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10 May 2015 Planning for BRT in Giza and New Cairo.

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Presentation on theme: "10 May 2015 Planning for BRT in Giza and New Cairo."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 May 2015 Planning for BRT in Giza and New Cairo

2 Metro network 78 km existing 76 km planned

3 After finishing metro lines 3, 4, 5 ParisLondonMexico CityBeijingCairo 10.413.68.613.619 Population (million) 807466283466154 Rapid transit (km)


5 Frequency-occupancy survey form Stephanie Lotshaw 02/03/2015 Chris Kost Jinja Road & Yusuf Lule Road 7 30 7 25 15 24

6 Frequency-occupancy survey locations

7 Corridor demand Faisal: 4,600 pphpd 26 July: 8,700 pphpd Mourad Street/El Nile 3,700 pphpd Al Ahram: 4,300 pphpd Rabiye El Gezy Salah Salem: 6,900 pphpd 26 July: 7,400 pphpd Gameat Al Dewal: 6,400 pphpd Sudan St: 3,800 pphpd

8 Corridor right-of-way (ROW)

9 Potential BRT corridor 16.1 km Faisal-Oraby corridor 1 minute between buses Fleet of 81 buses (articulated) USD 80m capital cost

10 Service typology Direct services to reduce passenger transfers

11 30 m cross section At stations Between stations

12 What is Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)? Enclosed and secure stations New, clean, high- capacity buses Pre-board payment with smart cards Pedestrian and cycle access Dedicated bus lanes

13 Ensuring Quality

14 Institutional arrangement Lean, focused special purpose unit as regulator Contract private firms to procure & operate buses through transparent bidding process Payment made based on kilometers operated Separate contract(s) for electronic fare collection and IT systems

15 SPV structure Route planning Infrastructure design Business model Financial analysis Long-term vision Scheduling Fleet monitoring Fare collection Quality control Financial management Contracting & payments Human resources Physical resources Legal Public information strategy User surveys Corporate identity Marketing Media relations

16 Managing the transition to competitive professional private modern companies

17 Existing projects Metro Line 4 on Al Ahram BRT in Cairo: – Airport to Giza border – Mostafa El Nahaas 6 th of October Monorail CTA purchase of 500 buses: BRT compatible? Giza tunnels

18 Integration with metro

19 Integration of bridges and tunnels with BRT

20 BRT planning process 1.Preliminary Assessment 2.Service Plan 3.Infrastructure Plan 4.Financial Plan 5.Social, Environmental, and Economic Evaluation

21 Implementation timeline SPV formation Design consultants Infrastructure contract Marketing Testing year 1year 2year 3 Bus operations contract Bus procurement IT contract IT procurement

22 Coordination with stakeholders Steering committee with – Three governors – Minister of Housing/NUCA – Minister of Transport Institutional partnerships: – Cairo Metro – CTA – Minibus operators

23 Thank you @ITDPafrica

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