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Klaus Jungmann, KVI, University of Groningen, NL Antiproton Decelerator (AD) Summary and Prospects 10-13 May 2009 PP  ? Physics Motivation Physics Motivation.

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Presentation on theme: "Klaus Jungmann, KVI, University of Groningen, NL Antiproton Decelerator (AD) Summary and Prospects 10-13 May 2009 PP  ? Physics Motivation Physics Motivation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Klaus Jungmann, KVI, University of Groningen, NL Antiproton Decelerator (AD) Summary and Prospects 10-13 May 2009 PP  ? Physics Motivation Physics Motivation Unique Possibilities Unique Possibilities Tests of Fundamental Theories Tests of Fundamental Theories Precision Measurements Precision Measurements Novel Techniques and Instrumentation Novel Techniques and Instrumentation Applications Applications High Visibility High Visibility

3 Physics Motivation Physics Motivation

4 How do we work in Physics ? First Theory on Gravity Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727 ) Basic Principles on which Scientists work in Physics   

5 May-June 2006FANTOM Study Week Gent 2007  A Theory is only as good as it is experimentally verified.  A Theory without experimental verification has no standing.

6 Standard Model(s) in Particle Physics in Particle Physics 3 Fundamental Forces 3 Fundamental Forces Electromagnetic Weak Strong Electromagnetic Weak Strong U(3) c x SU(2) L x U(1) Y symmetry U(3) c x SU(2) L x U(1) Y symmetry 12 Fundamental Fermions 12 Fundamental Fermions Quarks, Leptons Quarks, Leptons 13 (Gauge) Bosons 13 (Gauge) Bosons ,W +, W -, Z 0, H, 8 Gluons ,W +, W -, Z 0, H, 8 Gluons in Cosmology in Cosmology Big Bang Big Bang  Standard Fundamental Physical Theory

7 Excellent Description of Excellent Description of ALL Observations ALL Observations However, many Open Questions However, many Open Questions Why 3 generations ? Why 3 generations ? Why some 30 parameters? Why some 30 parameters? Why one electric charge ? Why one electric charge ? What about CP violation ? What about CP violation ? Why matter-antimatter asymmetry? Why matter-antimatter asymmetry? ….. ….. Gravity not included Gravity not included No Combind Theory of Gravity and No Combind Theory of Gravity and Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics. Contents of the Cosmos Contents of the Cosmos What’s the other 96% beyond matter ? What’s the other 96% beyond matter ? The Standard Model(s) Dark Matter – Dark Energy …

8 ? Grand GrandUnification not yet known? Gravitation Strong Strong Magnetism Electricity Weak Electro- Magnetism Electro - Weak Standard Model ++ e - + N S u u d d u d  zXzXzXzX e-e-e-e-? Physics within the Standard Model: complex systems, spectra, lifetimes… complex systems, spectra, lifetimes… Standard Model in Particle Physics Physics outside the Standard Model: new phenomena, new particles… new phenomena, new particles… Speculative Models: Supersymmetry, Cold dark matter, Tachyons, Radiative muon generation, Technicolor, Leptoquarks, Extra gauge bosons, Extra dimensions, LeftRight Symmetry, Compositeness, Lepton flavour violation, ….  No Status in Physics, yet: “Not Even Wrong”

9  complementary complementary approaches approaches Precision Frontier Precision Frontier Direct Search Frontier Experiments at the Frontiers of Standard Theory

10 Test of Fundamental Symmetries Test of Fundamental Symmetries Precison Measurements

11 CERNHIGHLY PUBLICLY VISIBLE Since then CERN has a HIGHLY PUBLICLY VISIBLE program Low Energy Precision Tests on Low Energy Precision Tests of most fundamental theories

12  Proton and Antiproton q/m compare to 0.1 ppb Clock Comparisons  Proton and Antiproton gravitational accceleration equal to 1 ppm equal to 1 ppm p and pbar charge to mass ratio (circles) p and pbar inertial mass ratio (squares) Highly precise CPT & Gravity Tests Precision requires Time pbar-p q/m 45 years electron g-2 60 years muon g-2 45 years muonium 1s-2s 15 years

13 CPT Symmetry Verifications of CPT Symmetry Tests of particle/antiparticle symmetry (PDG)  Inconsistent definition of figure of merit: comparison difficult  Pattern of CPT violation unknown (P: weak interaction, CP: mesons) → Arbitrary number joggling to get “accuracy” better than experiments !!!

