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The Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers Standardized Partitive Ontology Register & Transfer by Spreadsheets SPORT-S Project.

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Presentation on theme: "The Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers Standardized Partitive Ontology Register & Transfer by Spreadsheets SPORT-S Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers Standardized Partitive Ontology Register & Transfer by Spreadsheets SPORT-S Project Committee, IEICE, Japan

2 Part No Title of Part of ISO13584 stage 1 Overview and fundamental principles IS 10Conceptual model of parts librarydiffered 20Logical model of expressions IS 24Logical model of supplier library IS 25Supplier library with aggregate values and explicit content IS 26Supplier Identification IS 31Geometric Programming Interface IS 42Methodology for structuring part families IS 101Geometrical view exchange protocol by parametric program IS 102View exchange protocol by ISO 10303 conforming specification IS Most of the Parts have already become IS

3 Overview of the structure of PLIB --- Parts Part1 IEC61360 ISO13584 Part24 General Principle for IEC dictionary IEC reference collection Library Data Model Supplier code I/F to STEP Part10 Geometry I/F Introduction (deferred) Part501 Parametri c Model I/F Part20Part1 Part26 Part42Part2 Part3 Part4 Part25 Part31 Part101 Part102 Part511 Part5 General Principle Mathematical Expression = = Dictionaries and Maintenance Dictionary Data-model IEC Dictionary Maintenance Method (now superseded by database procedure) Part composition of ISO13584 and IEC61360 standards

4 Yes (test) Yes No yes data Automobile Related. GALIA PFI dictionaryGALIA @ Japan measuring instruments Extended JEMIMA dictionary for measuring instruments (P501+Process measuring instrument) JEMIMA @ JapanElectro- electronic ECALS dictionaryJEITA @ JapanElectric Machinery JEMA dictionaryJEMA @ Country Domain Dictionary Promoter Publicly available consortium dictionaries France

5 B2B use of ECALS data Procurement In. Users( of the parts ) Procurement Div. Engineering Div. Enviroment Inf. Internet Product/Parts DB ECALS data Supplier( parts supplier ) Marketing Div. Product Sec.DB Delivery Spec search Compare the specs of vendors by performance, characterisitc values Delivery Spec. Make data one, use many times Delivery Specs. Link supplier Reduce No. of product types to buy

6 DB Web Browser CQL Engine CQL QueryCQLResutSet PLIB Dictionary Public PLIB editor Omletto & Parcel Maker for search, register, and update Parcel Maker plug- in Use EXCEL to make data/metad a Web Service MS-EXCEL SOAP Parceling in CSV Part21 Domain Engineer CQL: Class Query Language, developed by TOSHIBA Use Web- Browser to get data Parcel Maker processes both data & metadata

7 Some PLIB tools are in business use OmniPhase TM by TOSHIBA

8 See our web site Or more directly to

9 SPORT-S; A standardization project committee, hosted by IEICE* 1 A project to develop a standardized method (“parceling”) for ontology register and transfer, short-named as “SPORT-S”, which is partially subsidized by METI The committee comprises members who represent or mastermind the Japanese industrial dictionary consortia (ECALS/JEITA, JeMarche/JEMA, ISO13584-501RA, RosettaNetJapan) Activity in coordination with; – Cross-domain Repository of Repositories (RoR) project – IEC SC3D Japanese mirror committee *1) Institute of Electronics, Information, Communication Engineers

10 SPORT-S; Committee members inside Japan Mr. Hiroshi MURAYAMA/ chairman –SC3D Chair, ISO TC184/SC4 expert, ISO 13584-26, -35, -501 Project leader, –expert of ISO/IEC JWG1, ISO TC184/SC4 - IEC SC65E Liaison Officer, TOSHIBA Mr. John MAKCIN/ vice-chairman – Com-Tec. Ltd., former deputy general manager of RNJ. Toshiro HONDA / vice chairman –Chairman for dictionary committee of JEITA/EC Center, SONY Prof. Hajime HORIUCHI/ advisor –ISO/IEC-JTC1/SC32 ISO/IEC19763 Project editor, Chair of Cross-domain RoR project, Chair SC3D-J, Tokyo International University Mr. Takayuki YABE –JEMA JeMarche electronic catalogue committee, Secretariat Mr. Atsushi ISHIKAWA – JEITA/EC Center, Secretariat Mrs. Noriko MINAMINO / coordinator –SC3D-J Secretary, TOSHIBA Mr.Yasutaka OHDAKE –vice-chairman for dictionary committee ECALS dictionary committee, TOSHIBA Mr. Akira HOSOKAWA, – ISO TC184/SC4 expert, TOSHIBA resource

11 SPORT-S; Committee overseas collaborators Mr. Reinhard NERKE –SC3D Chair, ISO TC184/SC4 expert, ISO10303-212 Project leader, ISO 22274 Project Leader / Siemens Mr. Nikolaus ONDRACEK –ISO TC184/SC4/WG2, ISO 13584-35 Co-editor, ISO 29002-20 Project Leader

12 SPORT-S; structural characteristics Generic structure for transferring product and service ontology in a partitive set of spreadsheets, evolved from ISO/TS 13584-35 Multi-layered data model for both extensibility and localizability of transfer and register specifications Each of the spreadsheets represents a cardinal building block of ontology; called “metaclass”,comprising, e.g., class metaclass, property metaclass, enuemration metaclass, UoM metaclass, etc.

13 IEC CDD Extended scope including interface with other ontology schemes ISO/TS 13584 Scope





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