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Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals.

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1 Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

2  Environmental education  Fisheries  Forestry & wood sciences  Range  Recreation  Waste management  Water & watersheds  Coastal resources & Sea Grant  Climate change  Wildlife  Sustainable living  Energy  Related disciplines A national association for cooperative extension professionals in:

3  Members may be active or retired Extension employees at the county, area, state, or national level  Dues are $45 a year, $22.50 for students, or $225 for life membership for retirees

4  President – Mike Kuhns, UT  President-elect – Eleanor Burkett, MN  Past President - Jeff Schalau, AZ  Secretary – Ursula Smedly, NM  Treasurer – Dean Solomon, MI  Executive Secretary – Bill Hubbard, GA  Regional Representatives:  Southern Region – Brenda Allen, AL  Western Region – Amy Grotta, OR  Northeast Region – Sandy Smith, PA  Northcentral Region – Duane Friend, IL

5  Bring Extension professionals together to discuss mutual natural resource issues, needs, and opportunities.  Advance natural resources Extension through continuing education for Extension professionals.

6  Promote cooperation among states and regions, agencies, associations, and businesses on natural resource education programs.  Develop, sponsor, and promote education and training programs that advance natural resource management.  Strengthen communication with Extension administrators.

7  Biennial national conference (even years). Members receive a reduced rate; professional development and opportunities to make national presentations.  Travel scholarship program helps defray the costs of attending the biennial conference.  Opportunities to network with natural resources colleagues.  National awards program. President’s Award, Early Career Leadership Award, Career Leadership Award, Individual Program Leadership Award, Outstanding Team Award, and a variety of Outstanding Educational Materials Awards.  National email listserv for sharing information about job openings and more.

8  Searchable member directory on website.  Quarterly electronic newsletter including information about programming tools and successes.  Database of sustainability teaching tools on website.  A voice for natural resources at the national level through Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) participation.  JCEP provides direct input to ECOP (Extension Committee on Organization and Policy) and other Extension administrative units.  JCEP sponsors an annual leadership conference, the Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference, and the Galaxy conference every five years.  Participation on the Board of the Journal of Extension (JOE;

9  Pay your dues annually.  Recruit new members.  Volunteer to be state champion.  Stay involved in organization.  Attend 2012 conference North Carolina (visit  Volunteer to help with conferences, serve on a committee, or to serve in a leadership role.

10  my work in a new subject area – sustainable living – I needed advice from colleagues in many fields - forestry, environmental ed, biology, energy. What other organization offers such a range of expertise? (Viviane Simon-Brown, Oregon State Univ.) ...I want to have a voice in what’s going on in my profession at the national level (Mike Kuhns, Utah State Univ.) ...I’ve gained access to a great pool of knowledge, a place to go where they “talk my language,” and a group of co- workers who believe what we are doing is worth doing. (Adam Downing, Penn State Univ.)

11 ...natural resources is a “growth area” for Cooperative Extension, and ANREP is a professional organization that ensures that natural resources is represented within extension. (Gary Goff, Cornell Univ.)  represents natural resource extension Professionals on a national level through JCEP and ECOP. (Mike Kroenke, Univ. of Minnesota)  brings together extension professionals who share common visions and challenges. (James Finley, Penn State Univ.) ’s been exciting to see an organization grow and develop that includes all disciplines that deal with natural resources. (Deborah Hill, Univ. of Kentucky)

12  Website:  Email:  Listserv:  to join  to post a message  Mailing address: ANREP c/o Bill Hubbard 4-402 Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-2152

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