14 CPTLorentz Invariance CPT – Violation & Lorentz Invariance Violation Kostelecky et al.:  Interaction with a finite strength  Figure of merit energy based → Completely different systems appear much more interesting !

15 Verifications of CPT symmetry Tests of particle/antiparticle symmetry (PDG) Using the Kostelecky et al. Standard Model Extension scheme Mass [eV]

16 Different methods available to produce Antihydrogen

17 Scientists Create 'Star Trek' Antihydrogen in Quantity By Alex Dominguez Associated Press posted: 02:59 pm ET 18 September 2002ATHENAATRAP Physical Review Letters 89, 213401 online (2002)

18 Laser spectroscopy 1s-2s -------- Microwave spectroscopy 1s Hyperfine Structure R  = m e c 2 *  2 /2 h  1s2s = ¾ *R  +  QED +  nucl +  weak +  CPT “Long distance” Interaction “Contact” interaction  HFS = cons. *  2 R  +  QED +  nucl +  weak +  CPT (Anti-)Hydrogen CPT Tests

19  2 /df  9  2 /df  4.2 Hydrogen Laser spectroscopy Haensch et al.

20 (Anti-)Hydrogen Spectroscopy * (Anti-)Hydrogen Spectroscopy * Hydrogen 1s-2s Saturation Intensity I s = 0.9 W/cm2 Excitation Rate R e = 4  *84*(I/W/s*cm 2 ) 2 /  Hz Photo Ionization Rate R p = 9*I/W/s*cm 2 Zeeman shift  Z = 9.3*B Hz/T ac Stark shift  ac = 1.7*I Hz /W*cm 2 Velocity at 1mK V 1K = 4 m/s Time-of-flight broadening  TOF = 3 kHz Time-of-flight broadening  TOF = 3 kHz (1 mK, 600  m beam diam.) Lyman a detection efficiency 10 -6 =  * eff MCP (= 10 -4 * 10 -2 ) 10 11 H-atoms (MIT Bose condensation)  / 1s2s = 10 -13 10 11 H-atoms (MIT Bose condensation)  / 1s2s = 10 -13 ( 1s integration time) Just one Problem: Lyman-  detection via field quenching => atoms can be used once only (all 1s, m F states get equally populated) (all 1s, m F states get equally populated) Line center accuracy in absence of systematic errors:  exp. / (Sign./Noise)   exp. /  N particles * numbers verified with L. Willmann Antihydrogen experiments benefit from Antihydrogen experiments benefit from more particles

21 pH Ground-state Hyperfine Structure from B. Juhasz SIMULATION Need less particles ( 2 pH / s ) because of narrow natural linewidth

22 pHe + Atom – a naturally occurring trap for antiprotons Serendipitously discovered by Tokyo group at KEK 3-body system, Metastable ~ 3% of stopped antiprotons survive with average lifetime of ~ 3  s Precision laser spectroscopy by ASACUSA: - best test of 3-body QED theories - proton-antiproton mass & charge comparison (PDG) CODATA Enters CODATA constant adjustment significantly Hayano, Yamazaki et al.

23 Progress in atomcule spectroscopy year

24 CPT Tests @ CERN AD At the CERN AD a number of unique, important CPT tests were already conducted and improved ones are on their way : ASACUSA ASACUSA pHe, pHe +, pH, p ATRAP ATRAP p, pH ALPHA ALPHA pH One can expect significant steering of Model Building and High Visibility next to a robust discovery potential.

