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Welcome To Kindergarten School starts a 8:00 Doors open at 7:15 for bus and car riders. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria. When children arrive before.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To Kindergarten School starts a 8:00 Doors open at 7:15 for bus and car riders. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria. When children arrive before."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome To Kindergarten

3 School starts a 8:00 Doors open at 7:15 for bus and car riders. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria. When children arrive before 7:45 they will sit with other kindergarten students in the gym. If your child is absent from school you must send a note explaining the absence.

4 Keep for entire school year. Bring to school everyday. Check for work and notes home. Check folder and Complete any assignments. Used to record daily behavior and messages from the teacher. Agendas should be signed nightly!! Send any notes to teacher in agenda or folder.

5 Please help us to reinforce good behavior by having a follow up plan at home. Please check agendas nightly for behavior reports. If they color their smiley face green… it was a GREAT DAY! If there are problems, I will write them in the agenda. If there is a problem I need to know about…please discuss Them with me as soon as possible.

6 We must have a note from a parent or guardian if there are to be any changes in transportation. It is important to try to keep their transportation the same each day so they do not get confused. Please talk with your child about the way they will be going home. If they ride a bus help them to learn the bus number. Transportation badges will be given to each child by their teacher. Please make sure they keep up with these for the first several weeks.

7 School Nurse: Mrs. Harkless,RN Medicine must be brought in by an adult and signed in with the nurse. Medicine will be administered by the office personnel. Do not send medicine to school with your child.

8 Kindergarteners will receive report cards each nine weeks of school. Please sign the report card and return to school.

9 Homework Check folder or agenda for homework. Should take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. You will need the following supplies at home for homework: Crayons, scissors, pencils and a glue stick.

10 News Letters I will send home newsletters letting you know what is going on at school. I will also send additional information home if needed. You can also check our class webpage for updates.

11 Snack Calendar Your child will be responsible for snack once a month. I will send a snack calendar home with each newsletter monthly. Snacks need to be individually wrapped and have to be store bought.

12 Conferences There are two scheduled conferences during the year. If a problem arises and you need to speak to your child’s teacher please call the office to set up an appointment. We are unable to conference with you during instructional time.

13 Money When sending money to school please send it in an envelope with the following: Mrs. Peters Joe Smith $10.00 Lunch Money

14 Kindergarten Curriculum Reading/ Language Arts Letter Recognition Sight words/spelling Handwriting Rhyming Words Story Sequencing Sentence Writing Reading Math Counting and identifying numbers to 100. Shapes / Colors Patterns Addition / Subtraction Time, Measurement and Money Science and Social Studies Theme related activities.

15 Helpful Information: Send agenda, folder and backpack to school everyday. Sign that you have seen your child’s agenda and remove any work from their folder. Send a change of clothes to be kept in your child’s backpack in case of accidents or spills. Your child should be dressed in clothing they can manage and shoes that are safe for climbing on outside equipment. Do not allow your child to bring toys to school.

16 Please keep us informed of any changes in your emergency contact person, address and phone numbers. Write your child’s name in any of their personal items. (backpack and jackets) I am looking forward to a great year!!

17 Before you leave tonight: Make sure you sign and return the information pack Sign up for your child’s small group day Sign the transportation forms so I will know how they will get home Sign up to help with our class parties/ROAR Celebration Take a wish list item if you would like WE WILL HAVE A GREAT YEAR!

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