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LEADER transnational projects in Estonia Rural Development Department Local Initiative and Human Environment Bureau Konstantin Mihhejev Druskininkai, Lithuania,

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1 LEADER transnational projects in Estonia Rural Development Department Local Initiative and Human Environment Bureau Konstantin Mihhejev Druskininkai, Lithuania, 22. June 2011

2 COUNTRY PROFILE Location: Between Finland & Latvia, Sweden & Russian Federation Size: Total 4.5 M ha (only 7 EU MS are smaller) Land4.3 M ha Forests 2.3 M ha Agricultural land 1.2 M ha Population: 1.36 M (only 3 EU MS have less) 30 % in rural areas

3 The total ERDP budget of the programme period 2007-2013 The total ERDP budget is 924,8,9 mln EUR Axis I Improving the competitiveness 37,6% - 347,6 mln EUR Axis II Improving the environment 36,2% - 334,4 mln EUR Axis III Quality of life 12,9% - 118,9 mln EUR Axis VI LEADER 9,3% - 85,8 mln EUR Technical support 4% - 38,1 mln EUR

4 Financial execution of ERDP (30.04.2011)  Commitments 551,2 mln. euro (59% of RDP)  Payments 371,8 mln. euro (40% of RDP)  Payments ratio to the commitments - 67,5% 59% 40%

5 Financial execution of ERDP (30.04.2011)  Commitments were taken 46,1 mln.euro (53,8% of Leader budget)  Payments were made 20,8 mln.euro (16,0% of Leader budget)

6 Leader implementation 2007-2011  Estonia has 26 LAG-s coverage 99% of rural territory  24 LAGs – started implementation in 2009; 2 LAGs – started in 2010  The total number of applications submitted - 2 948 for 26,9 mln EUR.  Among submitted applications by the ARIB ( 2 627) - 74% were submitted from NGOs.  The largest number of applications was submitted under the Axis III. There were some applications under Axis I.


8 Transnational cooperation Approved TNC (14.06.2011): 1.Cooperation in Cultural Heritage Exploitation 2.Traditional sailing and maritime heritage 3.FENIX 4.Clower Power. 4H twinning people. 5.From Salla to Salla 6.International Theme Routes 7.Dare to Dream 8.Loving Local Values 9.Handicraft

9 Transnational cooperation  Avarage TNC budget 191 667 EUR. Estonian participatory amount 22 899 EUR or 12% of the TNC budget.  Main subjects are: national cultural heritage, expirience exchange, youth movement, tourism, cooperation between enterpreneurs. CountryNumber of LAGs Finland8 Danemark2 Czech Republic2 Sweden1 Slovakkia1 Norway1 Latvia1

10 Leader TNC 2007-2013  TNC main procedures are regulated by the national Leader legislation.  TNC projects are part of the LAG strategy and budget.  LAGs had to specify their project ideas in their LDS without naming the potential project partners.  The minimum or maximum number of cooperation projects per LAG is not restricted.  Maximum support per project is up to 200 000 EUR and up to 90%. The eligibility criteria are the same as for local projects under the LEADER measure.

11  Expected number (indicator) of TNC – 40  Maximum number of TNC per LAG – no restrictions  TNC with third countries – no restrictions  Preparatory technical support is part of LAGs administrative costs (visits, hosting and meetings with potential partners).  Refund rate for the TNC project is up to 90%  Application procedure: on-going Leader TNC 2007-2013

12 Way of selecting cooperation projects  The first selection of the projects to be financed is done by the evaluation committee of the LAG.  The Paying Agency verifies the eligibility of the applications (Paying Agency – evaluates TNC project applications in 60 workdays).  The applications goes at the same time to the Estonian Ministry of Agriculture who makes the official approval (MA evaluates TNC project applications in accordance with Leader national regulation and LAG regional strategy).  In case of inter-territorial cooperation projects the procedure ends on the level of Paying Agency.

13 Additional facts  Estonian LAGs have gained experience in 9 different transnational cooperation projects and approximately 50% of LAGs have experience in cooperation projects.  2 - 3 partners involved in TNC project.  TNC project budget is 7 000 - 40 000 EUR.  Evaluation period of TNC project application at the level of PA and MA - 1,5 - 3 months.

14 Thank you for your attention! Rural Development Department Local Initiative and Human Environment Bureau

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