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General Physics Mrs. Melissa Hughes. Relax This power point is posted on-line in the files section for later reference.

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1 General Physics Mrs. Melissa Hughes

2 Relax This power point is posted on-line in the files section for later reference.

3 Mrs. Hughes Highly Qualified- physics, mathematics, chemistry 25 years of experience Solon/Twinsburg resident over 20 years

4 Grading Assessments 75 % Approximately 4 major tests per quarter and 2-3 short quizzes Lab and projects 25 % Generally one project a quarter

5 Topics Covered Linear motion Kinematics Vectors Dynamics Projectile motion Circular motion Electrostatics AC/DC electricity

6 Extra Help After school Before school By appointment Check with teacher ahead of time. Don’t wait until last minute!

7 More Help Resource center Science “lab” Located in back of library Testing Center Open 7a.m. until 4 p.m. Located in back of library

8 Contacting Mrs. Hughes Voice Mail: 440-349-7757 extension 5430 Email: Website:

9 One last thought… Teaching is more than imparting knowledge, it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts, it is acquiring understanding. William Arthur Ward

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