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Clint Living Nassirou Halilou Cindy Mathis Streamline the creation of Perkins Promissory Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Clint Living Nassirou Halilou Cindy Mathis Streamline the creation of Perkins Promissory Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clint Living Nassirou Halilou Cindy Mathis Streamline the creation of Perkins Promissory Notes

2 Manual Process to produce Perkins Promissory Notes for students Generate report out of Banner Have they accepted the Perkins? Need student name Id numbers (T# and Social Security #) Address and birthdate This info is produced using a sql report.. Then exported into a multiple column report SELECT DISTINCT SPRIDEN_ID T_NUMBER, SPBPERS_SSN SSN, SPRIDEN_LAST_NAME LNAME, SPRIDEN_FIRST_NAME FNAME, RPRAWRD_ACCEPT_AMT A_AMT, SPRADDR_STREET_LINE1 ST_1, SPRADDR_CITY CITY, SPRADDR_STAT_CODE ST, SPRADDR_ZIP ZIP, RPRAWRD_AIDY_CODE YEAR, SPBPERS_BIRTH_DATE DOD, RPRAWRD_AWST_CODE A_O, RPRAWRD_ACCEPT_DATE FROM SPRIDEN,RPRAWRD,SPRADDR, SPBPERS, RPRATRM WHERE SPRIDEN_PIDM = RPRAWRD_PIDM AND SPRIDEN_PIDM = SPBPERS_PIDM AND SPRIDEN_PIDM = SPRADDR_PIDM AND SPRIDEN_CHANGE_IND IS NULL AND RPRAWRD_ACCEPT_DATE > '5-jun-2011' AND -- last run Jun 5 RPRAWRD_FUND_CODE = 'PERK' AND rprawrd_aidy_code = '1011' and RPRAWRD_AWST_CODE = 'A' AND rpratrm_term_code = '201150' and RPRATRM_TERM_CODE = '201150' AND SPRADDR_ATYP_CODE in ('MA', 'PR') AND spraddr_to_date is null and SPRADDR_STATUS_IND IS NULL ORDER BY SPRIDEN_LAST_NAME;

3 Report in CLM using Crystal Reporting software Creates a 81 page report Total # of Loans 4,423 Total # of Borrowers 3,622 Listing exported into Excel with 4,448 lines 11 different status codes

4 Both Excel reports have to be merged together Check for duplicates on both lists If on both lists then they have had a loan before if not then the student will have to sign a Promissory note The database is used to create the mandatory forms The forms are then produced in Word with a mail-merge

5 After the manual evaluation, the database is used to create the following forms. If new Perkins student Promissory note Truth-in Lending document Loan Disclosure Statement Previous Perkins student Loan Disclosure Statement




9 The procedure that is in process now, takes a large amount of time to complete all the steps, along with multiple programs, report writers, using different report languages. A proof of concept that has been designed so that it could be used to reduce the amount of manpower and make the process user friendly.

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