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Unit I Testing and Fault Modelling
Syllabus Introduction to testing – Faults in Digital Circuits – Modelling of faults – Logical Fault Models – Fault detection – Fault Location – Fault dominance – Logic simulation – Types of simulation – Delay models – Gate Level Event – driven simulation.
Basic Concept of Testing
Testing: To tell whether a circuit is good or bad VDD 0/1 Related fields Verification: To verify the correctness of a design Diagnosis: To tell the faulty site Reliability: To tell whether a good system will work correctly or not after some time. Debug: To find the faulty site and try to eliminate the fault
Why Studying Testing? Economics! Reduce test cost (enhance profit)
Automatic test equipment (ATE) is extremely expensive Shorten time-to-market Market dominating or sharing Guarantee IC quality and reliability Defects detected in Cost Rule of Ten: Cost to detect faulty IC increases by an order of magnitude Wafer 0.01 – 0.1 Packaged chip 0.1 – 1 Board 1 – 10 System 10 – 100 Field 100 – 1000
Principle of Testing Testing typically consists of
Input Patterns Output Response -1011 11-00 -0-1- 01--0 0-101 Circuit under Test (CUT) 1-001 0011- -1101 1001- 01-11 Stored Correct Response Comparator Test Result Testing typically consists of Applying set of test stimuli (input patterns, test vectors) to inputs of circuit under test (CUT), and Analyzing output responses The quality of the tested circuits will depend upon the thoroughness of the test vectors
Introduction Integrated Circuits (ICs) have grown in size and complexity since the late 1950’s Small Scale Integration (SSI) Medium Scale Integration (MSI) Large Scale Integration (LSI) Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Moore’s Law: scale of ICs doubles every 18 months Growing size and complexity poses many and new testing challenges VLSI M S I LSI S I
Importance of Testing Moore’s Law results from decreasing feature size (dimensions) from 10s of m to 10s of nm for transistors and interconnecting wires Operating frequencies have increased from 100KHz to several GHz Decreasing feature size increases probability of defects during manufacturing process A single faulty transistor or wire results in faulty IC Testing required to guarantee fault-free products
Importance of Testing (contd.)
N = # transistors in a chip p = prob. (a transistor is faulty) Pf = prob. (the chip is faulty) Pf = 1- (1- p) N If p = 10-6 N = 106 Pf = 63.2%
Difficulties in Testing
Fault may occur anytime - Design - Process - Package - Field Fault may occur at any place Vdd Vss VLSI circuit are large - Most problems encountered in testing are NP- complete I/O access is limited
How to do testing From designer’s point of view: Circuit modeling
Fault modeling Logic simulation Fault simulation Test generation Design for test Built-in self test Synthesis for testability Modeling ATPG Testable design
Levels of Structural Description
• Switch level • Circuit level VDD C C4 C1 B C3 C2 E • Gate level • Higher/ System level A E B G C D F
Why We Need Fault Models?
Fault models are needed for test generation, test quality evaluation and fault diagnosis To handle real physical defects is too difficult The fault model should reflect accurately the behaviour of defects, and be computationably efficient Usually combination of different fault models is used Fault model free approaches (!)
