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LIGHT SCAN TECHNOLOGIES  Our new medical scanner uses different frequencies and amplitudes of visible light to measure blood flow through the body by.

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Presentation on theme: "LIGHT SCAN TECHNOLOGIES  Our new medical scanner uses different frequencies and amplitudes of visible light to measure blood flow through the body by."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIGHT SCAN TECHNOLOGIES  Our new medical scanner uses different frequencies and amplitudes of visible light to measure blood flow through the body by tracking iron content  The Classical Physics Society is suing for a percent of the profits since the technology must use light wave theory.  The Quantum Physics Society is suing for a percent of the profits since the technology must use light particle theory.

2 YOU HAVE BEEN HIRED TO MAKE A CASE  1. Case must have an argument that Ms. Laz would agree is a proper legal format.  2. Case must have medical references and concepts in a format Ms. White would consider acceptable.  3. Case must use Physics concepts and references that make Mr. Graves say WOW

3 GRADING  You will receive an assignment grade for your participation and behavior observed by Coach Graves.  You will debate the opposite team, the winning debaters will receive a 110 as a test grade. The Losers will receive the higher of the grade assigned by the winners or the grade assigned by Mr. Graves  You must produce a written argument and a poster that supports the argument.

4 BONUS  YOUR MAGNET TEACHERS MAY AWARD YOU A GRADE FOR THE ASSIGNMENT THAT WILL REPLACE A LOW ASSIGNMENT GRADE.  You will have the entire period today and 20 min on Monday to prepare your arguments.

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