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Position Control Budgeting “Bolt-On” Ventura County CCD.

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2 Position Control Budgeting “Bolt-On” Ventura County CCD

3 2 Introduction VCCCD has created a “bolt-on” to the Banner Position Control budgeting process to improve the accuracy of position budgeting and streamline the process. This session will discuss the reasons we created this “bolt-on”, as well as the concepts of Banner Position Control budgeting.

4 3 Topics of Discussion What the heck is a “bolt-on”? Why did we develop this? How does budget work at VCCCD? How does the process work? Reports and Views Technical Notes Summary Questions

5 4 What the Heck is a “Bolt-On” Enhancement to Banner that has no impact on baseline (well, minimal impact…) Can be “bolted on” to future releases easily. Rule-driven (GTVSDAX) Mods required only if baseline table changes.

6 5 Why did we develop this? Salaries and benefits are 85 to 90 percent of CCC budgets – accuracy is critical! Baseline position control doesn’t include longevity, shift, mid-year steps, additional earnings, etc. Constant changes to fringes and salary groups – baseline isn’t easily updated. Need to accommodate budget development beyond beginning of fiscal year. Improved reporting for budget development.

7 6 How does budget work at VCCCD? Two “development” phases – POSCTL and NONPOS (includes hourly salaries/benefits) Three “combined” phases – TENTAT, RVTENT, and FINAL. Three “load” phases – TENTAT, TENADJ, FINADJ. Many positions are less than 12 months. Lots of earnings outside the salary table. Vacancies must budget accurately – including partials. “Actual” Fringe method.

8 7 Budget Phase Processing Local Process (NYSPBUP)POSCTL Phase NBAJOBS PDADEDN NTRFRNG NTRSALA NBAPOSN (Vacancies) Finance Forms (FBABDRA/ FWABDRA) NONPOS Phase NTRFRNG GTVSDAX/ PTRBDCA TENTAT Phase Loaded to OL around 7/1 – NSF checking. RVTENT Phase TENADJ Phs (RVTENT - TENTAT) Loaded to OL around 8/15 – Revised budget FINAL Phase FINADJ Phase (FINAL - RVTENT) Loaded to OL when Ah-nold says so

9 8 How does the process work? Single positions only (not Pooled) Initial chart design was critical – account types, hierarchies, etc. Setup: FTMFSYR, NBAFISC, NTRFINI, NTRFRNG, PTRBDCA overrides Local Salary Table Roll – special calcs by table (also rolls longevity tables) FTMOBUD phases GTVSDAX rules

10 9 How does the process work (continued)? NYSBROL (instead of NBPBROL) – copies NBAJOBS labor distributions. NYSPBJS – Position Budget Job Setup Creates NBAJOBS job assignments in next fiscal year Creates NBAJOBS for mid-year step advances FYLOA leave in NBAJOBS must be added manually (too many variable schedules) Report created for audit purposes

11 10 How does the process work (continued)? NYSPBUP – projected budget update Calculates salary budget from NBAJOBS for filled jobs and NBAPOSN for vacancies Calculates fringe budget from PDADEDN for filled jobs and NTRFRNG for vacancies Includes longevity, shift, additional earnings Uses multiple job effective dates, position end date, frozen/cancelled positions, etc. LT 12 month positions identified by position group in NBAPOSN

12 11 How does the process work (continued)? NYSPBUP (continued) Updates Salary and Fringe budgets in NBAPBUD (Premium not used) NBAPBUD labor distributions maintained manually (may be different for new year) Refreshes POSCTL phase in Finance budget ledger (FBABDRA/FBIBUDG) – no feed required Produces audit report for invalid account types and totals

13 12 How does the process work (continued)?

14 13 How does the process work (continued)? Hourly Fringe Calculation (form/process) “Blended” percentage rate set up in NTRFRNG GTVSDAX crosswalks account code to e-class Benefit calculated using PTRBDCA override Combined phases created via sql scripts Can be created multiple times for reporting – errors out if phase has been loaded to OPAL Separate runs for current, “selected” funds Audit report if account intersection and audit totals

15 14 How does the process work (continued)? 1.Create TENTAT for All funds (for reporting purposes only – may be run as often as desired.) 2.Create TENTAT phase for Selected funds. 3.Create TENTAT phase for Current fund. 4.Feed TENTAT phase to Operating Ledger. FYSBTEN should not be run again! 5.Create RVTENT phase for All funds (for reporting purposes only – may be run as often as desired.) 6.Create RVTENT phase for Selected funds. 7.Create RVTENT phase for Current fund. 8.Create TENADJ phase. 9.Feed TENADJ phase to Operating Ledger. FYSBRVT and FYSBTAD should not be run again! 10.Create FINAL phase for All funds (for reporting purposes only – may be run as often as desired.) 11.Create FINAL phase for Selected funds. 12.Create FINAL phase for Current fund. 13.Create FINADJ phase. 14.Feed FINADJ phase to Operating Ledger. FYSBFNL and FYSBFAD should not be run again!

16 15 How does the process work (continued)? NYSPBAC – Position Budget Activation Creates job assignments for faculty timesheet and students with new salary group Updates all job assignments with new salary table calcs (can be different from budget) Copies NBAPBUD labor distributions to NBAJOBS Updates PTRECLS with new longevity rules Updates NBAPOSN and NTRPCLS with new salary group Activates new budget in NBAPBUD and closes all old budgets Activates salary group and fiscal year Budgeting continues!

17 16 How does the process work (continued)? After Budget Activation on July 1: NYSCOLA – local process to insert job assignments based on new salary group for selected tables. Projected budget proceeds even though fiscal year is active and payroll is run. Uses variable salary groups. Budget adjustments – baseline, except for “offset” script between NHPFIN1 and NHPFIN2 (adjustments offset to “salary savings” accounts based on fund)

18 17 Reports and Views

19 18 Reports and Views (continued)

20 19 Reports and Views (continued)

21 20 Reports and Views (continued)

22 21 Reports and Views (continued)

23 22 Reports and Views (continued) Views: HV_FRINGE_BENEFITS – combines NTRFRNG and PTRBDCA HV_SALARY_TABLES – combines salary group, tables, grades, and steps HV_FISCAL_POSN_BUDGET – budget by position, type (salary, fringe), and labor distr. FV_FISCAL_BUDGET_LEDGER – budget by FOAPAL, “slotted” phases

24 23 Technical Notes Most calculations and processes are driven by functions and views All processes and reports written in sql*plus Baseline mods were minimal: Increased PTRLGTY_AMOUNT table/form to (11,6) to match NBAJOBS Added NBREARN_SHIFT to the primary key of NBREARN to avoid duplicate shifts Created additional indexes on NBRPLBD, NBRFTOT, and NBRPTOT to improve efficiency of the programs and processes. Changed the sort on the form NTRSGRP so that the active salary group would sort first.

25 24 Summary Accurate position control budget is mission- critical for VCCCD Position Control budget is driven by actual jobs/deductions Changes in job/deduction assignments, fringe rules, salary tables, etc. automatically update budget Budget development continues beyond fiscal year beginning User understanding of Banner is crucial!

26 25 Questions? (Time to Wake Up!)

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