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These 7 aspects are: 1. God will give us a vision. 2. God´s vision is important enough for us to write down. 3. We should make it plain in order.

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5 These 7 aspects are: 1. God will give us a vision. 2. God´s vision is important enough for us to write down. 3. We should make it plain in order to clearly understand it. 4. We should continue to pursue our vision. 5. The vision will come to pass in Gods timing. 6. God’s vision will ultimately be successful. 7. We who live by faith, should wait for it in faith.

6 We need to always stay on course. 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith

7 There are 3 things that satan does to get us off course: 1. Distract our attention. 2. Send someone to confuse and distort our vision with bad advice or relationship. 3. Attack, appose, derail what we are doing and cause a temporary blocks or setback.

8 'Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and unsearchable things you do not know.‘ -Jeremiah33:3

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