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CyberSavvy Day 3 CyberSavvy Digital Citizenship – Keeping It Ethical and Responsible Grade 4 - 8 Piracy, Copyright and Plagiarism.

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Presentation on theme: "CyberSavvy Day 3 CyberSavvy Digital Citizenship – Keeping It Ethical and Responsible Grade 4 - 8 Piracy, Copyright and Plagiarism."— Presentation transcript:

1 CyberSavvy Day 3 CyberSavvy Digital Citizenship – Keeping It Ethical and Responsible Grade 4 - 8 Piracy, Copyright and Plagiarism

2 CyberSavvy Day 3


4 Smart Privacy Practices Dont fill out online forms or surveys or enter contests without parent permission. Dont share personal information online such as name, address, phone number, age, gender, photo or Social Security number. Remember that everything you post to the Internet can be seen by anyone and everyone.

5 CyberSavvy Day 3 Smart Privacy Practices Never give personal information to people you meet online including our real name and especially where you live. Be alert for cyber predators – people who try to gain your trust or ask inappropriate questions such as whether your parents are home.

6 CyberSavvy Day 3 Smart Privacy Practices Never meet anyone in person who contacts you online. Never respond to online chat or email messages that make you feel confused or uncomfortable – instead, tell an adult.

7 CyberSavvy Day 3 Smart Privacy Practices If after telling an adult you continue to be bothered, have a trusted adult call the CyberTipline ( or 800-843-5678)

8 CyberSavvy Day 3





13 CyberCitizenship Respect intellectual property and copyright law. Only download with artist permission or from copyright-free Internet sites.

14 CyberSavvy Day 3


16 CyberCitizenship Never plagiarize – keep your work original.

17 CyberSavvy Day 3 CyberCitizenship Always cite your sources. Citation (MLA) King, Martin Luther, Jr.. Discovery Education. 2005. Discovery Education. 26 January 2009 KING, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-68), American clergyman and Nobel laureate, prominent leader of the American civil rights movement, who advocated nonviolent resistance to racial oppression.

18 CyberSavvy Day 3 CyberCitizenship Respect intellectual property and copyright law. Only download with artist permission or from copyright-free Internet sites. Never plagiarize – keep your work original. Always cite your sources.

19 CyberSavvy Day 3 Resources and Activities Grades 4-5 : Whose Is It, Anyway? CyberSmart!© Student activity for grades 4-5 with downloadable PDF worksheet to explain plagiarism and define conditions where copying is permissible. Grades 6-8: Considering Copying CyberSmart!© Student activity for grades 6-8 with downloadable PDF worksheet to examine copyright, fair use, plagiarism, and hacking. Online Resource: Grades 4-8: CyberEthics for Kids Online Quiz - US. Dept. of Justice A variety of activities and resources including an interactive quiz on a variety of issues including legal and illegal downloading from the Internet.

20 CyberSavvy Day 3 Citation © 2007 The Copyright Society of the U.S.A.,, adapted with permission Finell, Judith et al. What Is Copyright?. 2007 The Copyright Society of the U.S.A. 7 January, 2009 rames.htm. rames.htm

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