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Jimmy C. Henning Associate Dean for Extension University of Kentucky.

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Presentation on theme: "Jimmy C. Henning Associate Dean for Extension University of Kentucky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jimmy C. Henning Associate Dean for Extension University of Kentucky

2  The outreach arm of Land Grant Universities  At least one LGU per state  Usually part of the College of Agriculture  Cooperatively funded  Federal + State + Local

3  To improve the quality of life through research- based education

4  4H Youth Development  Agriculture and Natural Resources  Horticulture (commercial and consumer)  Family and Consumer Science  Community Development  Others (Fine Arts, KY)

5  A Local Presence  ‘Storefront’ analogy  Facilities  Trusted ambassadors  Personnel are known in communities

6  Local Connection to State Expertise  Colleges of Agriculture (Traditional)  College of Veterinary Medicine  Medical Schools  School of Business

7  Diagnostic Expertise  State  Livestock Disease Diagnostic Laboratories  Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratories  Specialists/Faculty  Local (agents)  Plant (primary)  Animal (secondary when veterinary care is available)

8  A Portal to Local Situations  Usually a presence in each county  Many have Distance Technology  Videoconferencing equipment  Web Conferencing

9  ‘eXtension’ – a new tool to bring the resources of the Land Grant University to clients using an interactive learning web environment  Frequently asked questions  Ask the expert  ‘Collaborative Spaces’ for specialists to work in to provide creative solutions to complex problems

10  Communications Expertise  Media relations  Newsletters  Radio  Television

11  Volunteer Management  e.g. Master Gardener  4H volunteer leaders

12  “Grassroot” Connections  Advisory Council System  Programmatic directions  Priority setting  Agriculture Sector  School System  4H  Social Agencies/Health Departments  Extension Homemakers

13  Broad knowledge  Farms  Physiographic information  Farmers  Farming Enterprises  Agribusinesses  Farm Leadership (Farm Bureau, others)

14  A Local-State-Federal partnership committed to research based education and service in the broad areas of:  Agriculture/Horticulture/Natural Resources  Families  Youth  Community Development

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