9 Scientific Thinkers

10 Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) Earth is the center of the Universe was the previous belief Earth is the center of the Universe was the previous belief Book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres Book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres This is a landmark publication because it’s the first challenge of the previous solar system beliefs He uses calculations to show his heliocentric theory. He also introduces the “discovery” of the New World and what’s beyond the known. Heliocentric theory: Heliocentric theory: Sun is the center of the universe **New theories published on astronomy sparked the scientific revolution***

11 Copernicus’ Heliocentric Theory

12 Copernicus wrote: “Finally we shall place the Sun himself at the center of the Universe.” During the Renaissance and Reformation, how would the leaders of the Catholic church received Copernicus hypotheses? New theories published on astronomy sparked the scientific revolution

13 JOHANNES KEPLER (1571-1630) discovered elliptical orbit of planets discovered elliptical orbit of planets proved heliocentric theory introduced by Copernicus proved heliocentric theory introduced by Copernicus **New theories published on astronomy sparked the scientific revolution***

14 GALILEO GALILEI 1564-1642 Law of the Pendulum Law of the Pendulum Laws of Motion Laws of Motion Telescope Telescope Heavenly discoveries Heavenly discoveries pendulums Every object will continue to do as it always has unless changed by an unbalanced force.

15 The Catholic Church and Scientists During the early years of its formation, the Catholic Church rejected scientific theories of thinkers like Galileo. During the early years of its formation, the Catholic Church rejected scientific theories of thinkers like Galileo. After the Reformation new information on the universe was discovered by scientists. After the Reformation new information on the universe was discovered by scientists. The Church believed answers to questions about the universe should be found through religion. The Church believed answers to questions about the universe should be found through religion.

16 The Catholic Church and Scientists How did new discoveries affect the churches authority among modern thinkers? How did new discoveries affect the churches authority among modern thinkers? The church lost authority among thinkers. The church lost authority among thinkers.

17 ISAAC NEWTON (1642)- (1727) Law of Gravity Law of Gravity the same force controls the planets, the pendulum, and all matter in earth and space F=Gm1m2/d2 F is force of Gravity; G is the constant; m1 and m2 are the masses; d is the distance. “The same thing that caused the apple to fall (gravity) was what held the moon in its orbit.”

18 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS Microscopes – bacteria, red blood cells Barometers – weather, atmospheric pressure Thermometers- temperature of the body.

19 MEDICINE Human Anatomy- Andreas Versalius Human Anatomy- Andreas Versalius Hands-on direct observation =only reliable resource. Before Versalius anatomy was fictional.Hands-on direct observation =only reliable resource. Before Versalius anatomy was fictional. Circulation of Blood- William Harvey Circulation of Blood- William Harvey blood is "pumped" around the body by the heart.blood is "pumped" around the body by the heart. What ultimately increased because to the work of the two men above?

20 MEDICINE continued… Small pox vaccine- Small pox vaccine- First successful vaccine to be developed.First successful vaccine to be developed. Created by Edward Jenner 1796Created by Edward Jenner 1796 Before the vaccine mortality rate was up to 35%Before the vaccine mortality rate was up to 35%

21 CHEMISTRY Boyle’s Law- discovered the nature of elements and compounds, the basis of modern Chemistry Boyle’s Law- discovered the nature of elements and compounds, the basis of modern Chemistry Why do we need chemistry today? Why do we need chemistry today?

22 CHEMISTRY continued…. Priestley – separated pure gas (oxygen) Priestley – separated pure gas (oxygen) He also discovered: He also discovered: nitrous oxide (laughing gas) nitrous oxide (laughing gas) carbon monoxide carbon monoxide Lavoisier – came up with the Oxygen Theory. Proof came when he decomposed water into two gases, hydrogen and oxygen, and then reformed them into water as had been previously done by Priestley (1781). Lavoisier – came up with the Oxygen Theory. Proof came when he decomposed water into two gases, hydrogen and oxygen, and then reformed them into water as had been previously done by Priestley (1781). Hg(l) + O2(g) HgO(s) Laughing gas

23 Radioactivity Marie Curie (1867-1934) Focused on Physics and Chemistry First woman to receive the Nobel Prize She studied uranium rays and soon discovered the rays remained constant, no matter the condition or form of the uranium. She later called this radioactivity. Her discoveries were eventually turned into X-rays.

24 With your partner How can Marie Curie’s invention of X- rays and radioactivity impact today? What impacts would it have on health and security?

25 THE EFFECT scientists applied scientific approaches to all areas of life scientists applied scientific approaches to all areas of life they believed they were “enlightened” they believed they were “enlightened” What do you think it means to be enlightened? What do you think it means to be enlightened?

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