Fault Modeling The effects of physical defects
Most commonly used fault model: Single stuck-at fault E A A s-a-1 A s-a-0 E s-a-1 E s-a-0 D s-a-1 D s-a-0 C s-a-1 C s-a-0 B s-a-1 B s-a-0 F s-a-1 F s-a-0 G s-a-1 G s-a-0 14 faults B G C D F Other fault models: - Break faults, Bridging faults, Transistor stuck-open faults, Transistor stuck-on faults, Delay faults
Fault Modeling The effects of physical defects
Most commonly used fault model: Single stuck-at fault E A A s-a-1 A s-a-0 E s-a-1 E s-a-0 D s-a-1 D s-a-0 C s-a-1 C s-a-0 B s-a-1 B s-a-0 F s-a-1 F s-a-0 G s-a-1 G s-a-0 14 faults B G C D F Other fault models: - Break faults, Bridging faults, Transistor stuck-open faults, Transistor stuck-on faults, Delay faults
Fault Modeling Fault modeling levels Hierarchical fault handling
Transistor level faults Logic level faults stuck-at fault model bridging fault model open fault model delay fault model Register transfer level faults ISA level faults (MP faults) SW level faults Hierarchical fault handling Functional fault modeling Low-Level models High-Level models
Faults and their Detection
Physical failures are manifested as electrical failures and are interpreted as faults on the logic level Several physical defects may be mapped into few fault types The main fault type is Stuck-at Fault A fault is detected by a test pattern Test pattern is an input combination that confirms the presence of the fault
Possible Defects Two technologies, two physical defects map into the same stuck-at zero fault Notation used - A SA0, or A/0
Detecting Stuck-at Faults
B Z Fill in the blanks in faulty response A/0 and A/1 Inputs FF Faulty Response AB Response A/0 B/0 Z/0 A/1 B/1 Z/1 00 1 01 10 11 1 1
Detecting Stuck-at Faults
Detecting Stuck-at Faults
Inputs Fault Free Faulty Responses AB Response A/0 B/0 Z/0 A/1 B/1 Z/1 00 1 01 1 1 10 1 1 11 1 1 1 1
Structural and Functional Fault Modeling
x1 a Classification of fault models x21 & x2 Fault models are: explicit and implicit explicit faults may be enumerated implicit faults are given by some characterizing properties Fault models are: structural and functional: structural faults are related to structural models, they modify interconnections between components functional faults are related to functional models, they modify functions of components y 1 x22 & x3 b Structural faults: - line a is broken - short between x2 and x3 Functional fault: Instead of
Structural Logic Level Fault Modeling
Why logic fault models? complexity of simulation reduces (many physical faults may be modeled by the same logic fault) one logic fault model is applicable to many technologies logic fault tests may be used for physical faults whose effect is not completely understood they give a possibility to move from the lower physical level to the higher logic level Stuck-at fault model: Two defects: Broken line Bridge to ground x1 x1 1 1 x2 x2 Single model: Stuck-at-0 0V
Stuck-at Fault Properties
Fault equivalence and fault dominance: A B C D Fault class A/0, B/0, C/0, D/ Equivalence class A/1, D/0 B/1, D/ Dominance classes C/1, D/0 A B & D C Fault collapsing: 1 1 1 0 1 & 1 & & & 1 0 0 1 Equivalence Dominance Dominance Equivalence
Fault Redundancy Hazard control circuitry: Error control circuitry: 1
01 & Decoder 01 10 1 1 & 1 1 & 1 E 0 Redundant AND-gate Fault 0 is not testable E 1 if decoder is fault-free Fault 0 is not testable
Fault x42 0 is not testable
Fault Redundancy Redundant gates (bad design): 1 & x1 x4 x3 y if Fault x42 0 is not testable x41 x42 x11 x12 1 & x1 x2 x4 x3 y Faults at x2 are not testable, the node is redundant
Fault x42 0 is not testable Fault x12 1 is not testable
Fault Redundancy Redundant gates (bad design): 1 & x1 x4 x3 y if Fault x42 0 is not testable x41 x42 x11 x12 1 & x1 x3 y Fault x12 1 is not testable x4 x11 x12 if Final result of optimization: x1 x4 y 1 x3
Fault Coverage (FC) FC = # faults detected # faults in fault list
Example: 1 6 stuck-at faults ( a0,a1,b0,b1,c0,c1 ) a 1 c b Test faults detected FC c1 a1,c1 a0,b0,c0 a0,b0,c0,c1 all {(0,0)} {(0,1)} {(1,1)} {(0,0),(1,1)} {(1,0),(0,1),(1,1)} 16.67% 33.33% 50.00% 66.67% 100.00%
Wafer Yield (Chip Yield, Yield)
Good Chip Faulty Chip Defects Wafer Wafer yield = 12/22 = 0.55 Wafer yield = 17/22 = 0.77
Testing and Quality Shipped Parts IC Testing Fabrication Quality:
Yield: Fraction of good parts Rejects Shipped Parts Quality: Defective parts per million (DPM) Quality of shipped parts is a function of yield Y and the test (fault) coverage T Defect level (DL, reject rate in textbook): fraction of shipped parts that are defective Many delay faults can be detected by IDDQ testing because a circuit with a delay fault may imply that some transitions still exist in the circuit during steady state.
