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Planning For Success Readiness is a combination of: Social Emotional Academic IUSD Kindergarten Philosophy In IUSD our goal is to promote a joy of learning.

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3 Planning For Success Readiness is a combination of: Social Emotional Academic IUSD Kindergarten Philosophy In IUSD our goal is to promote a joy of learning in a positive and nurturing environment, which creates critical thinkers, effective oral communicators, and life-long learners.

4 Language This area will be important for your child because in Kindergarten they will be expected to use appropriate oral language during: Reading Groups- analysis and discussion Journaling Rug Buddies Weekly Sharing and Author’s Chair Super Star

5 Reading This area will be important for your child because in Kindergarten they will be expected to learn: Letter/sound recognition 18 sight words Read CVC words Wordless picture books Reading!!

6 Writing This area will be important for your child because in Kindergarten they will be expected to learn: Handwriting Without Tears Journaling from day 1 – Uppercase and lowercase as appropriate – Spacing between words – Appropriate punctuation – Detailed sentence – Appropriate picture – Writing on Topic Thinking Maps

7 Math Number Concept Development This is important for your child because in Kindergarten they will be expected to learn: Number sense to 20 (write and recognize) Addition and Subtraction (Fluently 1-5/1-10 with manipulatives) Concepts of time (days of the week, months of the year, time of day-morning, afternoon, evening) Maturity for hands-on lessons

8 Social and Emotional Development This area will be important for your child because in Kindergarten… 30+ students RIR expectations: – Backpacks and lunch boxes – Waiting turns – Respecting other property – Completing activities

9 This is important for your child because in Kindergarten they will be expected to participate in… Concept Development- Art and Music- recognize and name colors; understand concepts such as in/out, on/off, front/back, up/down; participation Physical Development- Fine motor- holding a pencil (tri-pod grip), cutting with scissors Gross motor- running, jumping, climbing, ride a tricycle, bounce a ball, jump rope, hula hoop Health and Safety- Good health habits (washing hands), follow simple safety rules, eat healthy foods

10 We look forward to a Successful year! Your child will have a more successful experience in Kindergarten if he/she is more well-rounded in all of these areas: Social Emotional Academic Please visit our Kindergarten homepage for readiness tips and information.

11 Kindergarten Walk-Thru **Check-in at the front office** April 1 st 8:45-9:15 or April 3 rd 12:00-12:30 *This is for incoming Kindergarten students ONLY. No siblings please*

12 Up-Coming Events Annual Spring Carnival Friday, June 13 th 5:00-8:00pm Open House Thursday, May 22 nd

13 Kindergarten Welcome Screening Monday, August 25 th 8:00-3:00 Tuesday, August 26 th 8:00-3:00 Assessment date and time will be scheduled when you enroll your child in the office. Looking Ahead to Fall! Kindergarten Back to School Night The FIRST night of school

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