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Professional Digital Portfolio 2012. Global Economy Increased competition Thomas L. Friedman: The World is Flat –A job that can become routine will be.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Digital Portfolio 2012. Global Economy Increased competition Thomas L. Friedman: The World is Flat –A job that can become routine will be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Digital Portfolio 2012

2 Global Economy Increased competition Thomas L. Friedman: The World is Flat –A job that can become routine will be outsourced or automated. –What will make you competitive in the modern world?

3 The Seven Survival Skills 1.Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving 2.Learn to ask really good questions 3.Oral and Written Communication –Persuasive –Writing with a voice 4.Collaboration 5.Agility & Adaptability 6.Initiative & Entrepreneurialism 7.Curiosity & Imagination

4 Digital Professional Portfolio Suggested Components –Current Resume –Projects –Visuals –Personal Statement –Skills Analysis & Evidence of Selected Outcomes –Additional Accomplishments –Awards and Honors –Work Experience –Volunteer Experience

5 File Management Create a folder on your flash drive (back it up inside your “My Documents” folder) –Name the folder: LastNameDigitalPortfolio (include your first initial if necessary) –For Example: MaherDigitalPortfolio Do NOT include spaces in your folder name –You will save all of your html files to this local root folder Inside your Portfolio folder create two additional folders: –Images –Documents All documents will be moved to or saved in this folder *Be sure to define your site properly *Be sure that all of your HTMl files, stylesheets, documents, images,and projects are saved in your Digital Portfolio folder (Ex. MaherDigitalPorfolio)

6 Your Home Page

7 Home Page Focus on the content Your Home Page should introduce the following clearly and concisely: –what’s on your site –where to find it –how to contact you –why they should explore further Everything else is subordinate to these four tasks. As a general rule your homepage should look slightly different than the rest of your site.

8 Home Page Don’t tell them – tell them what you’re going to tell them Don’t write too much. Decide what you want people to do – identify two actions and focus on them.

9 Common Objectives grab your attention stir your emotions build your interest get you involved develop your appetite establish credibility and trust persuade you to take action

10 Be Aware Most people don’t read websites – they scan them Search engines can’t read pictures; they read words

11 Avoid: If you want an effective, search engine friendly website, things to stay away from include: 1.Intros designed in Flash, the animation technology for websites. 2.Revolving globes, bevelled line separators and animated mail boxes. 3.Too many pop-up or pop-under boxes. 4.Autoplay music. Let your customer choose to play music if offering it strengthens your message. 5.Free hit counters saying "you’re the 27th visitor" – big deal. 6.Date and time stamps, unless you update your website daily or weekly. 7.Busy backgrounds.

12 Focus on your core content easy navigation interactivity promoting your site to your target audience

13 Plan Your Site Research Flow Chart –Paper –Word –Inspiration Story Board (sketch) of your home page –Paper –Fireworks



16 Digital Portfolio Your Digital Portfolio folder should be named: LastNameDigitalPortfolio Ex. KMaherDigitalPortfolio Be sure: your site is properly defined all of your images, documents, and files are stored in your portfolio folder

17 Peer Review Design (Aesthetics) –Color choices –Contrast –Consistency Content –Professionalism –Well written? (formal, free of grammar and spelling errors) –Appropriate (do NOT date yourself; no grades, age, or mention of elementary or middle school; use years instead.)

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