25 Hydrogen F=m*g F=m*g ? F= - m*g ? (Anti-)Hydrogen Gravity Tests Unique Possibility Lyman –  laser required Lyman –  laser developed The Remaining eagerly awaited Gravity Test

26 Gravity Tests @ CERN AD At the CERN AD is the place to answer the most urgent question on antimatter gravity : AEGIS AEGIS pH ATRAP ATRAP pH Free Fall Free Fall pH One can expect an answer to a most fundamental question to question, which only can be answered by experiment! High Visibility next to a robust discovery potential.

27 Standard Model Physics Standard Model PhysicsApplications

28 Antiprotonic Radioactive Atoms ProcessObservableDeduced quantity Physics Capture in high orbit (atomic x-sections), cascade Antiprotonic x-rays O(MeV) Annihilation orbit, energy shifts Matter distributions, neutron vs. protons on nuclear surface, … Annihilation (n>7) on peripheral nucleon De-excitation , particles, daughter activity n vs. p annihilation VOLUME 87, NUMBER 8 P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S 20 AUGUST 2001 Neutron Density Distributions Deduced from Antiprotonic Atoms A. Trzcin´ska, J. Jastrze ¸bski, and P. Lubin´ski Heavy Ion Laboratory, Warsaw University, PL-02-093 Warsaw, Poland F. J. Hartmann, R. Schmidt, and T. von Egidy Physik-Department, Technische Universität München, D-85747 Garching, Germany B. Klos Physics Department, Silesian University, PL-40-007 Katowice, Poland (Received 28 March 2001; published 2 August 2001) Highest Uncertainty Arising from Theory ASACUSA using RFQD &MUSAHI

29 Antiproton Radio-Therapy A significant win (factor ~4) in a sensitive window for tumor treatment and healthy tissue sparing CarbonAntiprotons

30 Physics within Standard Model and Applied Research @ CERN AD At the CERN AD also SM physics and Applied Research is conducted: ASACUSA ASACUSA p-nucleus annihilation, atomic collisions Double-Strangeness Double-Strangeness p-nucleus dedicated experiment Production PAX PAX p polarization, p  – p interactions ACE ACE p radiation-therapy … … … One can expect deeper insights and the development of novel techniques to the benefit of physics and society.

31 Antiproton Sources Antiproton Sources

32 Antiproton Decelerator (AD) @ CERN Started operation 2000Started operation July 6, 2000 Antiproton capture, deceleration, cooling Pulsed extractionPulsed extraction Many ExperimentsMany Experiments –ASACUSA –ATRAP –ALPHA –AEGIS –Free Fall –PAX –ACE – ….. Request for more andRequest for more and better antiproton beams better antiproton beams –To speed up progress –To boost accuracy  ELENA

33 Consequent Future Development ELENA @CERN ELENA provides 10-100 times more particles ?Possible Option? TSR  ELENA ?? ?Possible Option? TSR @MPIK(Heidelberg)  ELENA ??

34 FLAIR NESR Factor 100 more pbar trapped or stopped in gas targets than now FLAIR @ /FAIR

35 New Facilities @ CERN AD or GSI/FAIR New Facilities can provide up to 100 times more particles: MUSASHI MUSASHI ASACUSA ‘s device to recycle p’s ELENA ELENA Generic low cost CERN solution, Start possible now FLAIR FLAIR GSI/FAIR solution not before 2015 One can expect faster progress and better results from more p’s → CERN and GSI should synchronize

36 Summary and Conclusions Summary and Conclusions  Highly Motivated Urgent Antiproton Experiments with robust Discovery Potential and High Visibility with robust Discovery Potential and High Visibility CPT, Gravity, Determination of Fundamental Constants, CPT, Gravity, Determination of Fundamental Constants, SM Physics, Applications (Therapy) SM Physics, Applications (Therapy)  Unique Facility worldwide until beyond 2015  Creative and Innovative Increasing Community Young people Young people Novel Techniques and Novel Technology Novel Techniques and Novel Technology  Physics Program good on Time Path  Physics Program needs more particles → ELENA well motivated  Productive and Prosperous Future Ahead Low Energy Antiproton contributions to Physics just started Precision takes Time Care and Particles


38 Thank YOU !

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