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Terms & Conditions - the Nominet UK perspective Eleanor Bradley - Customer Support Manager Fay Howard - INCOP Project Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Terms & Conditions - the Nominet UK perspective Eleanor Bradley - Customer Support Manager Fay Howard - INCOP Project Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terms & Conditions - the Nominet UK perspective Eleanor Bradley - Customer Support Manager Fay Howard - INCOP Project Manager

2 Nominet in a nutshell Manages the Registry domain names Acts in the interests of the Internet community Operates with the approval of the UK Government

3 Structure of Nominet Nominet has a unique structure: Not for profit Limited by guarantee, no shareholders A private company, not a charity

4 Core functions The core functions of the Registry are to: Maintain the integrity of the Register Database Perform transactions in a fair and efficient manner Provide information to the public (Domain Name look-up services) Provide a Dispute Resolution Service

5 How registration works More than 90% of Applicants register through a member of Nominet Membership is open to all The majority are UK Internet Service Providers Members can become Tag Holders, in order interact with Nominet’s automated systems

6 Three Separate Contractual Relationships ISP’s T&Cs Tag Holder AgreementNominet’s T&Cs

7 ISP T&Cs Disputes arise between domain name registrants and their ISPs Change of hosting Outstanding debts Your T&Cs can simplify these disputes

8 Assessing your T&Cs Are they easy to find and in plain English? Are they properly incorporated? Do they empower you? Are they up to date with current law and practice?

9 Other issues DPA Legislation Consumer protection Libel Intellectual property

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