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Think Efficiency programme Budget Scrutiny Committee meeting November 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Think Efficiency programme Budget Scrutiny Committee meeting November 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think Efficiency programme Budget Scrutiny Committee meeting November 2009

2 Slide 2 Think Efficiency Workstreams Workstream Customer Services Administration Management Structures Procurement Common Functions - Strategy Policy Perf and Partnerships - Organisational Training & Development - Transactional HR - Programme & Project Mgt - Transactional Finance - Marketing & Comms - Democratic Services Objective Streamline telephone/face-to-face contact, migrate to web Campus + service specific approach, consistent mgt support Reduce mgt tiers – 1:5:7:15 ratio principle Strengthen resource, reduce cost of supplies & services Centralise with outstationing, flexible resource pool Reduce overtime, external training providers & venue hire, streamline internal resource Centralise with outstationing (schools), ICT enablement Centralise with outstationing, new gateway process More automation – payroll (self-service), payments Centralise, consistent branding, redesign TIC, internal comms Align Committee Services/Scrutiny, reduce paper

3 Slide 3 Current status by Project/Direction of travel WorkstreamCurrent statusDirection of travel Customer ServicesRed Strategy Policy Performance and PartnershipsRedAmber AdministrationAmberGreen Management StructuresGreen Organisational Training & DevelopmentGreen ProcurementGreen Transactional HRGreen Programme & Project ManagementGreen Transactional FinanceGreen Marketing & CommunicationsGreen Democratic ServicesGreen NB: The current rating is based on progress to date to ensure the means are in place to deliver the current years target efficiencies

4 Slide 4 Green Flags Organisational Structures finalised, approved and implemented for –Marketing and Communications –Democratic Services –Procurement –Organisational Development and Training –Transactional HR –Project and Programme Management –Transactional Finance Financial savings for all these workstreams on target Corporate Procurement Savings likely to over-achieve against target

5 Slide 5 Amber Flag Administration –Campus Managers recruited for Civic Centre and Crompton House –Campus model introduced Civic Centre/Crompton October 2009 –Progressing with the recruitment of Campus Managers for Minerva and Turnpike –£1.151m savings target achieved through deduction at source within Directorates budgets –73 posts deleted to date against target of 68 posts, largely through deletion of 50 vacant posts, but timing may mean fall short of financial target –Further posts planned to be removed from Turnpike and Minerva

6 Slide 6 Red Flags Customer Services –Significantly behind programme –Extensive consultation and engagement with CHSC and Children’s has realised minimal efficiencies to date, although channel shift opportunities identified –The dialogue has increased in frequency with the 2 named Directorates and the establishment of a Task Force in CSD has helped but; final delivery plan must reconcile with the Personalisation and Safeguarding agendas; we also cannot make the quantum leap from design to completed delivery due to service complexities; –Alternative budgetary plans are being put in place to deliver these targets

7 Slide 7 Red Flags Strategy, Policy, Performance & Partnerships –Phase 1 deliveredOctober 2009 Outline managerial structure, reduction of 15-20 posts –Phase 2 on track January 2010 Creation of single common function (Corporate, Social Care, Clean, Safe and Green, Research and Intelligence) –Short of financial target 2009/10 but 2010/11 achievable (£1m per annum) –Further review of in scope posts for Phase 3 to be carried out to identify options for achieving 2010/11 target

8 Slide 8 Programme enablers ICT: Cohesive and complimentary updated delivery plan due end November to ensure synergies with the main programme are maintained HR: Ongoing active participation across the programme via staff/Union consultation, management of VER/VS and transition into new organisational structures with accompanying Organisational Training and Development supporting function Property: HR new offices under construction (ground floor main civic) plus conversion of Innovation House into Corporate ICT Training Suite due to commence early 2010 Agile Working : Phase 1 and 2 complete. Final efficiency savings totals to be confirmed but anticipated to be around £380K Communications: Issue of The One staff newsletter with a focus on Think Efficiency published and distributed end October 2009

9 Slide 9 Financial Approach and Position Savings for 2009/10 allocated from all Directorates’ budgets at start of year Directorates expected to manage allocations and deliver their Think Efficiency savings by alternative means if any fall short of target Therefore £12m cumulative savings effectively realised but progress monitored and evaluated via :- - budget monitoring - programme monitoring The exceptions remain : - from a budget perspective – CS - from a programme perspective – by directorate - CS, CHSC, SR - by workstream – Admin, Customer Services, Strategy and Policy

10 Slide 10 Impact on Jobs WORKSTREAM FTE Reduction achieved to dateTarget FTE Reduction 2009/10 VERsVSsVacancies deleted Total Administration21.6150.673.268.6 Common Functions33.40.959.894.189.1 Customer Services5-2756 Management Structures34-84267 Procurement (new posts) ---(3)(2) Workforce Management1.9-6.88.77 TOTAL95.91.9127.2222285.7 Target Total FTE Reduction by 2010/11 97 106 89 79 (2) 17 386

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