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Rav Aujla - Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 New Acquisitions Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Rav Aujla - Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 New Acquisitions Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rav Aujla - Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 New Acquisitions Workshop

2 Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 Contents 1.Introduction 2.Why do we sell new acquisitions 3.How they can be of benefit 4.Why do we target new connections in our Customer Retention channel 5.What are the different types of new acquisitions 6.How do I recognize sales opportunities 7.When is the best time to introduce a new acquisition offer to the customer 8.How do I process a new acquisition

3 Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 New connections workshop Introduction New acquisitions or farming the base as it is sometimes described, is a key activity within our retention channels. It represents 1 of the 5 key performance indicators within your commission structure We will explore in the workshop the what, how, why and when of new acquisitions

4 Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 Why do we sell new acquisitions? 1.As previously indicated this is 1 of the key 5 KPI’s which form part of your commission structure 2.It is therefore only natural that any successful sales advisor would be keen to maximize every opportunity to “work smarter not harder” 3.It will add value to our customer experience as we are giving our customers yet another option and even more value by extending their loyalty to their friends and family 4.It’s a fantastic opportunity to offer our customers extra services that they may not be aware that Vodafone do (i.e. Vodafone mobile internet, Netbooks etc) 5.You get paid for them!...they will increase your base commission figure which will make the difference between you getting a good commission and a FANTASTIC commission

5 Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 How they can benefit you, the customer and the company! The direct impact on agents is that you are targeted on new connections, this means that you can get a uplift on your commission but also a down lift, because this is impacted on you base figure it can make the difference of hundreds of pounds. In the current climate Money has never been more important, Vodafone’s acquisition agreement reflect this by offering rock bottom prices but with a very high level of services. Only 12 month ago we would offer 500 minutes and 100 text at £35, we can know offer 600 minutes unlimited text for as little as £19.57 and this makes us the most competitive network on the market. On Average Vodafone spend £12,000,000 a year on advertising, When we pitch an acquisition while upgrading a customer this is costing the business nothing yet delivering the same result.

6 Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 Why do we target new connections in Customer Retention Guess how much Vodafone spends each year on attracting new customers? A)250,000 per month B)2,000000 per year C)1,000000 per month 1.How many customers do you think this adds to our customer base each year? 2.How many customers do you think Vodafone loses each year? 3.Managing risk the value of knowing your customer is key, we know our customers payment profile 4.Cost saving to the business, when we obtain a new connection through a phones 4U store we pay a commission, subsidize the handset cost and discount the line rental – in return we have no way of knowing if the customer will pay their bills

7 Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 What types of new connections are there We have 3 different types of new acquisitions available to our customers 12 months SIM only tariffs The customer selects an appropriate tariff they can cancel at any point by giving 30 days notice in writing at any point Mobile Broadband (USB and Netbook) This is on a contract basis, you must check coverage in the area the customer will be using the MBB USB stick Contract sale with a handset On a 12, or 24 month basis Before we can sell a new connection we must upgrade the existing contract, if the customer wishes to cancel their existing contract and take out a new acquisition this should be passed to our Telesales team. This is in your commercial rules, and is to prevent manipulation of commission and breach of this rule could be considered gross misconduct

8 Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 Internet that travels with your laptop Get connected on the go. Simply plug in one of our dongles and get online with your laptop. Try it for 30 days and if you're not convinced we'll give you your money back - guaranteed.guaranteed Accept nothing less than superfast - the USB Modem Stick and Modem stick Pro lets you download at speeds up to 14.2 Mbps. It's also nippy when you need to shift files between PCs, Macs and phones. Just slip a MicroSD card into the built-in slot. USB Modem Stick Mobile MI-FI Your ultimate Wi-Fi hotspot It's not just for laptops. If you want to get the most out of your device on the go, then Mobile Wi-Fi gives you the freedom of a wireless Wi-Fi hotspot. There's no software to install and you can connect up to five devices at the same time easily.

9 Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 Smart Tab Crystal-clear 7-inch multi-touch screen 1GHZ processor Front and back-facing camera MicroSD card slot up to 32GB Built by Lenovo, powered by Android™ Android OS version ICS 4.0.4 Restrictions – don’t sell this as a laptop No HSDPA yet No CD/DVD Drive Has basic office suite

10 Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 How do I recognize a sales opportunity 1. Using our GFPAC call structure will naturally present opportunities “What do you love about your current handset? – what are you planning to do with your old handset?” 2. You will only recognize these opportunities if you ‘REALLY LISTEN’ to your customer. Buying Signals will be made throughout the conversation: “I use internet on my laptop a lot” “I have family on pay as you talk at the moment, they cost me a fortune” 3. Ask open questions, remember, if you don’t ask, you are cutting down your chances of getting! “You are eligible for a similar package due to your loyalty, do have a friend or family member who could benefit from this?” “What are you doing with your old handset?” (Sim Only)

11 Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 When is the best time to introduce a new connection offer 1.During your fact find, plant the seed in the customers mind, for example, customer tells you they have family on pay as you talk, advise them: “I might have something of interest that could save you and your family even more money” 2.During a proposal, if you are offering unlimited voda to voda calls, you could say: “You mentioned earlier, you have family with pay as you talk at the moment, all those calls between yourselves could be made free by…..” 3. The Columbo moment, when you have finished your script you could say: “Oh by the way, you are eligible for another fantastic package with ourselves”

12 Customer Retention Skill Centre 2009 How to process an acquisition

13 Click Here Hit Go Once in Subscription View

14 Make Sure The Customer Is Allowed a New Connection first

15 Add Tariff Click Then click services

16 Click relevant information Add V.A.S if needed Then Click equipment

17 Find phone, Click Add Then click SIM

18 Add Sim Click Accessories if applicable Click Discounts if applicable if not Then click Checkout.

19 You can find an easy number to remember by clicking here and searching for a relevant number e.g. customers birth date ect… Click Next

20 Fill in to customers needs Click Next

21 Tick Box Click next

22 Customers new number will Auto populate here Click here

23 Any Questions?

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