Fault Equivalence Number of fault sites in a Boolean gate circuit = #PI + #gates + # (fanout branches). Fault equivalence: Two faults f1 and f2 are equivalent if all tests that detect f1 also detect f2. If faults f1 and f2 are equivalent then the corresponding faulty functions are identical. Fault collapsing: All single faults of a logic circuit can be divided into disjoint equivalence subsets, where all faults in a subset are mutually equivalent. A collapsed fault set contains one fault from each equivalence subset.
Equivalence Rules sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 AND NAND OR NOR WIRE NOT FANOUT
Equivalence Example sa0 sa1 Faults in red removed by equivalence
collapsing sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 20 Collapse ratio = = 0.625 32
Fault Dominance If all tests of some fault F1 detect another fault F2, then F2 is said to dominate F1. Dominance fault collapsing: If fault F2 dominates F1, then F2 is removed from the fault list. When dominance fault collapsing is used, it is sufficient to consider only the input faults of Boolean gates. See the next example. In a tree circuit (without fanouts) PI faults form a dominance collapsed fault set. If two faults dominate each other then they are equivalent.
Dominance Example All tests of F2 F1 s-a-1 001 F2 110 010 000 101 100
000 101 100 s-a-1 F2 011 Only test of F1 s-a-1 s-a-1 s-a-1 s-a-0 A dominance collapsed fault set
Dominance Example sa0 sa1 Faults in red removed by equivalence
collapsing sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 Faults in yellow removed by dominance collapsing sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 15 Collapse ratio = = 0.47 32
Classes of Stuck-at Faults
Following classes of single stuck-at faults are identified by fault simulators: Potentially-detectable fault – Test produces an unknown (X) state at primary output (PO); detection is probabilistic, usually with 50% probability. Initialization fault – Fault prevents initialization of the faulty circuit; can be detected as a potentially-detectable fault. Hyperactive fault – Fault induces much internal signal activity without reaching PO. Redundant fault – No test exists for the fault. Untestable fault – Test generator is unable to find a test.
Transistor (Switch) Faults
MOS transistor is considered an ideal switch and two types of faults are modeled: Stuck-open -- a single transistor is permanently stuck in the open state. Stuck-short -- a single transistor is permanently shorted irrespective of its gate voltage. Detection of a stuck-open fault requires two vectors. Detection of a stuck-short fault requires the measurement of quiescent current (IDDQ).
Stuck-Open Example VDD A B C pMOS FETs Two-vector s-op test
Vector 1: test for A s-a-0 (Initialization vector) Vector 2 (test for A s-a-1) pMOS FETs VDD Two-vector s-op test can be constructed by ordering two s-at tests A 1 Stuck- open B C 1(Z) Good circuit states nMOS FETs Faulty circuit states
Stuck-Short Example VDD A B C pMOS FETs IDDQ path in faulty circuit
Test vector for A s-a-0 pMOS FETs VDD IDDQ path in faulty circuit A 1 Stuck- short B Good circuit state C 0 (X) nMOS FETs Faulty circuit state
Types of Simulation Compiler driven simulation
Activity-directed simulation Event-driven simulation
Delay Model Delay modeling for gates
Transport delay Inertial delay Delay modeling for functional elements Delay modeling in RTLs Other aspects of Delay modeling
Gate level Event driven simulation
Transition-Independent Nominal Transport delay Other logic values Other delay models
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