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Curriculum Mapping November 2004. Today’s Agenda Pre-Survey Introduction of CM Team Purpose What is Curriculum? Why Map? CM Concepts Tentative Timeline.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Mapping November 2004. Today’s Agenda Pre-Survey Introduction of CM Team Purpose What is Curriculum? Why Map? CM Concepts Tentative Timeline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Mapping November 2004

2 Today’s Agenda Pre-Survey Introduction of CM Team Purpose What is Curriculum? Why Map? CM Concepts Tentative Timeline Post-Survey

3 Curriculum Mapping Team Katie Byrne Kim Campagna Nellie Delfini Bryan Drozd David Dudiak Hope Durkin Madonna Fiorelli Sharon McGuire Ceil Oakes Susan Scroppo

4 Purpose No decisions have been made as of yet. This meeting is designed to provide information.

5 Define Curriculum Activity

6 Types of Curriculum Recommended – Standards as defined by experts in their field. Written – State standards, local goals and objectives (ie., curriculum binders). Supported – Curriculum for which materials are actually available, such as textbooks and software.

7 Types of Curriculum Tested – What is actually assessed at the state and local level. Taught – The content that teachers actually deliver. Learned – The content that students learn.

8 What is Curriculum Mapping? Curriculum Mapping is the documentation and discussion of what we teach. It is a collaborative process that helps us understand teaching and learning throughout the Elementary and Middle School.

9 Why Curriculum Mapping? It benefits ALL students. Mapping is a COMMUNICATION tool. Mapping is a PLANNING tool, it keeps us FOCUSED and targets necessary information. Promotes PROFESSIONALISM and teaching creativeness.

10 Benefits Mapping is not burdensome, in fact it replaces repeat teachings and (eventually) lesson plans. Mapping allows us to focus on fewer goals, and therefore, teach concepts in depth. Mapping will eliminate wasted review and expand teaching time. It vertically shows curriculum steps.

11 What Happens With Curriculum Mapping? Departments can investigate the map to identify gaps in the vertical and horizontal alignment of courses. Assess what students mastered in the preceding grade and focus on building skills and knowledge. Horizontal alignment, assures that all teachers follow a similar timeline.

12 Curriculum Mapping Attempts to: Create a “snapshot” of the educational activities of every classroom within the district. Capture the content skills and assessments taught by every teacher in the district. Organize this information into an easily accessed visual that presents a timeline of instruction by teacher and course.

13 Every day When… This is a multi-year ongoing process

14 How… We’ll show you.

15 Sample Curriculum Map Essential Questions Content (noun) Skills (verb) AssessmentActivities August September October November December

16 Essential Questions… Focus on a broad topic of study. Have multiple answers and perspectives. They address “why” or “how”. They are “mental Velcro” that helps ideas stick in students’ minds.

17 Essential Questions Examples Which is more important – water or air? What is change? What if Shakespeare were a woman?

18 Content Content is the essential concepts and topics covered during a month. Content is written beginning with a noun.

19 Content Examples Cultural diversity Water cycle Bridge to Terabithia Local Government Systems Fire Safety

20 Skills Skills are key abilities and processes students will develop related to specific content. Skills are written beginning with a verb.

21 Skills Examples Reading a map Writing a play Analyzing non-fiction text Writing persuasive essays Matching words and pictures

22 Assessment Assessments are the products or performances that demonstrate student learning. Assessments are what the student does (the actual product or performance), not the evaluation tool used to assess the product.

23 Assessment Examples Group presentation Brochure Research Paper Essay exam Puppet show Debate

24 Activities Key activities that lead to acquisition of knowledge and skills. Describe the "how" for the knowledge and skills.

25 Activities Examples Writing persuasive letters to local government Water analysis of local river Critique a work of art Create a 50 states quilt

26 Curriculum Mapping Timeline Summer 2004: Core team attends training Fall 2004: Core Team plans training and dissemination. Presents at Institute. December 2004: Staff Development January 2005: CM Training continues during Institute

27 Curriculum Mapping Timeline February 2005: Train teachers and staff. Teachers and staff develop maps for one class or content area February 2005: Identify and purchase software March 2005: Teams review maps.

28 Curriculum Mapping Timeline Academic Year 2005/2006: First draft of Curriculum Maps are finished. Review and revision of maps begin And then…

29 Once we have our Maps, what do we do with them?

30 Maps are never finished; they are a work in progress! Documentation Examination Revision Documentation Examination Revision Documentation Examination Revision Documentation Examination Revision

31 Post-Survey


33 rtualwkshp004.shtml See Curriculum Mapping mid page

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