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Save Biodiversity! Title slide Countdown 2010: Take action to save biodiversity! András Krolopp Deputy Head Countdown 2010 Secretariat.

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Presentation on theme: "Save Biodiversity! Title slide Countdown 2010: Take action to save biodiversity! András Krolopp Deputy Head Countdown 2010 Secretariat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Save Biodiversity! Title slide Countdown 2010: Take action to save biodiversity! András Krolopp Deputy Head Countdown 2010 Secretariat

2 Save Biodiversity! Biodiversity is in decline

3 Save Biodiversity! The 2010 Biodiversity Target “that biodiversity decline should be halted with the aim of reaching this objective by 2010“ Presidency Conclusions of the EU Summit in Göteborg, 2001 “to achieve, by 2010, a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national levels as a contribution to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on earth ” Decision VI/26 CBD Strategic Plan 2002

4 Save Biodiversity! What is Countdown 2010? A powerful network of active partners working together to reach the 2010 biodiversity target

5 Save Biodiversity! Biodiversity and Business Biodiversity refers to “the variability among living organisms from all sources … and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems” (Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 2). EcosystemsBusinesses depend on ecosystem services, notably for regenerative and waste assimilation capacities SpeciesBusiness activities impact – both positively and negatively – a vast array of species. Some sectors depend directly on wild plants and animals for their production processes GenesThe private sector plays a dominant role in the commercial use of genetic resources and their derivatives

6 Save Biodiversity! Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Opportunities and Challenges for Business and Industry 1. Ecosystem services that are freely available today will cease to be available or become more costly 2. Loss of ecosystem services will affect conditions in which businesses operate: customer preferences shareholder expectations regulatory regimes availability of finance and insurance 3. New business opportunities will emerge as demand grows for more efficient or different ways to use ecosystem services, mitigate impacts or track or trade services

7 Save Biodiversity! C2010 Approach to Private Sector Corporate Engagement is Key to Transforming Markets and Promoting Sector Shifts to Sustainability No such thing as Zero Risk. Aim to maximize opportunities and manage risk Creative, Proactive engagement offers a powerful means for achieving 2010 target

8 Save Biodiversity! Workshop A Biodiversity-related responsibility schemes  Corporate social responsibility  Strategic environmental assessment  Social and environmental accreditation and labelling schemes  Socially responsible investment  Corporate philanthropy  Environmental Management and Audit Scheme Workshop B Business-related biodiversity indicators  Corporate biodiversity assessments  Industry-wide biodiversity assessments  Landscape-level biodiversity indicators  Accountability and reporting Workshop C Markets for biodiversity goods and services  Biodiversity-friendly agriculture  Biodiversity-friendly forestry and non- timber forest products  Biodiversity-friendly fisheries and aquaculture  Biodiversity-friendly carbon  Biodiversity-friendly watershed services  Biodiversity offsets  Biodiversity management services  Biodiversity-friendly tourism and recreational hunting and fishing Workshop D Business and biodiversity partnerships  BEBOP  FSC  MSC  IFOAM  MAC  MMSD (Luke Danielson)  ECNC, Banking Initiative  Katoomba Group (Michael Jenkins)  Earthwatch Institute (Europe)’s Corporate Environmental Responsibility Group  WWF’s business and industry programmes in Europe  FFI’s business partnerships Lisbon Conference on Business and Biodiversity

9 Save Biodiversity! The Message from Lisbon A Message from Lisbon was released calling on business, governments, the EU and NGOs to: Continue raising awareness of the strong competitive advantage companies can gain from conserving biodiversity; Promote the use of market, corporate responsibility and regulatory schemes; Support business with operational tools for biodiversity conservation and measuring their performance in meaningful ways, especially in small and medium sized companies; and Encourage new incentives to develop and strengthen partnerships between companies, governments at all levels, NGOs and academia.

10 Save Biodiversity! The Business Case is changing Expectations are rising Regulation and policy intervention growing Liability and investment risk reviews Many constituencies expect business to improve performance in biodiversity issue management Trust is also growing Business/NGO partnerships are more common and mature Capacity and policy in business is developing rapidly

11 Save Biodiversity! Can we lean back and relax? ECO-tax Efficiency Environmental investment …

12 Save Biodiversity! Waste water Treatment and Sustainable Development On site benefit Decreasing ground water pollution End of life cycle Construction phase Waste Operation phase Reversible and irreversible impact of construction (sewage system and plant) Energy use and emission of construction work Energy and material need Natural resources need Mining and processing construction materials Energy Environmental pressures Consumer pays Profit Operation cost Investment cost Taxes State revenues Growth Sludge Into the soilCompostingBurning Transport and energy emission Dangerous substancesEnergy emission

13 Save Biodiversity! Pay attention!!! “Sustainable” tourism - implementation Ecological footprint… –Carbon –Water –Waste –Light –Carrying capacity –Money for “development” Afforestation projects under Clean Development Mechanism (Kyoto) Buying credits through plantation –Biodiversity –Invasive and alien –Landscape

14 Save Biodiversity!

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