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Introduction to Agriculture Education Mr Oetken Ag Ed Instructor/FFA Advisor.

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2 Introduction to Agriculture Education Mr Oetken Ag Ed Instructor/FFA Advisor

3 Seating Chart Your seat for 1st Quarter. Unless I change it!

4 Basics Get here on time!

5 Basics Drinking fountain in shop Bathroom in classroom pencil sharpener TRASH- Help keep clean!

6 Basics Classroom setup Computers Shop Temperature

7 Come to Class Prepared to be a Student!!!!! It is Your Job! A prepared student brings---- ◦a writing instrument ◦assignment book/planner ◦a notebook, folder or paper ◦textbook ◦calculator or other TOOLS you need to do your job.

8 A prepared student is a successful student!! How???? ◦Pay attention in class, try to learn something new every period ◦do assignments/projects- graded or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ◦ASK QUESTIONS!!! ◦TAKE NOTES!!!! ◦Study for Quizzes, Exams

9 Class Expectations can be found at Read the Welcome section and course information following link for this class. If you have internet access at home have parents read and send me an e-mail stating they have read both welcome and course expectations by Friday 8/29 No access- print out welcome and expectations pages and take home to sign, return by 8/29

10 Introduce yourself and answer the question.

11 In this class In other classes In activities you want to be involved. In other personal things that are important to you

12 Write your goals or things you want to accomplish this year in your notebook or on a piece of paper. Use complete sentences and correct spelling. No other guidelines Due tomorrow, bring them to class finished.

13 Goals: Something you want to accomplish Should be something that motivates you to work. Written down and shared with someone

14 Step 1- Write SMART Goals pecific easurable -use language that is specific - Must be able to see if you accomplish it. ttainable - must be able to accomplish in time frame. ealistic - must be high enough to motivate ime frame - set time deadline to accomplish goal.

15 Example I want to be rich. I want to earn 1 million dollars by age 30.

16 Time frames Short term- accomplish in a year or less Medium term- accomplish in 1- 5 years Long term- 5 or more years in future.

17 Assignment Write a long term goal about your choice of a career path. Write a minimum of 5 medium term goals needed to reach the l.t. goal Write 2 or 3 short term goals needed to reach each m.t. goal. Type up in outline form and submit by date assigned.







24 Pathways

25 Classroom SAE FFA

26 SAE Supervised Agriculture Experience Required of everyone Early out days are designated SAE update days.

27 SAE Requirements Minimum Wage Plan a SAE project Submit the required reports and forms requested No visit Scheduled with Mr Oetken Receive a C grade Getting a raise Plan and initiate your project. Keep records up to date and submitted each grade period. Schedule a conference with Mr O each grading term. Receive a B grade

28 SAE Requirements Promotion- FFA members should plan for this level. Plan and initiate your project and maintain it year around. Keep records up to date and submitted each grade period. Work toward degree requirements for FFA membership degrees and awards. Schedule a conference or instructional visit with Mr O each grading term. Receive an A grade

29 FFA The National FFA Organization

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