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Welcome to AIAA DE Section! MODERN MARVELS: THE F-14.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to AIAA DE Section! MODERN MARVELS: THE F-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to AIAA DE Section! MODERN MARVELS: THE F-14

2 2010-2011 AIAA DE Section Council Members Education: -Vacant- Honors & Awards:Eric Rohrbaugh Career Enhancement:Tim McCardell Communication: -Vacant- Webmaster: -Vacant- Newsletter: -Vacant- Programs:Entire Council Young Professional: -Vacant- Technical:Robert Bonifant Precollege:Breanne Wooten Membership:Dave Rosenberg Public Policy:Tim Dominick RAC Representation:Dave Rosenberg/Tim Dominick Special Asst. to Chairman: Erika Conly Chairman:Tim Dominick Vice-Chair:Eric Spero Treasurer: -Vacant- Secretary:Bernadette Goncz

3 2010-2011 Lunch Lecture Series We are currently planning our 2011-2012 season of Lunch Lectures. Apr: Professional FireworksBrian Ingram If you’re interested in presenting or have a specific topic you’d like to see presented, please contact Tim McCardell (x1560) Plan on coming to the Lunch Lecture Series on or about the first Thursday of each month

4 Upcoming Activities Monthly Lunch & Learns YP Rocket Competition – April 2, 2011 Franklin Institute Visit – April 7, 2011 Spring Distinguished Lecturer – April 7, 2011 Rockets For Schools – May 2011 Bus Trip to Washington, D.C. – June 2011

5 2011 Congressional Visits Day Every year, AIAA members come to Washington, D.C. to take part in the Congressional Visits Day (CVD) program. We meet with national decision- makers to discuss critical industry issues in civil aeronautics, civil astronautics, and defense. What’s our goal? Through face-to- face meetings with Members of Congress, Congressional staff, key Administration officials, and other decision makers, Congressional Visits Day raises awareness of the long-term value that science, engineering and technology bring to America. Key Issues for 2011: –Strategy for Recovery of Business and General Aviation –Harnessing Aerospace Experience and Capabilities for Achieving Modern Earth and Climate Information Systems and Services –Enabling Development of Alternative Fuels and Energy Efficient Aviation Systems –Overcoming the Emerging Technology Acquisition “Valley of Death” –Establishing and Implementing a Viable National Cybersecurity Strategy –Improved Air Cargo Security and Scanning –Address the Growing Threat of Orbital Debris –Assuring Strategic and Sustainable Direction for Space Policy –Increasing Emphasis and Funding for Technology and Engineering in STEM –Recruiting, Retaining, and Developing a World-Class Aerospace Workforce

6 2011 Congressional Visits Day Participants AIAA DE Section –Connor O’Malley (DE) –Tim Dominick (MD) –Erika Conly (PA) Congressional Offices Visited Delaware –Senator Chris Coons –Senator Tom Carper –Representative John Carney Pennsylvania –Senator Patrick Toomey –Senator Robert Casey –Representative Joe Pitts (PA-16) –Representative Patrick Meehan (PA-7) Maryland –Senator Barbara Mikulski –Senator Ben Cardin –Representative Andy Harris (MD-1)

7 Sen. Chris Coons (DE)

8 Rep. John Carney (DE)

9 Sen. Tom Carper (DE)

10 Sen. Bob Casey (PA)

11 Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA)

12 Rep. Andy Harris (MD)

13 2011 AIAA CVD

14 Battle of the Rockets! Rocket design competition for Young Professionals (YP) About the competition –Location: Culpeper, Virginia –Date: April 2, 2010 –Mission: Design a rocket system to safely fly a large raw hen's egg and an electronic altimeter to an altitude of 2000 ft and return it all without damage; the team closest to the altitude wins

15 Jonna Doolittle Hoppes Calculated Risk The Extraordinary Life of Jimmy Doolittle Spring 2011 AIAA Distinguished Lecture Thursday, April 7, 2011 Executive Banquet & Conference Center Newark, DE LAST DAY TO REGISTER

16 AIAA DE Section LinkedIn Group If you’re a member of LinkedIn and a member of AIAA, you can now join the new AIAA DE Section LinkedIn Group –Discussion board where members can discuss topics relating to the aerospace industry –Jobs posting board –RSS feeds from some of the aerospace news sites to keep you posted on the latest news in the industry Go to the Groups link on the top menu and search for “AIAA Delaware Section” If you’re not a member of LinkedIn, but are interested in becoming one, visit to sign up While this group is just getting off the ground, we hope it becomes a tool our members can use to stay in touch with others throughout the area

17 WHEN DID YOU KNOW? When did you know you wanted to work in aerospace? –For some it was a specific moment, for others it was a gradual realization that space and flight had captured their imagination and wouldn’t let go Over the next year, AIAA members will share what inspired them. We hope you enjoy reading them and that you will share your own “When Did You Know?” moment. For more information or to share your story, please visit:

18 New DE Section Web Site New Website is Live

19 New DE Section Website

20 Membership Information Dave Rosenberg or Tim Dominick (x1069) Welcome to AIAA DE Section!


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