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RPG Meeting 07-18-2008 Five Year Plan Extension Brad Schwarz.

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Presentation on theme: "RPG Meeting 07-18-2008 Five Year Plan Extension Brad Schwarz."— Presentation transcript:

1 RPG Meeting 07-18-2008 Five Year Plan Extension Brad Schwarz

2 RPG Meeting 07-18-2008 Outline Goals Method Other Considerations Status

3 RPG Meeting 07-18-2008 Goals for Five Year Plan Extension The 5-Year Plan extension will: –List all topology changes to the 2012 case –Identify projects to meet identified needs for reliability criteria only Ultimate goal is to obtain a case to be used for evaluation of potential RPG projects until the full 5-Year Plan begins later in 2008

4 RPG Meeting 07-18-2008 Method of Study Transmission Topology from the final 2012 Uplan case that contained all reliability and economic projects Load level from the latest 2013 SSWG data set B case Added generators that had signed Interconnect Agreements as of the first week of June –Added 1878 MW of Natural Gas generation –Added 2919 MW of Wind generation (9102 total nameplate wind generation)

5 RPG Meeting 07-18-2008 Method of Study Cont’d Identification of Reliability Projects –Eliminate unserved energy using the 2013 SSWG peak load forecast –ERCOT will develop “direct fix” projects and send to Transmission Owners –Transmission Owners should review “direct fix” projects and submit alternatives if desired Document work on each project added to simplify RPG Independent Review process

6 RPG Meeting 07-18-2008 Other Considerations Currently consider ERCOT category B contingencies –N – 1 contingencies (single circuit, double circuit, transformer, etc.) –Single generator out plus loss of single transmission element Other tests for reliability –Remove dynamic ratings on lines –No output from hydro units –NERC category C contingencies (Single transformer out plus loss of single transmission element)

7 RPG Meeting 07-18-2008 Status Currently finished with first round of reliability analysis Next Steps –Send out first round of reliability analysis results to Transmission Owners –Simulate generators out and contingency analysis –Simulate NERC Category C contingencies –Possibly simulate 2 generating unit out simultaneously

8 RPG Meeting 07-18-2008 Questions?

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