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This work is supported by the National Science Foundation’s Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM program within the Directorate for Education and.

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Presentation on theme: "This work is supported by the National Science Foundation’s Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM program within the Directorate for Education and."— Presentation transcript:

1 This work is supported by the National Science Foundation’s Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM program within the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (DUE-1245025). A PPLYING G EODESY D ATA TO S OCIETALLY I MPORTANT Q UESTIONS IN U NDERGRADUATE C OURSES The webinar begins at: 12 pm PT | 1 pm MT | 2 pm CT | 3 pm ET For audio, call: 1-800-704-9804 (or 1-404-920-6604 for international) Access Code: 4855996 Press *6 to mute and unmute Please do not use speaker phone setting when you talk. Headset and landline are best for sound quality.

2 W EBINAR LEADER Beth Pratt-Sitaula UNAVCO* Education Specialist and GETSI Project Co-PI *UNAVCO is NSF’s Geodetic Facility dedicated to providing research and educational support for GPS, strain meters, InSAR, and terrestrial lidar. The non-profit is governed by a consortium of >100 member universities.


4 W EBINAR F ORMAT Presentation (~35 minutes) – Geodesy & its applications – GETSI Project – Existing geodesy teaching resources Discussion (~35 minutes) – Most valuable future module topics to address – Types of curricular items of greatest value – Other geodesy teaching resources you know of – Questions

5 G EODESY IS … 5 …the science of accurately measuring the Earth’s size, shape, orientation, mass distribution and the variations of these with time. Traditional geodesy: Precise positioning of points on the surface of the Earth Modern geodesy: A toolbox of techniques to better measure the Earth

6 U NPACKING THE G EODESY T OOLBOX GPS (Global Positioning System) InSAR (Interferometric synthetic aperture radar) LiDAR (Light detecting and ranging) Strain meters, tiltmeters, creep meters Gravity measurements Sea level altimetry ewer.html html GPS (Global Positioning System) InSAR (Interferometric synthetic aperture radar) LiDAR (Light detecting and ranging) Strain meters, tiltmeters, creep meters Gravity measurements Sea level altimetry

7 Plate tectonics – Motions and mechanisms Hazard monitoring – Volcanic, earthquake, landslide Ice dynamics – Mass changes, velocity Water resources – Surface/ground water, subsidence, sea level G EODESY APPLICATIONS Plate tectonics – Motions and mechanisms Hazard monitoring – Volcanic, earthquake, landslide Ice dynamics – Mass changes, velocity Water resources – Surface/ground water, subsidence, sea level GPS & Earthquake Early Warning System Global Mean Sea Level from satellite altimetry Florida wetlands water level changes from InSAR Groundwater storage changes 2003-2012 (GRACE) Velocity from InSAR Permission from Twila Moon ( Ice mass loss from GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) Permission from Sean Swenson ( GPS stations show upward movement Permission from Mike Bevis (

8 W HY G EODESY FOR S TUDENTS ? Topics align well with Earth Science and Climate Literacy Principles Real world applications are shown to increase interest and learning Data analysis can increase critical thinking skills and quantitative skills Measurement are on a human timescale Earth science majors are often not learning about these critical research techniques

9 GETSI P ROJECT O VERVIEW Mission: Develop and disseminate teaching and learning materials that feature geodesy data applied to critical societal issues such as climate change, water resource management, and natural hazards Funded by NSF’s Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM Type I grant Collaborators – UNAVCO, Mt San Antonio College, and Indiana University in partnership with SERC and NAGT. Will develop four modules (~2 weeks each) – Two Intro-level– Two Majors-level

10 GETSI P ROJECT M ODULES Module development and assessment following model of SERC’s InTeGrate Project Year 1 module topics – Intro  Ice mass and sea level change Becca Walker (co-PI) & Leigh Stearns (co-author) – Majors  Active tectonics and hazards using InSAR and LiDAR data Bruce Douglas (co-PI) & Gareth Funning (co-author) Year 2 – tell us what you would like to see

11 GETSI P ROJECT I NVOLVEMENT ( WITH STIPEND ) Two module co-authors in Year 2 ($7500; over ~15 months) Five beta-testers for each module ($200-500 depending on involvement level) Technical experts for some modules ($200-500 depending on involvement level) Everyone from this webinar will receive announcements when we solicit for the above but contact me ( if you have particular

12 E XISTING G EODESY T EACHING R ESOURCES Handout with URLs of relevant sites is on webinar homepage 10.html 10.html Or google “serc getsi” and navigate to Workshops.

13 G ENERAL G EODESY R ESOURCES GETSI’s website on SERC – will be the portal for teaching materials access GETSI’s website on SERC


15 G ENERAL G EODESY R ESOURCES SERC’s Cutting Edge “Teaching Geodesy” siteTeaching Geodesy

16 U SING GPS TO DETERMINE INFINITESIMAL STRAIN Module for structural geology courses Module

17 GPS AND I NTRO LEVEL RESOURCES Activity: Earthquake hazard and GPS data in Cascadia Activity

18 I N SAR T EACHING R ESOURCES InSAR interactive tool Supporting teaching resources

19 L I DAR T EACHING R ESOURCES OpenTopography’s Landform Catalog Landform Catalog Tutorial on creating GoogleEarth format LiDAR images from any data set in OpenTopography Tutorial

20 Canopy Height (ft) Airbourne LiDAR

21 TLS T EACHING R ESOURCES Terrestrial Lasar Scanning (TLS) at undergraduate field camps Terrestrial Lasar Scanning

22 D ISCUSSION F ORMAT I will pose some questions Start by raising your hand to speak or typing in Chat Use *6 to unmute yourself and talk (then mute again) If needed, I may call on people to make sure a variety are heard from.

23 D ISCUSSION What topics would you like to see modules address and why? Hazards – Volcanic, earthquakes, landslides… Climate change – Ice mass changes, ice velocity, sea level… Water resources – Ground water mass, surface water… What level? What course? Particular data types?

24 D ISCUSSION What types of teaching resources do you adapt/adopt most? Instructor notes/technical background info “Prepared” data sets for students use Accessible data portals Lab/class activities Homework Presentations/animations Assessments (rubrics, criteria) Other? Helpful formats? Could you see doing full two weeks material? Course or level difference?

25 D ISCUSSION Do you already teach about or using geodesy data? Other resources we should know about? Pitfalls? Successes?

26 D ISCUSSION Comments/suggestions? Questions? – About GETSI? – About existing resources?

27 I N C ONCLUSION THANK YOU Contact me with questions or comments Please fill out evaluation form This webinar filled, so we opened another with the same content for January 31. – Please let potentially interested colleagues know – Google “serc getsi” and then go to “Workshops”

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