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Workforce EN Billing 2013 Ticket/EN Series Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy, NDI Technical Assistance Team Presented by: Mary Lynn ReVoir and Kevin.

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Presentation on theme: "Workforce EN Billing 2013 Ticket/EN Series Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy, NDI Technical Assistance Team Presented by: Mary Lynn ReVoir and Kevin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workforce EN Billing 2013 Ticket/EN Series Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy, NDI Technical Assistance Team Presented by: Mary Lynn ReVoir and Kevin Nickerson, NDI Technical Assistance Team and Aaron Aybar, Maximus Operations Support Manager U.S. Department of Labor

2 Questions/Comments If you have a comment or question we encourage you to submit it to the host in writing via the Chat or Q&A Box to the right. Your question will either be addressed during the training, responded to in the Chat or Q&A Box, or followed up on after the training. 2

3 Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) According to the SGA, DEI Projects at the state level and/or local level participating LWIBs are required to become Employment Networks (ENs) under Social Security Administration’s (SSA’s) Ticket to Work Program. Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects in attaining Employment Network status and implementing effective EN operations is provided under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI Consulting, Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI). Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects implementation and outcomes as Employment Network will be provided under U.S. DOL ODEP contract with Social Dynamics.

4 Learning Objectives Upon completion of this training, DEI grantees will have the following: Knowledge of the Ticket payment structure Basic understanding of the ePay process Information about Employment Network (EN) payment reports and how to interpret the reports Tips related to EN payments

5 Subject Matter Expert ReVoir Mary Lynn ReVoir DEI TA Liaison P: (515) 975-2344 E:

6 Agenda Introduction of Ticket Payment Structure Options available to Workforce ENs to process EN Payment requests Description of ePay ePay Testimonial Summary Next Steps Q&A

7 Introduction of Ticket Payment Structure 7

8 Snapshot of Ticket to Work Beneficiary selects an Employment Network Beneficiary and EN has an Individual Work Plan (IWP) or Individual Employment Plan (IEP) Beneficiary obtains employment as a result of the employment services provided by the EN Beneficiary's monthly wages qualify for the Ticket Payment The EN receives EN Payment for employment services

9 Subject Matter Expert Guest Aaron Aybar EN Payments Help Desk / Document Operations Support Manager E: 9

10 Options Available to Workforce ENs to process EN Payment requests 10

11 Ticket Payment Structure

12 Factors that Impact EN Payments 1. 18 month Work History 2. Successful VR case closure 3. Previous Ticket assignment to another EN

13 How does an EN get paid? Once MAXIMUS determines claims meet all criteria and processes claims for payment, Social Security transmits a payment file to the U.S. Treasury U.S. Treasury release payment as an electronic deposit to the EN bank account recorded in EN receives written payment notice from SSA via mail

14 Tools Available Quarterly Beneficiary Earnings Report (QBER) EN Payment Status Report

15 How to Interpret a Payment Status Report (PSR)? Review components How to obtain PSR

16 Certification of Services (COS) The EN required to documentation of services at specified points, at a minimum quarterly. Not required to submit COS form to receive payment if… Can certify services were provided by noting on a securely filed document (SSA’s COS form is not required to be used) or electronically on your management information system Subject to SSA audit for review of files

17 Workforce EN Payment Options 1) Manual Payment Request 2) ePay

18 Manual Payment Request What do you need? Evidentiary (paycheck stubs) Certification Payment Request Form How do you submit? Use the portal

19 Overpayments Don’t be alarmed if this occurs Always a risk of overpayment even with manual payment submission The EN is notified by SSA The EN is given options to rectify

20 Subject Matter Expert ReVoir Mary Lynn ReVoir DEI TA Liaison P: (515) 975-2344 E:

21 Description of ePay 21

22 ePay Social Security Administration recognizes partnership with the Department of Labor America’s Job Centers ePay is unique to Workforce EN due to the federal partnership Streamlines the workforce EN payment process dramatically reducing the paperwork = ePay All Workforce EN recommended to enroll in ePay

23 How to enroll in ePay Complete eProcess enrollment form eProcess enrollment form can be signed by anyone representing the EN Submit form through secured provider portal or fax completed form to 703.893.4149 Seek training from OSM If EN operating under Workforce Payment Agreement, the EN will be using ePay

24 Snapshot of ePay Process 1. Workforce EN assigns Ticket and enrolled in ePay 2. Quarterly OSM identifies beneficiaries with qualifying earnings. 3. Payments are made to the EN when qualifying: 1) Earnings and 2) beneficiaries' payment statuses are confirmed 4. The workforce EN can access the EN Payment Status Report via secured portal for payment information.

25 How does ePay work? Once an individual’s Ticket is assigned no payment request / earnings documentation needs to be submitted by the EN OSM will search wage records of all SSNs Tickets assigned to workforce EN enrolled in ePay and check if earnings 3 x TWL or SGA threshold (determined annually by SSA) for prior 8 quarters of a specified calendar quarter All payments are made immediately

26 The calendar of ePay The screening of qualifying earnings conducted by OSM quarterly on the 2/15, 5/15, 8/15, 11/15 The screening is sent to SSA payments for review and verification for some cases SSA sends to U.S. Treasury for release of payment Why lag time of payments? It is all about timing! 6-12 mos. after earnings claim month Schedule of earnings reports are quarterly

27 Example of ePay timing Beneficiary earns $1300 in month of October, 2011 These earnings show up in the quarterly record of Oct-Dec 2011, which is submitted after the end of the quarter (employers granted up to 30 days to submit the wage record) – January, 2012 Next scheduled ePay screening is ran February 15, 2012 Payments team is sent results of screening – may need verification. March 15, 2012 U.S Treasury informed to release payment to your bank account

28 The “pay off” of ePay No collection paycheck stubs No submission of request forms Not necessary to track what you are requesting Common for business operation to have upfront initial wait period of revenues Once waited, then payments steady schedule Pleasant surprises, which manually you may not be aware If enrolled in ePay you do not fax a Certification of Services (COS) form but you are required to have COS documentation on file.

29 Other Tips regarding Payments IPP notification of payments from U.S. Treasury Payment invoices with itemized payment information to help you track your EN activity Free service when vendor of participating federal agency, such as Social Security Administration Receive email alerts when deposit is made Sign up for this “real time" service visit It is advised ENs should have a mechanism tracking payment activity. Two available tools available at no cost One designed regional EN and one for state EN Contact TA Liaison

30 Ticket/EN Subject Matter Expert Kevin Nickerson E: P: (607) 272-7570 Ext. 136 30

31 ePay Testimonial 31

32 EN Testimony Using ePay Weighing the benefits of ePay: your time Working within the payment schedule

33 Summary, Next Steps and Q&A 33

34 Summary In today’s presentation we covered the following: Knowledge of the Ticket payment structure Basic understanding of the ePay process Information about EN payment reports and how to interpret the reports Tips related to EN payments

35 Next Steps Stay tuned to the DEI listserv and register for the upcoming June training in our continuing Ticket/EN Series: Workforce EN Marketing and Outreach

36 Questions/Comments If you have a comment or question you can: A: Submit it to the host in writing via the Chat or Q&A Box to the right, or… B: Click on the “raise hand” icon to have your line un-muted and ask your question/make your comment.

37 Contact Information Mary Lynn ReVoir NDI Technical Assistance Team P: (515) 975-2344 E:

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